
  • 49-69元
  • 7折以上
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    • The Star Principle: How it Can Make You Rich 明星法则
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    • Richard Koch 著 /2010-03-01/ Little Brown
    • Star businesses are start-up companies that operate in high-growth areas and quickly become market leaders. In this essential business guide, acclaimed entrepreneur Richard Koch demonstrates the secrets behind riding star businesses to success. Information is provided both on how to establish a star business and on how to invest in and profit from existing companies that are bound for growth. Warnings on avoiding false starts is also included, along with a number of examples of how existing companies established themselves as industry leaders.

    • ¥55.3 折扣:7.9折
    • (有效推销12招)12 Cliches of Selling, The [and why they work]
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    • Barry Farber 著 /2001-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Written by Barry Farber, one of the country's "best known, most respected and incredibly successful sales gurus" (Entrepreneur magazine), 12 CLICHES OF SELLING (AND WHY THEY WORK) is steeped in the language and knowledge of what it takes to sell. It uses one cliche per chapter as a starting point - and mines its truth and powerful wisdom. Never take no for an answer, for example, belies the image of the stereotypical make-the-sale-at-any-cost salesperson and focuses on finding ways to get around obstacles, such as making the gatekeeper your ally and using humour to open closed doors. You never get a second chance to make a first impression shows how to sell yourself first, how to make people like, trust, and respect you, and how and why to make eye contact and keep a questioning attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude describes how to build and maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of rejection.

    • ¥56.3 折扣:8.8折
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    • /2006-12-01/
    • Whether it’s writing a proposal, motivating employees, or reaching out to customers, the Perfect Phrases series has the tools you need for precise, effective communication. Distilling complex ideas into specific phrases that diplomatically and honestly depict the concepts at hand, this invaluable series provides: ·The best techniques to communicate messages and goals in business letters and proposals ·Tips for bringing out the best in every employee in every business ·Dialogues and *s to practice interactions with customers or employees— tailorable to any industry or company culture ·Phrases for each step of the sales process

    • ¥63.4 折扣:8.8折
    • [现货]Make Today Count: The Secret of Your Success Is Determin
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    • Maxwell, John C. /2008-06-01/ Center Street
    • Drawing from the text of the Business Week bestseller Today Matters , this condensed, revised edition boils down John C. Maxwell's 12 daily practices to their very essence, giving maximum impact in minimal time. Presented in a quick-read format, this version is designed to be read cover to cover in one sitting or taken in as brief lessons in a few spare minutes each day. It covers such topics as: -- Priorities -- Health -- Family -- Finances -- Values -- Growth Readers will learn how to make decisions on important matters and apply those decisions daily to put them on a path to more successful, productive, and fulfilling lives.,

    • ¥63 折扣:9折
    • Plan and Conduct Effective Meetings: 24 Steps to Generate Me
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    • Barbara Streibel 著 /2007-08-01/ 暂无出版社信息
    • RUN BUSINESS MEETINGS THAT ARE FOCUSED, PRODUCTIVE, AND BENEFICIAL TO YOUR ORGANIZATION In business, meetings are necessary but not always efficient. But by using the principles in Plan and Conduct Effective Meetings, you'll discover 24 easy-to-implement techniques geared to make your meetings more productive than ever before. This step-by-step guide goes straight to the heart of meeting planning and facilitating, explaining why meetings go wrong and what to do about it. You'll learn to conduct meetings that stay sharply focused; turn participants into valuable contributors; and make decisions that result in actionable tasks. This guide also discusses video- and teleconferencing, so you can use those powerful technologies to your advantage, too. Plus, you'll: Discover how preparation can guarantee meeting success Learn to begin each meeting with a purpose and end with an accomplishment Understand each participant's role, to increase productivity Discover how to deal with problems du

    • ¥58.5 折扣:7.5折
    • The Welch Way: 24 Lessons from the World's Greatest CEO (McG
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    • Jeffrey A. Krames 著 /2001-11-01/
    • Jack Welch became one of history's most admired and successful CEOs by rewriting the rules of leadership and letting hands-on, frontline employees--instead of bureaucrats --tell him what needed to be done. The Welch Way distills Welch's management style into a fast-moving, hard-hitting plan for leadership success, one that will help anyone reach the top in virtually any professional setting.

    • ¥58.5 折扣:7.5折
    • Child 44
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    • Tom Rob Smith 著 /2009-01-01/
    • This novel is an amazingly assured and exciting debut, set in Soviet Russia in 1953, with a wonderfully realised sense of all-pervading fear and the desperateness of a chilling race against time. How do you solve an impossible crime?MGB Officer Leo is a man who never questions the Party Line. He arrests whomever he is told to arrest. He dismisses the horrific death of a young boy because he is told to, because he believes the Party stance that there can be no murder in Communist Russia. Leo is the perfect soldier of the regime.But suddenly his confidence that everything he does serves a great good is shaken. He is forced to watch a man he knows to be innocent be brutally tortured. And then he is told to arrest his own wife.Leo understands how the State works: Trust and check, but check particularly on those we trust. He faces a stark choice: his wife or his life. And still the killings of children continue...

    • ¥61.6 折扣:8.8折
    • (商业礼仪揭秘)CLASS ACTS
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    • Mary Mitchell 著 /2002-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Class Acts reveals a simple, but stunning secret: Business success is directly linked to good manners and business etiquette.And that is how it should be since, accord-ing to etiquette expert and business consultant Mary Mitchell, good manners come from inside good people. They grow from our instinctive understanding of the fundamental principle that every human being deserves respect. Etiquette, on the other hand, comes from outside, but it too is based on the same principle of respect. It's a set of practical rules that guide our behavior with others.Knowing how we're expected to behave can make us confident and self-assured,so we can focus on the business at hand more effectively. And when the business at hand is usiness,treating everyone with respect can lead to satisfying relationsh more productive and ps with clients, cus-tomers, colleagues, and even competitors. Unfortunately, today we're seeing less eti-quette and more rudeness. People like to blame this on technology. But technology alone ca

    • ¥53.7 折扣:8.8折
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    • Thomas J. Stanley 著 /2004-12-01/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • Eight years ago, Dr. Thomas J. Stanley swept aside the mythical magic curtain of wealth to reveal The Millionaire Next Door. America found out just who and how common the truly wealthy were in this country and we learned the characteristics and habits that made them so. Now the author of the follow-up The Millionaire Mind focuses on one of the least understood but increasingly rich demographics: Millionaire Women Next Door. Why write another book that profiles millionaires? Stanley asks. The vast majority of the millionaire respondents (92 percent) in The Millionaire Next Door were men. . . . I felt that it was indeed time for successful businesswomen of the self-made variety to be heard. And heard they are in this book that is destined to become every bit as informative, quoted, and inspirational as the author s earlier works. Readers everywhere will be fascinated by Stanley s thoroughly researched findings and conclusions. More than a simple extension of his studies of male millionaires, Millionair

    • ¥63.4 折扣:8.8折
    • 工作+人不求最好,但求最合
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    • Cali Williams Yost 著 /2004-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Change when, how, and where you work; know why and how anyone can have more flexibility; be inspired to live life the way you want to live it. Because the old nine-to-five corporate culture will never return, you need to change the way you think about, approach, and interact with work. Cali Williams Yost, a dynamic and innovative work/life expert who has both coached individuals and consulted for Fortune 500 companies, believes that you can choose how work fits into your life instead of work choosing how much life is left over for you. Work + Life presents a practical, step-by-step process that helps you to create, propose, negotiate, and successfully implement a flexible arrangement that meets not only your needs but also the needs of your employer. Filled with inspiring success stories, as well as thought-provoking exercises focused on finding answers to every individual's unique work/life dilemmas, this is the only book that can be used by anyone to achieve any kind of flexibility, in any ind

    • ¥57.2 折扣:8.8折
    • [现货]MICRO TRENDS
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    • Mark Penn /2014-02-01/ Twelve
    • Mark Penn argues that the biggest trends in America are the Microtrends, the smaller trends that go unnoticed or ignored. One million people can create new market for a business, spark a social movement, or effect political change. In 1996, a microtrend identified by Penn ("soccer moms") was crucial in re-electing President Clinton. With years of experience as one of world's most highly regarded pollsters, Mark Penn identifies the new microtrends sweeping the world: *Single women by choice: More often than ever before, they aren't waiting for Mr. Right. They are raising children by themselves and buying their own homes. *Splitters: A growing number of middle-class residents are shuttling between two homes, creating new communities and dynamics in the real estate market. *Sun Haters: Environmentalists, skin cancer survivors, and parents concerned about the impact the sun is having on our health. *Philo-semites: A growing number of people want to date Jewish men and women. *Classical Music Dads: Older men who a

    • ¥54 折扣:9折
    • [现货]zenger handbook for leaders
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    • Zenger, John H.,Folkman, Joseph /2014-02-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • The Handbook for Leaders 24 Lessons for Extraordinary Leadership "What makes a great leader?" Thousands of workers in both North America and Europe were asked that one simple question. Their top responses are compiled in "The Handbook for Leaders." This precise, no-nonsense rulebook lists the 24 competencies and guidelines identified time and again as essential for becoming an effective and extraordinary leader, including: Focus on results Cultivate interpersonal skills Lead organizational change Learn from mistakes Develop your people Be open to new ideas Take initiative Build strengths Fix fatal flaws Take a non-linear approach Be accountable The ability to lead is far more than just a natural gift. Study after study shows that leadership is a concrete and learnable skill, one that can be acquired and honed by studying and applying specific proficiencies, attitudes, and habits. Let "The Handbook for Leaders "introduce you to the requirements for effective leadership, then provide you with a systematic progr

    • ¥49.5 折扣:9折