《 孟子 **英文全译全注本》是吴国珍先生继2012年出版的《 论语 **英文全译全注本》之后的又一力作,也是他2005年退休后殚精竭虑英译“四书”的又一重要成果。为使英译忠于原文,作者首先精心打造出全新的、公允而平白的古文今译,而英译方面,则能秉承专家对其《论语》英译所作的“准确、简练、通俗、地道”的一贯风格,打造出清新、流畅、简约、准确的全新译文。此书在对外推介时,专家的评语是:“吴老师的《孟子》英译,同样是下足了功夫:他的‘孟子年表’、‘孟子思想介绍’和每一章所包含的诸多历史背景故事的详细注释,全部以英文呈现,对目标读者可谓贡献良多;他的正文英译,更能体现原文特有的韵味。我读吴老师的英译,**印象是行文干净利落、语言准确道地、表意简洁流畅,并时能感受到书中原本就有的那种令人荡气回肠的韵味,这
The gear is 1588. Spain is the strongest countrg in the world.The Spanishking, Philip II, is a proud Catholic. England, ruled bklQueen Elizabeth I, is aProtestant country. When the Catholic queen,Marg, Queen oj~ Scots, is executedby Elizabeth, Spain is ready toattack. As the Spanish Armada sails towardsEngland, Elizabethprepares to protect her country, her people and her positionasqueen.
In 1985, top mountaineers Joe Simpson and his friend Simon Yateswent climbing in the Peruvian Andes. After a series of accidents,Simon was forced to cut the rope which held him and Joe together.At the time, Simon believed that he was sending his friend to hisdeath.An inspiring true story about endurance, courage andfriendship in the face of terror and adversity.
Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need inthe ELT classroom for motivating, contemporary graded material thatwill instantly appeal to students. "Catwoman" is based on the 2004movie, starring Halle Berry and will be recognizable to teens ofall nationalities.
When a group of skaters are wrongly accused of vandalising avaluable piece of art, the Spooky Skaters decide it’s time tointervene … Another ghoulish tale from the Land of the Dead ineasy-toread comic-book format.
Michael Jackson, the man, the music, the mystery - Bog med CD- level 3 - fra 8. klasse (Scholastic - Vicky Shipton) On the 25th June, 2009, MichaelJackson dies of a heart attack at the age of fifty. He was one ofthe biggest stars in the world and he had sold more records thanany other singer. But he was also famous for his unusual privatelife and his strange appearance. Who was the real Michael Jackson?Read about Michael Jackson' journey from child star to 'King ofPop', and the difficulties that he faced, in this amazing story ofhis life. With Fact Files on 'Memories of Michael', 'MichaelJackson, Motown and the colour barrier' and 'Child stars'. Anon-fiction reader which tells the fascinating story of MichaelJackson in an informed and mature way. The Fact File sectiondevelops themes from the reader to enhance the reading experienceand covers subjects such as the breakthrough of black artists intomainstream music. The ‘People and Places’ section gives a visualtimeline of Michael Jackson and th
Larry Daley has left his job as a night guard at the Museum ofNatural History,and is now a rich businessman. Then he hears thathis old.friends - Teddy Roosevelt and the other exhibits - aremoving to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington. And when the Tabletof Ahkmenrah brings all the exhibits in the Smithsonian to Life,the trouble really starts Can Larry and his .friends win theBattle of the Smithsonian?
It's a new term at Harbor School-for the OC kids, and a newstart -for Ryan. He doesn't want to be there and he's not the onlyone. Marissa has big problems and doesn't want the other kidsto.find out. Seth's still the school geek but he finds new'.friends' in Anna and Summer. Will Seth. find true love at last?And can Marissa and Rgan forget the past and finally betogether?
Willow finds love on the Internet with Malcolm But why areBuffy and Xanderworried about her choice of bog,friend? Willowcan't understand her.friends.Then she discovers that Malcolm is noordinarg boy ... and suddenly her life isin danger. Scholastic Readers are a series o,f contemporary .film and TVadaptations,original teenage.fiction, and classic literature,simplified,for students o.fEnglish. Each title is especilly chosento motivate and engage teenageclasses, and the magaazine-stule FactFiles explore the themes raised ineach storu as well as providingcontextual background..They are publishedat four levels ,fromStarter to Intermediate.
泰戈尔著的《生如夏花(中英文双语对照泰戈尔经典诗选)》由泰戈尔1913年荣获诺贝尔文学奖的诗集《吉檀迦利》和另一部诗集《园丁集》构成,采用的是冰心先生的汉文译本。但是,它并非简单地将冰心先生的译文组合起来出版,而是重新进行了精细的包装设计,使之 符合时代特点,选取了西方无数名家名画作背景,每一页都精心设计, 无雷同,把泰翁的作品,放在四色彩印的绘画中, 加突显了诗歌的优美,充满艺术的气息。为了方便懂英文的读者 准确地了解泰翁诗歌的意境,本书还采用了中英文对照的方式,将泰翁原作与冰心先生的译作两相对照, 增添了本书的价值。
I have a rendezvous beyond my beloved horizon. 故事发生在沉船湾之战20年后。亡灵萨拉查船长率领自己的亡灵海军杀出了世界的尽头,“深海阎王”威尔·特纳乘飞翔的荷兰人号前来追杀却被其引入百慕大三角生死未卜。而在父亲蒂格船长指引下,杰克也将乘着失而复得的黑珍珠号再次扬帆起航,去寻找那件有可能击败萨拉查的宝物:传说中海神波塞冬的三叉戟……
After five years fighting in the Crusades, Robin of Locksleyreturns home to find his people brutalized under the tyrannicalrule of the new Sheriff. In his absence Sir Guy of Gisbornegoverned Robin’s lands. Many villagers including the Scarlettfamily suffered terribly.