New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Motivated people advance further and faster in their careers,earn more money, are more productive, experience more satisfyingrelationships and are happier than the less- motivated peoplearound them. But true motivation cannot be faked or forced. In the same way that each person has a different fingerprint anda distinct combination of DNA, every individual is hardwired with aunique motivational matrix. Grounded in eight years of researchwith more than 10,000 people, this book reveals how to decode yourMotivational DNA for maximum achievement. Whether you are an individual seeking to realize your personalgoals or a leader looking to motivate your team, Get Motivated!will show you how to overcome any obstacle, achieve any goal, andaccelerate your success. For more than twenty years motivational expert Tamara Lowe hasproduced the largest business seminars in the world, inspiring peakperformance in millions. In GET MOTIVATED! she unve
Corporate candy giants Milton Hershey and Forrest Mars builtbusiness empires out of one of the world's most magical,sought-after substances: chocolate. In The Emperors of Chocolate,Jo?l Glenn Brenner--the first person to ever gain access to thehighly secretive companies of Hershey and Mars--spins a uniquestory that takes us inside a world as mysterious as Willy Wonka'sChocolate Factory. Packed with flavorful stories and outrageouscharacters that give the true scoop on this real-life candyland,The Emperors of Chocolate is a delectable read for business buffsand chocoholics alike. Start reading and you'll soon be hungry formore.
"It’s not the magic that makes it work; it’s the way we workthat makes it magic." The secret for creating “magic” in our careers, ourorganizations, and our lives is simple: outstanding leadership—thekind that inspires employees, delights customers, and achievesextraordinary business results. No one knows more about this kind of leadership than LeeCockerell, the man who ran Walt Disney World Resortoperations for over a decade. And in Creating Magic, he shares theleadership principles that not only guided his own journey from apoor farm boy in Oklahoma to the head of operations for amultibillion dollar enterprise, but that also soon came to form thecultural bedrock of the world’s number one vacation destination.But as Lee demonstrates, great leadership isn’t about masteringimpossibly complex management theories. We can all becomeoutstanding leaders by following the ten practical, common sensestrategies outlined in this remarkable book. As straightforward asthey are profound, th
The crash of 2008 revealed that the world's central banks had failed to offset the financial imbalances that led to the crisis, and lacked the tools to respond effectively. What lessons should central banks learn from the experience, and how, in a global financial system, should cooperation between them be enhanced? Banking on the Future provides a fascinating insider's look into how central banks have evolved and why they are critical to the functioning of market economies. The book asks whether, in light of the recent economic fallout, the central banking model needs radical reform. Supported by interviews with leading central bankers from around the world, and informed by the latest academic research, Banking on the Future considers such current issues as the place of asset prices and credit growth in anti-inflation policy, the appropriate role for central banks in banking supervision, the ways in which central banks provide liquidity to markets, the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of central banks, th
In today's fast-paced networked economy, professionals must work harder than ever to maintain and improve their business skills and knowledge. But technical mastery of one's discipline is not enough, assert world-renowned professional advisors David H. Maister, Charles H. Green, and Robert M. Galford. The key to professional success, they argue, is the ability to earn the trust and confidence of clients. To demonstrate the paramount importance of trust, the authors use anecdotes, experiences, and examples -- successes and mistakes, their own and others' -- to great effect. The result is an immensely readable book that will be welcomed by the inexperienced advisor and the most seasoned expert alike.
Actors specialize in the skills you need to excel at interviews: self-confidence, verbal communication and body language, and knowing how to project the desired image. Here, the directors of a consulting firm that applies acting techniques to success in the business world share a step-by-step training program to help you ace your own "audition." You'll learn trade secrets for conquering stage fright, how to research the "role" you're applying for, how to look the part, how to deal with job-hunting stress--and how to use simple exercises for effective verbal and physical communication. With each interview, the curtain rises on a new opportunity. With the seven steps in this book, you can get ready to take a bow!
Discusses how to create products/services tailored to yourcustomers' needs, recognizing and rewarding your most profitabletrophy customers, using guarantees to build customer trust, andturning first-time customers into frequent buyers. Softcover. DLC:Customer satisfaction.
The only book that looks at the business of concert promotion.Concerts are part art, part party--and a big part business. "ThisBusiness of Concert Promotion and Touring" is the first to focus onthat all-important business aspect, from creating a show, toselling a show, to organizing the show, to staging the show.Working with venues, personnel, booking, promoting, marketing,publicity, public relations, financial management, and much moreare covered in this indispensable one-volume resource. And theideas and techniques explained here can be used for every type ofconcert promotion, including college shows, artist showcases, clubgigs, as well as major events handled by local promoters,nationwide promoters, and worldwide promoters. Concert promotersand tour managers at every level need to know "This Business ofConcert Promotion and Touring"
If you're enrolled in an executive education or MBA program, you've probably encountered a powerful learning tool: the business case. But if you're like many people, you may find interpreting and writing about cases mystifying, challenging, or downright frustrating. In "The Case Study Handbook", William Ellet presents a potent new approach for analyzing, discussing, and writing about cases. Early chapters show how to classify cases according to the analytical task they require (solving a problem, making a decision, or forming an evaluation) and quickly establish a base of knowledge about a case. Strategies and templates, in addition to several sample Harvard Business School cases, help you apply the author's framework. Later in the book, Ellet shows how to write persuasive case-analytical essays based on the process laid out earlier. Extensive examples of effective and ineffective writing further reinforce your learning. The book also includes a chapter on how to talk about cases more effectively in class. A
In this bestselling classic of financial management, G. Bennett Stewart, III, raises and answers these provocative questions: Do dividends matter? Are earnings per share really accurate measures of corporate performance? What is the engine that really drives share prices? More than that, Stewart lays the foundation for EVA r , the financial management and incentive system now in place at nearly 300 companies around the world, and which is rapidly becoming the global standard for corporate governance. Managers, confused about what investors really want, often find it difficult to reach informed decisions regarding business strategy, acquisitions and divestitures, financial structure, dividend policy, and executive compensation. But now an EVA r -based revolution is providing a practical framework that managers can use to build a premium-valued company. At the forefront of this revolution is the consulting firm of Stern Stewart & Co., of which G. Bennett Stewart, III, author of The Qu