In this astonishing and startling book, award-winning scienceand history writer Robert Whitaker investigates a medical mystery:Why has the number of disabled mentally ill in the United Statestripled over the past two decades? Every day, 1,100 adults andchildren are added to the government disability rolls because theyhave become newly disabled by mental illness, with this epidemicspreading most rapidly among our nation’s children. What is goingon? Anatomy of an Epidemic challenges readers to think through thatquestion themselves. First, Whitaker investigates what is knowntoday about the biological causes of mental disorders. Dopsychiatric medications fix “chemical imbalances” in the brain, ordo they, in fact, create them? Researchers spent decades studyingthat question, and by the late 1980s, they had their answer.Readers will be startled—and dismayed—to discover what was reportedin the scientific journals. Then comes the scientific query at the heart of this book: Duringthe past
The formation of microcolonies on surfaces is an important bacterial survival strategy. These biofilms occur on both inert and living systems, making them important to a wide range of scientific disciplines. This book first provides an analysis of the chemical, ecological and physical processes involved with the development of biofilms and their interactions with surfaces. The next section deals with biofilms on non-living surfaces. Biofilms have important engineering implications, such as in mining industries, the corrosion of pipelines and pure and waste water industries. Biofilms have medical significance when associated with the mouth, urinary tract and urinogenital tract. In addition, they form in plant root systems and in animals, such as the ruminant digestive tract, and so are agriculturally important. The final section examines these interactions with living surfaces.
The original Scut Monkey Handbook is the market-leading survival guide for the wards and in the clinic! This portable, pocket-sized "manual of manuals" provides essential patient care information for medical students. You will find totally up-to-date coverage of current treatment protocols and step-by-step information on the history and physical examination, differential diagnosis, key lab and diagnostic tests, and much more. Revised format and design delivers bulleted, concise information as well as numerous flow charts and tables Thoroughly updated and revised with particular attention on topics such as clinical microbiology, critical care, emergencies, and commonly used medications 作者简介: Leonard Gomella, MD, FACS is Chairman of the Dept. of Urology, Jefferson Medical College. Steven Haist, MD, MS is Professor of Medicine, University of Kentucky Medical Center.
Discover why admissions officers from the nation’s top medicalschools selected these essays of worthy applicants With only a limited number of spaces available every year to thethousands ofqualified applicants to the nation’s top medicalschools, a serious candidate must finda way to set himself orherself apart from the crowd. The essay is your one chancetohighlight the personal qualities and achievements that theapplication and MCATscores do not reveal. As Essays That Worked for Medical Schools demonstrates, there isno such thing asthe perfect submission. The winning essays cover awide range of interesting topics. If there is any similarity, it isthat they are written from the heart. One applicant writes abouthis work as a counselor for mentally ill adults and teens. Anothertells about the life-changing experience of delivering much neededsupplies to a leprosy village in West Africa. And a third applicanttalks about time spent volunteering at a local senior center. Fromthe thousands sub
The third edition of this best-selling dictionary introduces a new author team, Dr Rhonda Hawley and Jennie King, both from the Department of Clinical Nursing at the University of Sydney. With over 5500 terms, the Australian Nurses' Dictionary has been updated to reflect the: most current guidelines, terminology, policies and procedures, while retaining its ' user-friendly style and compact size. it is suitable for students studying and practising nursing at all levels, from Certificate III through to the clinical setting.
The reading of ECGs should be relatively straightforward since cardiac conditions are characterized by regular electrical patterns Nonetheless, the ECG causes problems to student and physician alike. Romeo Vecht has assembled into one volume 350 ECGs, explaining each one in detail, together with tables depicting the latest information on drug management. This clear approach should assist the physician to familiarize himself with ECG patterns, enabling him to achieve a more precise diagnosis. The accompanying CD contains all the ECGs from the book and should prove invaluable for quick reference.
From the highly-popular Secrets Series comes a valuable new resource for Step 1. Each section in this book begins with a case scenario followed by a series of questions and answers on the key aspects of each disorder. Not just for memorization, USMLE Step 1 Secrets presents a logical series of questions and answers that make you think about the answers and organize your thoughts. You will increase your confidence and guarantee your success on Step 1. System-based organization (GI, Cardio, etc) reflects the current organization of the Step 1 Exam. Unique twist to Secrets format (case study plus popular Secrets-style Q&A) is a major plus and correlates with increased use of case material on Step 1. Text is filled with tables, bulleted lists, figures, and memory aids Insights and guidance from the author, who has recently taken and thoroughly researched Step 1.
Learning anatomy requires more than pictures and labels; itrequires a way "into" the subject, a means of making sense of whatis being shown. Anatomy of the Moving Body addresses thatneed with a simple yet complete study of the body's complex systemof bones, muscles, and joints and how they function. Beautifullyillustrated with more than 100 3D images, the book contains 31lectures that guide readers through this challenging interiorlandscape. Each part of the body is explained in brief, manageablesections, with components described singly or in small groups. Theauthor doesn’t just name the muscles and bones but explains theterminology in lay language. Topics include the etymology ofanatomical terms; origins and attachments of muscles and theirrelated actions; discussion of major functional systems such as thepelvis, ankle, shoulder girdle, and hand; major landmarks and humantopography; and structures relating to breathing and vocalization.This second edition features all-new illustrations that use a 3Ddig
When your health is at risk, you want to consider everyoption. In Alternative Cures, three hundred of America’s top doctors andnatural healers–herbalists, nutritionists, homeopaths, andnaturopaths–share more than one thousand safe and effectiveremedies for many health concerns. Inside you’ll discover ? a nutrient that blocks the side effects of arthritisdrugs ? a two-nutrient combo that can help cure chronic fatigue ? an herbal “cocktail” that stops common flu symptoms intwenty-four hours ? an amino acid that works as well as Viagra ? a group of remedies that rein in high blood pressure ? a natural hormone cream that rebuilds bones ? a home remedy that stops sugar cravings immediately Plus, there are easy-to-follow illustrations of healing exercisesand pain-relieving pressure points–along with guidance on when toseek a professional. Alternative Cures provides not only healthadvice but peace of mind. “A valuable resource of alte
According to Dr. Larry Malerba, modern medicine has perfectedthe short-term technical repair of the physical body at the expenseof the long-term psychological and spiritual well-being of thewhole person. In Green Medicine he examines this issue and providesa realistic blueprint for wellness and a valuable guide for thoseseeking deeper and more lasting healing. Written in an accessiblestyle, the book draws on a rich range of fields—physics,philosophy, Jungian thought, shamanism, alchemy, Eastern thought,Western esotericism, sustainability, orthodox medicine—to create agreen medical paradigm that represents a powerful integrativemedical perspective. Dr. Malerba interweaves case histories from his own practice withinnovative concepts from alternative and Western medicine in orderto address a number of crucial questions: What are the personal and environmental costs to the overuse ofpharmaceutical drugs? Is conventional medicine as scientific as it claims to be? How can conventi
A new take on the classic, definitive text on the full spectrum of neurology. Reflecting a modern approach to neurology, Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, 8/e new format highlights a more complete and accessible approaches to treatment and clinical management strategies. This thoroughly revised edition features more coverage of treatment and neuroimaging, renown signs and symptoms sections integrated throughout, and over 800 illustrations. 作者简介: Allan Ropper, M.D Professor of Neurology Tufts Medical College Chief of Neurology St. Elizabeth’s Hospital Boston, MA
Traditional Chinese medicine is perhaps the oldest system ofhealth care in the world—and one of the safest and most effective.This first easy-to-use pocket guide provides everything readersneed to know to explore Chinese herbal medicine for themselves. Thebook includes: ·A brief overview of the basic terms and concepts of traditionalChinese medicine. ·Simple instructions on how to prepare herbal formulas athome. ·An illustrated guide to 108 of the most widely used Chineseherbs, with de*ions, therapeutic effects, preparation methods,and dosages. ·A guide to dozens of readily available prepared herbal formulasfor common ailments. ·An index of symptoms and ailments. ·Listings of mail-order houses for herbs, herbal formulas, andother supplies. ·Suggestions for further reading.
“Magnesium is indeed the unsung hero and is a keynutriceutical that everybody needs to know about. . . . This bookneeds to be read by any individual wishing to improve their qualityof life. . . . Dr Dean has the best credentials in bringingsolutions to those suffering from the hidden magnesium disordersthat affect most of us.” –DR. STEPHEN T. SINATRA, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N. Author of Lower Your Blood Pressure in Eight Weeks More than seventy-five years ago, medical scientists declaredmagnesium to be an essential nutrient, indispensable to life. Whenthis mineral is part of your diet, you are guarding against–andhelping to alleviate–health threats such as heart disease, stroke,osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, arthritis, and asthma. Butwhile research continues to reaffirm magnesium’s irreplaceablecontribution to good health, many Americans remain dangerouslydeficient. In The Miracle of Magnesium, Dr. Carolyn Dean, an authority onthis mineral who has used it with dramatic succe
Reflecting on the connection between the rise in chronicimmune disorders and toxic environmental and lifestyle patterns,herbalist and acupuncturist Jason Elias and collaborator KatherineKetcham looked to the 5,000-year-old The Yellow Emperor's Classicof Medicine to seek clues for restoring the balance of body andmind. In Chinese Medicine for Maximum Immunity, Elias and Ketcham showhow to use the preventive strategies and gentle, supportiveremedies of traditional Chinese medicine to heal contemporarychronic illnesses and bolster immunity. The book teaches readershow to identify which element--Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, andWater--most directly influences them and how to correct imbalancesthat can lead to particular physical, emotional, and spiritualdisorders with step-by-step instruction for using stress-reductiontechniques, diet and exercise, herbs, and acupressure.
赵进顺、倪春辉主编的《预防医学医学统计学和流行病学(英文版)》是在中国大陆出版的《预防医学、医学统计学和流行病学》英语版教科书,由浙江省和江苏省五所高等院校以及美国德克萨斯大学等有关单位的预防医学专家编著而成。本书分为预防医学、医学统计学和流行病学三个部分,主要介绍生活环境、职业环境以及食品营养因素对健康的影响·健康与疾病统计分析研究中常用的医学统计学和流行病学方法。 附录部分包括医学统汁方法常用附表,供使用者参考或查阅。 《预防医学医学统计学和流行病学(英文版)》内容简明、新颖,实用性强,可作为临床医学及相关专业留学生的本科、专科或研究生教材,同时也是疾病防治和临床医务工作者有用的参考书。
Medical Physiology, Updated Edition, is a full-color, comprehensive textbook designed for modern medical school courses in human physiology. The most up-to-date and beautifully illustrated text on the market, it has a strong molecular and cellular approach, firmly relating the molecular and cellular biological underpinnings of physiology to the study of human physiology and disease. Contributions from leading physiologists ensure authoritative, cutting-edge information, and thorough and consistent editing have produced a readable and student-friendly text. The smart way to study! Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your l
The state-of-the-art, tenth edition of endocrinology's classic text bridges the gap between basic science and endocrinology clinical practice. Thoroughly revised and updated, it includes new material on the thyroid and diabetes mellitus to reflect today's explosive increase in knowledge. Written by an outstanding team of authors, the 10th edition features numerous new authors who provide fresh perspectives.
If getting into the right nursing school-and making your mark-is your goal, following the strategies in The Ultimate Guide to Getting into Nursing School will definitely put you ahead of the pack. This fun, information-packed guide covers all the essentials of the nursing school experience, from picking the right school to what to expect and how to rise to the head of the class once you are accepted into a program. Features: Insider advice and anecdotes from professors, nurses, and students who tell you what it's really like to go through the application process and succeed in nursing school Sure-fire steps for turning a nursing application into a winning application Self-assessment chapter that helps you determine whether nursing is right for you A detailed overview of the application process Everything you need to know to do well in school, including exam preparation, papers, and presentations, and the basic clinical information with which you'll need to be familiar
The breadth and range of the topics covered, and the consistent organization of each chapter, give you simple but detailed access to information on anatomy, diagnostic criteria, differential diagnosis, mapping, and ablation. The book includes a unique section on troubleshooting difficult cases for each arrhythmia, and the use of tables, illustrations, and high-quality figures is unmatched among publications in the field. Includes comprehensive and detailed coverage of all arrhytmias and ablation technologies.Uses consistent chapter format to make accessing information easy. Outlines a systematic approach to specific problems encountered in the laboratory along with solutions. Utilizes extensive tables to summarize key information in each chapter. Presents specific "hard to remember" numerical information used in diagnosis and mapping. 作者简介: Shoei K. Stephen Huang, MD, Professor of Medicine and Dean College of Medicine, China Medical University; Vice-Superintendent, Chin
With your hands you have potential to relieve everyday aches,pains and ailments without taking drugs, to improve your health,and to increase your vitality. Acupressure is an ancient healingart that uses the fingers to stimulate key points on the skin that,in turn, activate the body's natural self-healing processes. Withthis book, it is a skill you can learn now--and use in your ownhome. In Acupressure's Potent Points, Michael Reed Gach, founder anddirector of the Acupressure Institute of America, reveals simpletechniques that enable you to relieve headaches, arthritis, coldsand flu, insomnia, backaches, hiccups, leg pain, hot flashes,depression, and more--using the power and sensitivity of your ownhands. This practical guide covers more than forty ailments andsymptoms, from allergies to wrist pain, providing pressure-pointmaps and exercises to relieve pain and restore function.Acupressure complements conventional medical care, and enables youto take a vital role in becoming well and staying