Covey fans and booksellers alike will be delighted by this collection, perfect for June gift-giving occasions and destined for a long life. For 10 years, the author's famed Seven Habits of Highly Effective People has influenced countless individuals and organizations worldwideAand sold millions of copies. Conceding that the earlier books may have been long on theory and light on practice, Covey and his team culled thousands of testimonials for examples of the principles in action. The resulting collection of more than 75 true stories will satisfy the full range of Covey constituents. Though the storytelling is always first-person, the focus is consistently on the underlying principle, reinforced by Covey's commentary. Handily arranged by situationAwithin individual, family, community, workplace and educational settingsAand varying in depth and power, the stories offer intriguing and provocative lessons. They are mostly brief and often inspiring, but are by no means simplistic; they readily lend themselves to