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This book provides the right phrase for every situation...everytime. No matter how much you love your job, you will inevitably runinto difficult situations on the job that test your ability to keepyour cool. Written by the author of "Perfect Phrases for Dealingwith Difficult People", this handy reference of ready-to-usephrases will help you avoid disasters, steer clear of stickycircumstances with coworkers, and leave you in control. If you'reasked to give an impromptu presentation or you accidentally send apersonal e-mail to your boss, you'll have the best words for everysituation, including: handling criticism and being heardcriticizing; picking up the ball when someone else has dropped it;getting credit for your project when an associate takes the praise;and deflecting a flirtatious client or coworker. Filled withphrases for every mistake, mix-up, and mishap, this guide will bebecome your best friend in the workplace. There are no difficultsituations...when you have "Perfect Phrases."
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The gear is 1588. Spain is the strongest countrg in the world.The Spanishking, Philip II, is a proud Catholic. England, ruled bklQueen Elizabeth I, is aProtestant country. When the Catholic queen,Marg, Queen oj~ Scots, is executedby Elizabeth, Spain is ready toattack. As the Spanish Armada sails towardsEngland, Elizabethprepares to protect her country, her people and her positionasqueen.
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