The book that shows how to get the job done and deliver results . . . whether you're running an entire company or in your first management job Larry Bossidy is one of the world's most acclaimed CEOs, a man with few peers who has a track record for delivering results. Ram Charan is a legendary advisor to senior executives and boards of directors, a man with unparalleled insight into why some companies are successful and others are not. Together they've pooled their knowledge and experience into the one book on how to close the gap between results promised and results delivered that people in business need today. After a long, stellar career with General Electric, Larry Bossidy transformed AlliedSignal into one of the world's most admired companies and was named CEO of the year in 1998 by Chief Executive magazine. Accomplishments such as 31 consecutive quarters of earnings-per-share growth of 13 percent or more didn't just happen; they resulted from the consistent practice of the discipline of execution:
Nick Friedman and Omar Soliman started themultimillion-dollar franchise College Hunks Hauling Junk when theywere just twenty two, and they’ve been having the time of theirlives ever since. What’s their secret? That's just it--there isn't one. There's no fancy software orcomplicated business schemes. No outside investors or quirky marketniche. They just followed 10 common-sense commandments to buildinga straightforward, fun, and successful business that does a simplejob well. Anyone can understand it, and anyone can doit.
If you’re tired of feeling powerless over your finances andare ready to start funding your dreams, then come on girl–it’s timeto get your money straight! Author and financial expert GlindaBridgforth knows that healthy money management is rarely just aboutdollars–it’s about getting to the root of why we spend what we doand recognizing the emotional and cultural issues that play out inour unhealthy financial habits. Girl, Get Your MoneyStraight! presents her seven-step program for holisticfinancial healing–an upbeat, empowering road map that you can useto identify your heart’s desires, break away from negative spendingpatterns, pay off outstanding debts, develop a spending plan,conquer the checkbook blues, and create new wealth. Filled withBridgforth’s warmhearted wisdom and advice, and complete withworksheets exercises, affirmations, and inspiring stories ofAfrican American women who have found financial peace of mind, Girl, Get Your Money Straight! is a fresh, fun, andeminently pract
This little book could make a big change in the way you viewyour team. There’s little more energizing and fulfilling in life than thesatisfaction of working well with others to accomplish a commongoal. And this powerful little book can help you experience moreteam satisfaction than ever before Making use of his exceptional,humor-laced storytelling style, Bill Butterworth makes the basicsof teamwork easy to grasp and easy to put to work. He sketches amemorable overview of teamwork that includes: ?the three great needs of team members ?the four great barriers to teamwork, and ?the five great traits of effective teams. It all adds up to a succinct understanding of how to work well asa team that will satisfy leaders, managers, coaches–anyone whowants to know how to make a group perform at high levels whileenjoying the camaraderie and satisfaction of being “us.” Also look for the On-the-Fly-Guide to Balancing Work andLife!
In today’s volatile business world, success requires an edge—afactor that sets you apart from the crowd. Who needs the WowFactor? Executives seeking to reinvent themselves, recent graduatesfacing fierce competition, entrepreneurs looking for funding in aworld where funding is seemingly nonexistent, or anyone who hasbeen downsized, outsourced, or simply blindsided by harsh economicrealities. In this paperback edition, corporate coach Frances ColeJones has added new ways to wow. She shares vital things you must(and must not) do to survive in the current sink-or-swimenvironment, including how to · identify and transform the habits that dull your edge · restore your confidence in these days of “look hungry, gohungry” · target your dream job, outprepare your interviewer, and getyour résumé to the top of the pile · fine-tune the “soft skills” that will amplify yournetwork · perfect your written communications—text, email, snailmail · get the ten worst
Conversationisoneofthemostdecisivefactorsinoursuccessinbusinessandinlife.It'salsoanartanyonecanlearn—withthehelpofafewsimpletips,guidelinesandtechniques. TheArtofTalkingtoAnyonemakesiteasy.Usingsamplescripts,real-lifesituations,andsurefirestrategies,thisall-in-onehandbookprovideseverythingyouneedtobecomeamoresuccessfulconversationalist.Whetheryou'rechattingwithco-workersataconference,meetingnewpeopleataparty,orjusttalkingonthetelephone,thisconfidence-buildingguidecanhelpyoujumpstartyourownuniqueskillsandmakeapositive,lastingimpression.You'llbesurprisedbyhoweasyitistoexpressyourself,howself-assuredyou'llfeel,andhowwellpeoplerespondtotherightwordsattherighttime.Filledwithready-to-useconversationsandusefulsuggestions,thislife-changingbookshowsyou: Howtobeuniversallyliked Howtolistensuccessfully Howtokeepaconversationgoing…andhowtoendone Howtoaskandanswerquestions Howandwhentotelljokes Howtodealwithdifficultconversations Howtocharmandpersuadeothers Nothingrevealsmoreaboutwhoyouarethanwhatyousay.Andn
He didn’t work for money. He was willing to walk away. Heinvested his emotions wisely. He did sweat the small stuff. Beyond work, beyond entrepreneurism, there is“spiritreneurism”—work that allows you to do well by doing right.In Jesus, Entrepreneur, Laurie Beth Jones, bestselling author ofJesus, CEO, shows you how to find soul satisfaction in yourwork. Jones shows that there is no contradiction between earning acomfortable living even as you use your job to promote your deepestspiritual and personal beliefs. How exactly is this possible? Bysharing timeless wisdom from the Bible and anecdotes from her ownlife and consulting career, as well as tales from the best andworst work situations in today’s rapidly changing businessenvironment, she reveals how you can inspire yourself and yourcoworkers to use your highest gifts to benefit the bottomline. A genius at making the powerful familiar, Jones offers acommandingly fresh and compelling case for Jesus as a role modelfor modern t
Over the course of a forty-year career in the worlds oflaw, sports, business, and politics, Ron Shapiro has worked withand advised an incredible variety of people. What he’s found isthat the secret ingredient for getting into the winner’s circle issimply the discipline of methodical preparation: that old-school,step-by-step way of having all your ducks in a row, whether you arean executive getting ready to do a deal or make a speech; a pitcherstudying the traits of opposing hitters and keeping a meticulousnotebook of their strengths and weaknesses; an international tradenegotiator who knows all about the issues and the people on theother side before sitting down at the table; or a surgeon whorehearses like a classical musician. Deep down, you know you should do it. But how often do you wingit and fly by the seat of your pants because “Gosh, I don’t havetime . . . I’ve done this before . . . I know what I’m doing”? Itis obvious that you have to get ready for whatever game you’replaying
It's not good enough to want it. You've got to know how to get it. Real estate titan, bestselling author, and TV star Donald J. Trump is the man to teach you the billionaire mind-set–how to think about money, career skills, and life. Here is crucial advice on investing in real estate from the expert, everything from dealing with brokers to renovating to assessing the value of property, buying and selling, and securing a mortgage. Trump will show you how to cut costs, decide how much risk to assume in your investments, and divide up your portfolio. He'll also teach you how to impress anyone, how to correct or criticize someone effectively, and how to know if your friends are loyal–everything you need to know to get ahead. And once you've earned your money, you've got to learn to spend it well. Trump presents his consumer guide to the best things in life, from wine to golf clubs to engagement rings. Check out the billionaire lifestyle–how they shop and what they buy. Even if you're not superwealthy, y
What’s the secret to becoming a millionaire? For years people have asked David Bach, the national bestselling author of Smart Women Finish Rich, Smart Couples Finish Rich and The Finish Rich Workbook, what’s the real secret to getting rich? What’s the one thing I need to do? Now, in The Automatic Millionaire, David Bach is sharing that secret. The Automatic Millionaire starts with the powerful story of an average American couple--he’s a low-level manager, she’s a beautician--whose joint income never exceeds $55,000 a year, yet who somehow manage to own two homes debt-free, put two kids through college, and retire at 55 with more than $1 million in savings. Through their story you’ll learn the surprising fact that you cannot get rich with a budget! You have to have a plan to pay yourself first that is totally automatic, a plan that will automatically secure your future and pay for your present. What makes The Automatic Millionaire unique: * You don’t need a budget * You don’t nee
This is a book for people like us, and we all know who weare. We make our own hours, keep our own profits, chart our own way.We have things like gigs, contracts, clients, andassignments. All of us are working toward our dreams: doingour own work, on our own time, on our own terms. We have no realboss, no corporate nameplate, no cubicle of our very own.Unfortunately, we also have no 401(k)s and no one matching them, nobenefits package, and no one collecting our taxes until April15th. It’s time to take stock of where you are and where you want tobe. Ask yourself: Who is planning for your retirement? Who coversyour expenses when clients flake out and checks are late? Who issetting money aside for your taxes? Who is responsible for yourhealth insurance? Take a good look in the mirror: You are. The Money Book for Freelancers, Part-Timers, and theSelf-Employed describes a completely new, comprehensive system forearning, spending, saving, and surviving as an independent worker.From
At age seven, Cameron Johnson sold tomatoes door-to-door fromhis family’s farm. Pete Amico quit his job on his first day becausehe didn’t feel like taking orders from his boss.Greg Herro built asuccessful business selling diamonds made from the carbon extractedfrom ashes. If any of these people remind you of yourself, you justmight have the kind of personality to take the small business worldby storm. In 8 Patterns of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs, BrentBowers reveals the eight patterns that highly successfulentrepreneurs share—and what we can learn from them. In coveringsmall business for decades at the Wall Street Journal and the NewYork Times, Bowers has chronicled the rise and fall of hundreds ofstart-ups. In this book, he draws on extensive interviews andresearch, as well as on the experiences and expertise of businessconsultants, venture capitalists, academia, and the entrepreneursthemselves, to describe the key characteristics shared by dozens ofsuccessful small-business owners and their
Because starting a small business is not only a huge financialrisk but also a complete lifestyle change, anyone who wants to behis or her own boss needs to approach entrepreneurship thoughtfullyand with careful planning. That’s why there is no better resourcethan The Wall Street Journal Complete Small Business Guidebook, apractical guide for turning your entrepreneurial dreams into asuccessful company, from America’s most trusted source of financialadvice. It answers would-be business owners’ biggest question—howdo I fund my venture?—then explains the mechanics of building,running and growing a profitable business. You’ll learn: ? How to write a winning business plan ? Secrets to finding extra money during the lean years andbeyond ? Ways to keep your stress in check while maintaining a work/lifebalance ? How to manage your time, including taking vacations anddealing with sick days ? Strategies for keeping your business running smoothly—frominvesting in technology to hiring the right peop
There will come a time when you must decide to lead the lifesomeone else has chosen for you…or the life you want. According to legend, when a young boy asked the great Renaissanceartist Michelangelo why he was working so hard hitting the block ofmarble that would eventually become his greatest sculpture, David,the artist replied, “Young man, there is an angel inside this rock,and I am setting him free.” In The Angel Inside, the renownedconsultant and career coach Chris Widener uses Michelangelo’s wordsto explore the hidden potential that exists within us all. In this unforgettable tale, Tom Cook, a disillusioned Americanbusinessman, has traveled to Italy looking for direction in hislife. In Florence, the last city on his tour, Tom meets amysterious old man who opens his eyes to the art and life ofMichelangelo and reveals what the artist’s work can teach him—andall of us—about the power of following your passion. Among the lessons that Tom learns over the course of the ne
During her two decades at The New England Journal of Medicine,Dr. Marcia Angell had a front-row seat on the appalling spectacleof the pharmaceutical industry. She watched drug companies strayfrom their original mission of discovering and manufacturing usefuldrugs and instead become vast marketing machines with unprecedentedcontrol over their own fortunes. She saw them gain nearly limitlessinfluence over medical research, education, and how doctors dotheir jobs. She sympathized as the American public, particularlythe elderly, struggled and increasingly failed to meet spiralingpre*ion drug prices. Now, in this bold, hard-hitting new book,Dr. Angell exposes the shocking truth of what the pharmaceuticalindustry has become–and argues for essential, long-overduechange. Currently Americans spend a staggering $200 billion each year onpre*ion drugs. As Dr. Angell powerfully demonstrates, claimsthat high drug prices are necessary to fund research anddevelopment are unfounded: The truth is that drug compa
From the profit-minded managers who make up the brain trust atThe Atlanta Consulting Group comes a simple new method hailed as arevolutionary management practice: learning to care.
This easy-to-use handbook features a battery of tests whichassesses logical, numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning powers,as well as technological and clerical skills. Completely revised,updated, and expanded, the guide takes into account personality,motivation, and individual interests, and matches the resultsagainst an extensive index of over 400 careers.