In recent years,more and more foreing personnel are showing a concern about Tibet.In order to meet their needs,we have piled thiook based on the academic monorgraph Comments on the Historical Status of Tibet published in 1995 by the Nationalities Press. Comments on the Historical Staqtus of Tibet expounds upon the close relatioween the region fo Tibet and ancient China making use of rich and accurate historical materials,especially those showing that Tiber haeen a part of Chinese territory since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).It forcefully denies the entire ideological system of "Tibetan independence"and,for the first time,systematically answers the theories put forward by the Dalai clique.The Chinese edition of this work has attracted great attention in China and was granted the 1996 Excellent Book Award in China.
本书介绍了近几年前沿的EViews 9.0软件操作方法和计量模型拟合技巧,力图为经济学界的数量分析爱好者提供一本简洁的参考书。同时,也想从某种角度为初学者建立一些信心,因为本书不涉及艰深的计量经济学原理,可直接进入数量模型的拟合程序。 全书包括:数据的输入、模型的估计与结果、变量的有关统计指标、模型的估计与结果、模型的检验、检验的步骤和过程、违反假设条件的处理、单位根检验、单位根检验的过程、单位根检验的结果、如何做ARMA模型,高频数据和低频数据的相互转换、VAR模型、SVAR模型、VEC模型、脉冲响应与方差分解等章节。
In recent years,more and more foreing personnel are showing a concern about Tibet.In order to meet their needs,we have piled thiook based on the academic monorgraph Comments on the Historical Status of Tibet published in 1995 by the Nationalities Press. Comments on the Historical Staqtus of Tibet expounds upon the close relatioween the region fo Tibet and ancient China making use of rich and accurate historical materials,especially those showing that Tiber haeen a part of Chinese territory since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).It forcefully denies the entire ideological system of "Tibetan independence"and,for the first time,systematically answers the theories put forward by the Dalai clique.The Chinese edition of this work has attracted great attention in China and was granted the 1996 Excellent Book Award in China.
In recent years,more and more foreing personnel are showing a concern about Tibet.In order to meet their needs,we have piled thiook based on the academic monorgraph Comments on the Historical Status of Tibet published in 1995 by the Nationalities Press. Comments on the Historical Staqtus of Tibet expounds upon the close relatioween the region fo Tibet and ancient China making use of rich and accurate historical materials,especially those showing that Tiber haeen a part of Chinese territory since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).It forcefully denies the entire ideological system of "Tibetan independence"and,for the first time,systematically answers the theories put forward by the Dalai clique.The Chinese edition of this work has attracted great attention in China and was granted the 1996 Excellent Book Award in China.
本书介绍了近几年前沿的EViews 9.0软件操作方法和计量模型拟合技巧,力图为经济学界的数量分析爱好者提供一本简洁的参考书。同时,也想从某种角度为初学者建立一些信心,因为本书不涉及艰深的计量经济学原理,可直接进入数量模型的拟合程序。 全书包括:数据的输入、模型的估计与结果、变量的有关统计指标、模型的估计与结果、模型的检验、检验的步骤和过程、违反假设条件的处理、单位根检验、单位根检验的过程、单位根检验的结果、如何做ARMA模型,高频数据和低频数据的相互转换、VAR模型、SVAR模型、VEC模型、脉冲响应与方差分解等章节。
本书是高等职业技术教育IT类专业学生获取学历证书和国际IT厂商Macromedia公司认证证书的学习和实践用教材。 本书共分14章和一个附录。主要介绍Fireworks MX 2004的基本操作、技巧和功能应用,特别围绕网页图形、图像设计、绘制、优化和整合讨论学生应该掌握的技术内容。全书针对基础讲解给出的应用和案例均来自一线教学和开发实践,特别有益于学生掌握应用Fireworks MX 2004的基本技能,为进一步完成网页图形、图像的处理和国际认证考试打下基础。全书各章附有实验,并给出了相关要求和提示。 本书附赠光盘含有两个目录和readme文件,读者可以首先阅读rdadme文件了解光盘的使用方法。两个目录分别对应本书14章,目录中包括各章实例和章末实验的原始素材文件以及实验步骤细节,供学生课堂或课外演示或上机实践使用。 本书适合高等职业技术院校在校学生
本书通过演示精彩百例的制作过程,详细介绍了Macromedia公司的网页图像制作软件Fireworks MX 2004简体中文版的功能和操作。 本书共分为8篇,篇是图形设计部分,主要通过简单的图形设计,讲解了Fireworks MX 2004的菜单、面板、工具的使用方法和软件的基础操作,使读者对Fireworks MX 2004图像制作有初步的认识。第二篇是图像效果处理部分,通过制作浮雕、遮罩、模糊等图像效果,淋漓尽致地展现出Fireworks MX 2004图像处理的强大功能。第三篇是特效文字部分,通过制作不同特效的文字实例,介绍了文本特效的制作方法和技巧。第四篇是按钮设计部分,通过设计不同风格的按钮,通过制作不同风格的导航栏实例,介绍了导航栏的制作方法和技巧。第七篇是动画设计部分,通过制作各种各样的动画效果实例,介绍了各种动画效果的制作方法及技巧。第八篇是其他网页元素设计
本书介绍了近几年前沿的EViews 9.0软件操作方法和计量模型拟合技巧,力图为经济学界的数量分析爱好者提供一本简洁的参考书。同时,也想从某种角度为初学者建立一些信心,因为本书不涉及艰深的计量经济学原理,可直接进入数量模型的拟合程序。 全书包括:数据的输入、模型的估计与结果、变量的有关统计指标、模型的估计与结果、模型的检验、检验的步骤和过程、违反假设条件的处理、单位根检验、单位根检验的过程、单位根检验的结果、如何做ARMA模型,高频数据和低频数据的相互转换、VAR模型、SVAR模型、VEC模型、脉冲响应与方差分解等章节。
本书介绍了近几年前沿的EViews 9.0软件操作方法和计量模型拟合技巧,力图为经济学界的数量分析爱好者提供一本简洁的参考书。同时,也想从某种角度为初学者建立一些信心,因为本书不涉及艰深的计量经济学原理,可直接进入数量模型的拟合程序。 全书包括:数据的输入、模型的估计与结果、变量的有关统计指标、模型的估计与结果、模型的检验、检验的步骤和过程、违反假设条件的处理、单位根检验、单位根检验的过程、单位根检验的结果、如何做ARMA模型,高频数据和低频数据的相互转换、VAR模型、SVAR模型、VEC模型、脉冲响应与方差分解等章节。
Fireworks是Macromedia公司推出的网页图像处理软件,集普通的图像处理和网络应用于一身。 本书通过讲解100个实例的制作过程,介绍Fireworks在图像处理和网页制作中的应用。全书内容分成基本操作、图像制作、特效文字的制作、动画制作和网页组件的制作等五个部分,其中每个实例都有详细的操作步骤和相应的效果图,便于读者边学习边练习。 本书通俗易懂、图文并茂、讲解详细,既可作为初学者的学习教材,也可供图像设计和网页设计人员参考。
本书着眼于三类Framework中的Domain Framework与Application Framework,先建立一个可套用于多数应用程序的Application Framework,再以此为基础,建立出趋近实际需求的Domain Framework。本书分成四部分,部分讲解.NET Framework、ADO.NET、Windows Forms、Remoting等基本概念及操作,第二部分讲解如何撰写Application Framework,第三部分讲解如何撰写Domain Framework,第四部分以Domain Framework撰写一个小型进销存系统。从概念、设计、强化到实践,一应俱全。
In recent years,more and more foreing personnel are showing a concern about Tibet.In order to meet their needs,we have piled thiook based on the academic monorgraph Comments on the Historical Status of Tibet published in 1995 by the Nationalities Press. Comments on the Historical Staqtus of Tibet expounds upon the close relatioween the region fo Tibet and ancient China making use of rich and accurate historical materials,especially those showing that Tiber haeen a part of Chinese territory since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).It forcefully denies the entire ideological system of "Tibetan independence"and,for the first time,systematically answers the theories put forward by the Dalai clique.The Chinese edition of this work has attracted great attention in China and was granted the 1996 Excellent Book Award in China.
本书通过演示精彩百例的制作过程,详细介绍了Macromedia公司的网页图像制作软件Fireworks MX 2004简体中文版的功能和操作。 本书共分为8篇,篇是图形设计部分,主要通过简单的图形设计,讲解了Fireworks MX 2004的菜单、面板、工具的使用方法和软件的基础操作,使读者对Fireworks MX 2004图像制作有初步的认识。第二篇是图像效果处理部分,通过制作浮雕、遮罩、模糊等图像效果,淋漓尽致地展现出Fireworks MX 2004图像处理的强大功能。第三篇是文字部分,通过制作不同的文字实例,介绍了文本的制作方法和技巧。第四篇是按钮设计部分,通过设计不同风格的按钮,通过制作不同风格的导航栏实例,介绍了导航栏的制作方法和技巧。第七篇是动画设计部分,通过制作各种各样的动画效果实例,介绍了各种动画效果的制作方法及技巧。第八篇是其他网页元素设计部分,通过制
本书由长期从事Fireworks软件教学及应用的教师和专业人员编写。全书采用案例教学、任务驱动的编写方法,明确了使用Fireworks制作网页图像应知应会的知识点,同时围绕知识点列举项目实例,帮助初学者由浅入深地掌握网页图像的制作方法和技巧。 全书共分11章,包括Fireworks CS4概述和基本操作,对象操作和颜色应用,绘制矢量路径,使用文本,层和元件,动态滤镜,创建网页动画,切片、热点和行为,导航按钮和弹出菜单,优化、导出和集成、制作综合网页效果图。书中项目实例的素材和完成的效果均有配套电子文档。 本书可作为高等职业院校计算机类专业和各类计算机培训班的教材,也可供学习网页图像设计的读者参考。
In recent years,more and more foreing personnel are showing a concern about Tibet.In order to meet their needs,we have compiled thiook based on the academic monorgraph Comments on the Historical Status of Tibet published in 1995 by the Nationalities Press. Comments on the Historical Staqtus of Tibet expounds upon the close relationetween the region fo Tibet and ancient China making use of rich and accurate historical materials,especially those showing that Tiber haeen a part of Chinese territory since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).It forcefully denies the entire ideological system of "Tibetan independence"and,for the first time,systematically answers the theories put forward by the Dalai clique.The Chinese edition of this work has attracted great attention in China and was granted the 1996 Excellent Book Award in China.