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    • Life of Pi 少年派的奇幻漂流(英国版) ISBN9781406330267
    •   ( 187 条评论 )
    • Yann Martel扬·马特尔) 著 /2010-07-01/ Walker Books
    • One boy, one boat, one tiger... After the tragic sinking of acargo ship, a solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild bluePacific. The only survivors from the wreck are a sixteen-year-oldboy named Pi, a hyena, a zebra (with a broken leg), a femaleorang-utan - and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger. The scene is setfor one of the most extraordinary and best-loved works of fictionin recent years.

    • ¥61.8 折扣:5.7折
    • The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Person
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Rosamund Stone Zander 著 /2006-07-01/ Penguin
    • Presenting twelve breakthrough practices for bringing creativity into all human endeavors, The Art of Possibility is the dynamic product of an extraordinary partnership. The Art of Possibility combines Benjamin Zander's experience as conductor of the Boston Philharmonic and his talent as a teacher and communicator with psychotherapist Rosamund Stone Zander's genius for designing innovative paradigms for personal and professional fulfillment. The authors' harmoniously interwoven perspectives provide a deep sense of the powerful role that the notion of possibility can play in every aspect of life. Through uplifting stories, parables, and personal anecdotes, the Zanders invite us to become passionate communicators, leaders, and performers whose lives radiate possibility into the world

    • ¥72.9 折扣:6.6折
    • The Hobbit(B format)霍比特人ISBN9780007270613
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • J.R.R. Tolkien 著,Alan Lee 插图作者 /2008-04-01/ HarperCollins UK
    • Amazon.co.uk Review Poor Bilbo Baggins! An unassuming and rather plump hobbit (as most of these small, furry-footed people tend to be ), Baggins finds himself unwittingly drawn into adventure by a wizard named Gandalf and 13 dwarves bound for the Lonely Mountain, where a dragon named Smaug hordes a stolen treasure. Before he knows what is happening, Baggins finds himself on the road to danger. Wizards, dwarves and dragons may seem the stuff of children's fairy tales, but The Hobbit is in a class of its own--light-hearted enough for younger readers, yet with a dark edge guaranteed to intrigue an older audience. In the best tradition of the archetypal hero's quest, Bilbo Baggins sets out on his fateful journey a callow, untested soul and returns--tempered by hardship, danger and loss--a better man--er, hobbit. This book is the predecessor to Tolkien's masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, and though that trilogy can be thoroughly enjoyed without first reading The Hobbit, much that happens in the lat

    • ¥71.4 折扣:5.7折
    • The Mortal Instruments:City Of Ashes 圣杯神器2:灰烬之城 ISBN 9781416
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Cassandra Clare 著 /2009-03-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • 我会回到这个世界,用复仇之火将一切燃成灰烬…… “血缘会相互召唤,而命运将引领他们会合。” 瓦伦汀再度出现,不仅夺走了圣杯,也为杰斯与克莱莉带来了毁灭──他们相爱,却无可选择地成为兄妹。曾经认知的一切真实如今已是虚假:不论是父亲、身分、善恶与爱情。 反动势力再起,瓦伦汀亟欲重组圆环会,终于令政委会有所动作,调查与敌意的箭头竟指向了杰斯,只因他是瓦伦汀的儿子。同时,异世界也开始不得安宁,一名巫师与一个狼人遭到杀害,甚至被吸干了鲜血,这会是黑夜之子所为?还是另有其人? 由于忠诚遭受质疑,杰斯陷入了愤怒和沮丧的情绪;与克莱莉之间的爱,已经不是他有资格追求之事,况且现在,克莱莉似乎转而投入了西蒙的怀抱。杰斯知道,证明自己的清白才是当务之急。 当杰斯提出自愿接受“圣剑”审判的要求,审问

    • ¥60.2 折扣:6.3折
    • ANIMORPHS #01: THE INVASION 动物变形人系列#1:天外入侵ISBN9780545291514
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • K. A. Applegate 著 /2011-08-01/ Scholastic
    • 地球正在遭受入侵,只是没有人知道这件事情。 杰克、瑞秋、托比亚、卡西和马可偶然遇到一艘失事飞船和一个垂死的飞行员。 没想到,因为这次偶遇,他们被赋予了一种神奇的力量——他们可以变成任何他们碰到的动物。 也因为这个神奇的力量,他们变成了动物变形人,在这个隐蔽的战争中保护美丽的星球。 但是,他们的敌人也非常强大。敌人可以变成任何一个他们想要变成的人,甚至是杰克他们亲密的人。 在这一次次战争中,动物变形人们能否胜出呢? 独特的故事视角,丰富的想象力,惊险刺激的故事情节,小读者们爱不释手。

    • ¥29.9 折扣:5折
    • Carry On, Mr. Bowditch 加油,鲍迪奇先生 1956年纽伯瑞金奖 9780618250745
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Jean Lee Latham 著 /2003-05-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Readers today are still fascinated by "Nat," aneighteenth-century nautical wonder and mathematical wizard.Nathaniel Bowditch grew up in a sailor"s world—Salem in the earlydays, when tall-masted ships from foreign ports crowded thewharves. But Nat didn"t promise to have the makings of a sailor; hewas too physically small. Nat may have been slight of build, but noone guessed that he had the persistence and determination to mastersea navigation in the days when men sailed only by "log, lead, andlookout." Nat"s long hours of study and observation, collected inhis famous work, The American Practical Navigator (also known asthe "Sailors" Bible"), stunned the sailing community and made him aNew England hero.

    • ¥38 折扣:6.3折
    • The Mortal Instruments:City Of Bones 圣杯神器1:骸骨之城 ISBN 9781416
    •   ( 30 条评论 )
    • Cassandra Clare 著 /2008-03-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • 七彩炫光、动感舞曲……在“地狱俱乐部”里交织成一个蓝与绿,粉红与金色交织的梦幻世界。这里人们的穿著打扮,还有播放的音乐,都让十五岁的克莱莉感觉像是一场梦,和她好的朋友西蒙一起来到夜店跳舞狂欢,满怀期待在夜店有机会见到一些刺激场面,谁知竟看到一场凶杀案——三个自称是“暗影猎人”的年轻人正企图谋杀,但受害者竟消失在她眼前,而她身边的人竟无人能看到杀手们…… 那三个行凶杀人的少年、少女是什么人?他们的身上为何布满诡异的印记?母亲的失踪,和她突然遭到魔兽袭击,与这些自称为“暗影猎人”的男女又有什么关连? 为了找寻母亲,也为了解开这背后的秘密,克莱莉决定跟随这些“暗影猎人”来到他们的学院,却意外发现,自己身上竟然也流著“暗影猎人”的血液…… When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out tothe Pandemoni

    • ¥60.2 折扣:6.3折
    • ANIMORPHS #05: THE PREDATOR 动物变形人系列#5:弱肉强食ISBN9780545291576
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • Katherine A. Applegate 著 /2013-09-01/ Scholastic
    • 杰克、瑞秋、托比亚、卡西和马可偶然遇到一艘失事飞船和一个垂死的飞行员。 因为这次偶遇,他们被赋予了一种神奇的力量——他们可以变成任何他们碰到的动物。 也因为这个神奇的力量,他们变成了动物变形人,在这个隐蔽的战争中保护我们美丽的星球。 同时,敌人也非常强大。敌人可以变成任何一个他们想要变成的人,甚至是杰克他们亲密的人。 马可从来不想成为动物变形人,他并不想成为保护地球的战士。 他的朋友们知道其中的原因,那就是马可非常担心自己的父亲。父亲是马可世上的亲人了,如果马可遇到了不测,那么他的父亲在这世上该是多么的孤单呀。 谁想到,之后发生的一件大事彻底改变了马可的想法,而马可也终于知道了自己该为星球战斗的理由…… 独特的故事视角,丰富的想象力,惊险刺

    • ¥30.4 折扣:5.1折
    • The Mortal Instruments:City of Fallen Angels 圣杯神器4:堕天使之城 ISB
    •   ( 24 条评论 )
    • Cassandra Clare 著 /2011-09-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • 我们因天使之血而生,但你的爱,却令我不舍堕入黑暗…… “爱即是毁灭,而被爱即是遭到毁灭。” 瓦伦汀已死,杰斯却对自己再度产生了质疑──血缘,是否真能战胜后天的教养?梦境之中,他一次又一次地伤害着克莱莉……纵使知道,一切只是恐惧的倒影,他仍旧害怕自己的恶如同“父亲”一般,本性难移。 伊德瑞斯的圣战结束,克莱莉回到纽约展开全新生活,母亲乔瑟琳与卢克即将成婚,她也开始接受学院训练,准备成为一名暗影猎人。重要的是,她和杰斯之间终于毫无阻碍,能以男女朋友相称;但杰斯的有意闪避,已在克莱莉心中投下了不安的种子。 恋人间的隔阂使女孩神伤,不专一的男孩却会令女孩发怒。西蒙同时与伊莎贝和梅雅约会,而且彼此互不知情,眼看一场“爱”的圣战就要引爆,西蒙却无暇担忧。古老的吸血鬼因他额上的“流浪者印记

    • ¥95.5 折扣:5.5折
    • Catch-22 第22条军规 (50周年纪念版)
    •   ( 293 条评论 )
    • Joseph Heller 著 /2010-12-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • 《第二十二条军规》是一部严肃的、讽刺性极强的小说。通过这部小说,约瑟夫·海勒将他眼中的美国社会展现在读者眼前。这个社会处于一种有组织的混乱、一种制度化了的疯狂之中,这个社会的一切只服从“第二十二条军规”的荒诞逻辑。这样一种病态的、荒诞的社会只有海勒的想象力才能够包容它,只有“黑色幽默”这样的创作手法才能够较好地表现它。通过“第二十二条军规”这个象征,读者也可以看到战争、美国社会及其官僚机构的荒诞、疯狂和不可理喻。由于这部小说揭示了美国社会真实的一面,因此它不仅在西方社会里具有普遍的意义并被译成十多种文字,而且对于我们中国读者认识、了解当代美国社会以及由这个社会造就的一代没有理想、没有信仰、没有人生目标的美国人,无疑具有极高的价值。这部小说的主要情节非常简单:第二次世界大战末

    • ¥78.9 折扣:5.4折
    • The Infernal Devices 1. Clockwork Angel 地狱设备1 械行天使 ISBN 9781
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Cassandra Clare 著 /2010-08-01/
    • WHEN TESSA GRAY CROSSES THE OCEAN to find her brother inVictorian England. something terrifying is waiting for her inLondon's Downworld.Kidnapped bv the mysterious Dark Sisters, whoare members of a secret organizationcalled the Pandemomum Club,Tessa soon learns that she has the power to transforminto anotherperson. The Magister. the shadowy figure who runs the dub. willstop atnothing to claim Tessa's power for his own. Friendless andhunted. Tessa takesrefuge withthe Shadowbunters. warriors dedicatedto ridding the World of demons. She so0n find herself fascinatedby--and torn between two best friends: James, whose fagiebeatty hides a deadly secret, and Will, whose volatile moods keepeveryone at arm's length. As their search draws them deep into aplot that threatens to destroy the Shadowhuntrs Tessa realizesthat. she may needto choose between saving her brotherand hdpng new friends save the world.., and that love may bethe most dangerous magic of all.

    • ¥60.2 折扣:6.3折
    • ANIMORPHS #06: THE CAPTURE 动物变形人系列#6:囊中之物ISBN9780545291583
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • Katherine A. Applegate 著 /2012-03-01/ Scholastic
    • The wildly popular series by K.A. Applegate is back! The first six books of Animorphs return, with striking new lenticular covers that morph. It was bad when Jake found out his brother was one of them. A Human-Controller. A slave. But that was nothing compared to this. When the Animorphs decide to visit the Yeerks' new base, it seems simple. But then they get caught and Jake falls -- just for a moment -- into the Yeerk pool. Now they're out, and his friends can't see it. To them he's just like normal. But Jake is screaming for help. His worst fear has finally come true. He's become the enemy.

    • ¥30.7 折扣:5.1折
    • Life of Pi 皮皮i的奇幻漂流 ISBN9780156035880
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2001-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • A boy of many faiths. A 450-pound Bengal tiger. A shipwreck. A lifeboat. The Pacific Ocean.With more than six million copies in print life of Pt'has become a modern classic, combining grand storytelling with a profound exploration of age-less themes: faith and truth, fact and fiction, man versus nature, and innocence and experience.

    • ¥34 折扣:5.3折
    • Forever (Wolves of Mercy Falls, Book 3) [Paperback]《边境森林第三部-
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Maggie Stiefvater 著 /2012-05-01/ Scholastic
    • The thrilling conclusion to #1 bestselling Shiver trilogy fromMaggie Stievater. then. When Sam met Grace, he was a wolf and she was a girl. Eventuallyhe found a way to become a boy, and their love transformed fromcurious distance to the intense closeness of shared lives. now. That should have been the end of their story. But Grace was notmeant to stay human. Now she is the wolf. And the wolves of MercyFalls are about to be hunted in one final, spectacular kill. forever. Sam would do anything for Grace. But can one boy and one lovereally change a hostile, predatory world? The past, the present,and the future will all collide in one pure moment - a moment ofdeath or life, farewell or forever.

    • ¥42.8 折扣:5折
    • The Dark Is Rising Sequence:Over Sea, Under Stone;The Dark I
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Susan Cooper 著 /2013-06-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Epic. Bestselling. Award-winning. The complete Dark Is Rising Sequence is now available as one keepsake collection. Will Stanton’s ordinary life is shattered with the dreadful revelation that the Dark—the source of all evil—is rising in its last and greatest bid to control the world. He finds that he is no ordinary boy, but the last-born of the Old Ones, immortals dedicated to keeping mankind free from the Dark. Soon Will is swept up in the great battle, along with his ageless master, Merriman; the three Drew children, who are mortal but have their own vital part to play; and a strange boy named Bran. These six fight fear and death in a quest through time and space interwoven with the most ancient myths of the islands of Britain—until, at last, Will and Bran find the weapon that will ultimately vanquish the Dark. One of the most celebrated fantasy sequences of all time, The Dark Is Rising is a searing, epic rendering of the eternal conflict between good and evil. This complete collec

    • ¥194.4 折扣:6.5折
    • Warcraft: War of the Ancients #3: The Sundering 魔兽争霸上古之战三部曲3
    •   ( 50 条评论 )
    • Richard A. Knaak 著 /2005-12-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • The valiant night elves have been shattered by the loss of theirbeloved general. The black dragon, Neltharion, has claimed theDemon Soul and scattered the mighty dragonflights to the winds.Above all, the demonlord, Archimonde, has led the Burning Legion tothe very brink of victory over Kalimdor. As the land and itsdenizens reel from this unstoppable evil, a terror beyond allreckoning draws ever nearer from the Well of Eternity'sdepths... In the final, apocalyptic chapter of this epic trilogy, thedragon-mage Krasus and the young druid Malfurion must riskeverything to save Azeroth from utter destruction. Banding togetherthe dwarves, tauren and furbolg races, the heroes hope to spark analliance to stand against the might of the Burning Legion. For ifthe Demon Soul should fall into the Legion's hands, all hope forthe world will be lost. This then, is the hour...where past andfuture collide!

    • ¥41.6 折扣:5.9折
    • Hunger Games Boxed Set 饥饿游戏3本套装 ISBN9789810912246
    •   ( 654 条评论 )
    • Suzanne Collins /2014-08-01/ Scholastic
    • Set in a dark vision of the near future, a terrifying realityTV show is taking place. Twelve boys and twelve girls are forced toappear in a live event called The Hunger Games. There is only onerule: kill or be killed. When sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeesteps forward to take her younger sister's place in the games, shesees it as a death sentence. But Katniss has been close to deathbefore. For her, survival is second nature.

    • ¥87.6 折扣:5.1折
    • ANIMORPHS #02: THE VISITOR 动物变形人系列#2:不速之客ISBN9780545291521
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • K. A. Applegate 著 /2011-08-01/ Scholastic
    • 杰克、瑞秋、托比亚、卡西和马可偶然遇到一艘失事飞船和一个垂死的飞行员。 因为这次偶遇,他们被赋予了一种神奇的力量——他们可以变成任何他们碰到的动物。 也因为这个神奇的力量,他们变成了动物变形人,在这个隐蔽的战争中保护我们美丽的星球。 同时,敌人也非常强大。敌人可以变成任何一个他们想要变成的人,甚至是杰克他们亲密的人。 拥有超能力但不意味着你可以无限制的使用它。杰克他们的变形能力也是一样,每一次变形不可以超过2小时。 但是,这一次托比亚却打破了时间限制,他在里面呆了超过两个小时,而这意味着他将被永远陷在鹰的身体中! 当托比亚发现了外星人的重要秘密时,托比亚知道他必须尽全力去破坏它。 但是,这样做的话就意味着他必须控制他的身体,毕竟他现

    • ¥30.7 折扣:5.1折