This is primarily a textbook on mathematical analysis forgraduate students in economics. While there are a large number ofexcellent textbooks on thiroad topic in the mathematicsliterature, most ofthese texts are overly advanced relative to theneeds of the vast majority of economics students and concentrate onvarious topics that are not readily helpful for studying economictheory. Moreover, it seems that most economics students lack thetime or courage to enroll in a math course at the graduatelevel. Sometimes this is not even for bad reasons, for only fewmath departments offer classes that are designed for the parhcularneeds of economists. Unfortunately,more often than not, theconsequent lack ofmathematical background cre-ates problems for thestudents at a later stage of their education, since an exceedinglylarge fraction ofeconomic theory is imperable without somerigorouackground in real analysis. The present text aims atproviding a remedy for this inconvenient situation.
本书是一本极具特色的实分析教材。内容包括LP空间、重排不等式、积分不等式、分布理论、Fourier分析、位势论和Sobolev空间等,还有专门的章节介绍变分法及特征值问题,其中涵盖了许多数学物理中的例子。阅读本书,读者只需要通常微积分的基础,但通过本书读者可以迅速地从基本的测度论进入广阔的分析世界,领略一些近年来新的研究成果。毫不夸张地说,掌握了本书知识,读者对数学分析的理解将会登上一个新台阶。 本书适合作为高等院校数学专业研究生的教材和教师的参考书,也适合自然科学和工程院系对分析工具感兴趣的学生阅读。
本书系统讨论再生核理论及其在数学领域中的应用,内容包括再生核的一般性质。半内积空间的再生核、W2m空间的再生核、解析函数空间再生核的基本理论和构造方法,以及再生核在样条函数、插值与逼近、算子方程中的应用,同时还介绍了再生核空间中的逼近和算子理论等方面的基本内容,本书的主要特色:将W2m严空间的内积和再生核理论纳入半内积空间理论的统一框架;用Green函数方法统一讨论W2m严空间的再生核的构造;对几类常系数微分算子所对应的再生核进行了详细讨论,并探讨了再生核理论中的GrPen函数方法与其他方法的联系;介绍了再生核与样条函数的若干联系。 本书可作为高等院校数学专业高年级大学生、研究生和教师的教材或教学参考书,也可供工科相关专业的研究生和工程技术人员参考。
本书系统地介绍了反演控制方法的基本原理及其在不确定非线性系统中的应用。全书共分为6章,在介绍反演法的一般理论的基础上,重点论述了抑制参数漂移的自适应反演方法,考虑非线性干扰观测器的弱抖振滑模反演方法,针对系统模型部分未知的情况,使用模糊系统和神经网络估计系统中的未知部分,给出了基于智能系统的反演设计方法,同时本书介绍了系统状态未知情况下的反演设计方法。针对各种情况本书均给出了详细的理论设计方法和Matlab仿真。 本书是作者在从事控制理论与控制方法研究的基础上完成的。本书适用于从事非线性控制方法研究的工作人员和研究生参考。
This book has evolved from a two-term graduate course in partial differential equations which I have taught at Northeastern University many times since 1980. The first term is intended to give the student a basic and classical introduction to the subject, including first-order equations by the method of characteristics and linear second-order equations which arise in mathematical physics: the wave equation, Laplace equation, and heat equation. All of this material is more than adequately covered by many textbooks which are readily available. The second term, however, is intended to introduce the student to a wide variety of more modern methods, especially the use of functional analysis, which has characterized much of the recent development of partial differential equations. This latter material is not as readily available, except in a number of specialized reference books. This textbook is intended to bridge this gap by providing the student with a basic introduction to the subject and an exposure
本书利用吴方法、一元多项式实根分离算法及多项式的单调性分解,提出了一般多元多项式组实零点的区间分离算法。将此算法应用于几类典型的微分方程定型性质的研究得到了一些新的结果:一类单调系统的全局稳定性,Lienard系统的小扰动极限环构造,三次系统的弱中心阶数的判定,以及高维系统的极限环构造。 本书适用于大学高年级本科生、研究生及相关的科技工作者使用。
This book is the oute of several courses and seminar talks held at the Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) over the years.It is a greatly modified version of a previous work by the authors,Equacoes Diferenciais Parciais, Uma lntroducao, (Projeto Euclides, IMPA,1978). It has a twofold purpose, namely to introduce the student to the basic concepts of Fourier analysis and provide illustrations of recent applications where these concepts were used to study various properties of the solutions of some important nonlinear evolution equations.
本书全面介绍了算法的数学分析中所涉及的主要技术。涵盖的内容来自经典的数学课题(包括离散数学、初等实分析、组合数学),以及经典的计算机科学课题(包括算法和数据结构)。本书的重点是“平均情况”或“概率性”分析,书中也论述了“最差情况”或“复杂性”分析所需的基本数学工具。 本书 版为行业内的经典著作,本版不仅对书中图片和代码进行了更新,还补充了新章节。全书共 9 章, 章是导论 ;第 2~5 章介绍数学方法 ;第 6~9 章介绍组合结构及其在算法分析中的应用。除每章包含的大量习题以及参考文献外,本书特设配套免费学习网站,为读者提供了很多关于算法分析的补充材料,包括课件和相关网站的链接,帮助读者提高学习兴趣,完成更深入的学习。
This is primarily a textbook on mathematical analysis forgraduate students in economics. While there are a large number ofexcellent textbooks on thiroad topic in the mathematicsliterature, most ofthese texts are overly advanced relative to theneeds of the vast majority of economics students and concentrate onvarious topics that are not readily helpful for studying economictheory. Moreover, it seems that most economics students lack thetime or courage to enroll in a math course at the graduatelevel. Sometimes this is not even for bad reasons, for only fewmath departments offer classes that are designed for the parhcularneeds of economists. Unfortunately,more often than not, theconsequent lack ofmathematical background cre-ates problems for thestudents at a later stage of their education, since an exceedinglylarge fraction ofeconomic theory is imperable without somerigorouackground in real analysis. The present text aims atproviding a remedy for this inconvenient situation.
本书是为学习数学分析课程的学生、从事数学分析教学与研究的读者而编写的。全书共分为七章,系统地把数学分析中的重要定理总结和归纳为微积分基本定理、微分中值定理、积分中值定理、积分关系定理、极限关系定理、闭区间上连续函数的性质定理、实数连续性(完备性)定理七类进行研究。 全书从定理的历史演变分析、定理的内容与证明分析、定理的几何意义与条件结论分析、定理间的相互关系分析、定理的应用分析、定理的推广分析等角度展开研究。
这是由数学大师、菲尔兹暨沃尔夫奖得主Hormander撰写的一部经典的数学著作。作者用统一的观点处理多复变的基本内容,包括单复变解析函数、多复变函数的基本性质、多复变函数在交换巴拿赫代数中的应用、e算子的存在性定理和L2方法、Stein流形、解析函数的局部性质以及Stein流形上的凝聚解析层等7章内容,最为精彩的是关于e算子的L2方法的介绍,其叙述方式至今依然被奉为范本。全书每章都有注记,介绍相关知识点的发展历史等。 本书可作为高等院校数学系研究生教材和相关研究人员的参考书。