These quick reads, based on McGraw-Hill bestsellers, are designed to meet the needs of busy people. Titles in the series focus on each book's main themes and action ideas, reduced to a manageable page count for on-the-go readers. Specific strategies for understanding the 10 types of problem people and influencing them to adopt positive behaviors.
那些没有找到真正财富——存在的欢乐以及与它紧密联系在一起的深深的不可动摇的宁静——的人就是故事中的那个乞丐,即便已经拥有很多财富,但他们依然在四处找寻。他们不知道,自己不仅已经拥有了所有这些,还拥有了更为珍贵的东西,那就是——当下的力量。 阅读本书的过程是一个发现之旅。在作者这位心灵导师的引导下,你会惊讶地发现,自己一直都处在大脑或思维的控制之下,生活在对时间的永恒焦虑中。我们忘不掉过去,更担心未来。但实际上,我们只能活在当下,活在此时此刻,所有的一切都是在当下发生的,而过去和未来只是一个无意义的时间概念。通过向当下的臣服,我们才能找到真正的力量,找到获得平和与宁静的入口。 这不仅仅是一本书,在这本书中还有活生生的能量,当你读这本书时你可能会感受到这种能量。它有一种惊
Way of the Peaceful Warrior has become one of the most beloved spiritual sagas of our time. Shared among friends and families, this multimillion-copy word-of-mouth bestseller has been translated into more than twenty languages and has inspired men and women of all ages worldwide. Despite his success, college student and world-champion athlete Dan Millman is haunted by a feeling that something is missing from his life. Awakened one night by dark dreams, he wanders into an all-night gas station. There he meets an old man named Socrates, and his world is changed forever. Guided by this eccentric old warrior and drawn to an elusive young woman named Joy, Dan begins a spiritual odyssey into realms of light and shadow, romance and mystery. His journey ultimately leads him toward a final confrontation that will deliver or destroy him. This classic tale, told with heart and humor, speaks to the peaceful warrior in each of us. Countless readers have been moved to laughter, tears, and moments of illumination as the
Let's face it: very few people have studied how to solveproblems. Problems knock us down like a tsunami and we don't knowwhat to do about it. We lie awake at night worrying about it andspend our days stressing out over a situation that only seems toget worse. It doesn't have to be that way. Roger Dawson has taught hundreds ofthousands of people has to negotiate, persuade, and make decisions,with his lectures, audio programs and books, and now he has turnedhis attention to something that everyone needs: a way to solvelife's problems.
Joe Girard was an example of a young man with perseverance and determination. Joe began his working career as a shoeshine boy. He moved on to be a newsboy for the Detroit Free Press at nine years old, then a dishwasher, a delivery boy, stove assembler, and home building contractor. He was thrown out of high school, fired from more than forty jobs, and lasted only ninety-seven days in the U.S. Army. Some said that Joe was doomed for failure. He proved them wrong. When Joe started his job as a salesman with a Chevrolet agency in Eastpointe, Michigan, he finally found his niche. Before leaving Chevrolet, Joe sold enough cars to put him in the "Guinness Book of World Records" as 'the world's greatest salesman' for twelve consecutive years. Here, he shares his winning techniques in this step-by-step book, including how to: read a customer like a book and keep that customer for life; convince people reluctant to buy by selling them the right way; develop priceless information from a two-minute phone call; mak
In factories around the world, Toyota consistently makes the highest-quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer, while using fewer man-hours, less on-hand inventory, and half the floor space of its competitors. The Toyota Way is the first book for a general audience that explains the management principles and business philosophy behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability. Complete with profiles of organizations that have successfully adopted Toyota's principles, this book shows managers in every industry how to improve business processes by: Eliminating wasted time and resources; Building quality into workplace systems; Finding low-cost but reliable alternatives to expensive new technology; Producing in small quantities; Turning every employee into a qualitycontrol inspector.
Three years after the events of The Golem's Eye, the youngmagician Nathaniel is an established member of the BritishGovernment. But he faces unprecedented problems: foreign wars aregoing badly and Britain's enemies are mounting attacks close toLondon. Increasingly distracted, he is treating Bartimaeus worsethan ever: the long-suffering djinni is growing weak from too muchtime in this world, and his patience is at an end. Meanwhile,undercover in London, Kitty has been stealthily completing herresearch into magic and Bartimaeus' past. She hopes to break theendless cycle of conflict between djinn and humans - but will shebe able to get anyone to listen? Before any of these problems canbe resolved, disaster strikes London from an unexpected source andthe destinies of Bartimaeus, Nathaniel, and Kitty are throwntogether once more. They have to face treacherous magicians, along-fermented conspiracy, and an enemy from 'The Other Place' thatthreatens London and the world. Worst of all, they must somehowcope wit
The Toyota Way Fieldbook is a companion to the international bestseller The Toyota Way. The Toyota Way Fieldbook builds on the philosophical aspects of Toyota's operating systems by detailing the concepts and providing practical examples for application that leaders need to bring Toyota's success-proven practices to life in any organization. The Toyota Way Fieldbook will help other companies learn from Toyota and develop systems that fit their unique cultures.
Prospecting for new customers is a key part of everysalesperson's job-and perhaps the most challenging part. Yourleads, your approach, your timing, everything needs to be perfect.That's why you need Perfect Phrases for Lead Generation by renownedsales guru Bill Brooks. He's assembled a winning collection ofproven sales strategies for the 21st century-each linked withappropriate phrases for every customer scenario. Using his surefireselection of targeted phrases, you'll learn how to: Identify the 25 types of clients-and customize your words to winthem over Master the 10 principles of direct prospecting-using the rightphrases to turn cold calls into cash Expand your customer base-and grow your sales-faster, bigger, andbetter Filled with hundreds of ready-to-use phrases, specific salespitches, new communication tools, and other networking secrets,this invaluable handbook puts all the tricks of trade at yourfingertips. 作者简介: Bill Brooks is CEO of The Brooks Group, on
Whether challenged with taking on a startup, turning a business around, or inheriting a high-performing unit, a new leader's success or failure is determined within the first 90 days on the job. In this hands-on guide, Michael Watkins, a noted expert on leadership transitions, offers proven strategies for moving successfully into a new role at any point in one's career. The First 90 Days provides a framework for transition acceleration that will help leaders diagnose their situations, craft winning transition strategies, and take charge quickly. Practical examples illustrate how to learn about new organizations, build teams, create coalitions, secure early wins, and lay the foundation for longer-term success. In addition, Watkins provides strategies for avoiding the most common pitfalls new leaders encounter, and shows how individuals can protect themselves-emotionally as well as professionally-during what is often an intense and vulnerable period. Concise and actionable, this is the surviv
Corporate candy giants Milton Hershey and Forrest Mars builtbusiness empires out of one of the world's most magical,sought-after substances: chocolate. In The Emperors of Chocolate,Jo?l Glenn Brenner--the first person to ever gain access to thehighly secretive companies of Hershey and Mars--spins a uniquestory that takes us inside a world as mysterious as Willy Wonka'sChocolate Factory. Packed with flavorful stories and outrageouscharacters that give the true scoop on this real-life candyland,The Emperors of Chocolate is a delectable read for business buffsand chocoholics alike. Start reading and you'll soon be hungry formore.
The One–Page Project Manager shows you how to boil down any project into a simple, one–page document that can be used to communicate all essential details to upper management, other departments, suppliers, and audiences. This practical guide will save time and effort, helping you identify the vital parts of a project and communicate those parts and duties to other team members.
The world has changed dramatically since the classic, internationally bestselling The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was published, influencing tens of millions. The challenges and complexity we all face in our relationships, families, professional lives and communities are of an entirely new order of magnitude. In order to thrive, innovate, excel and lead in what Covey calls the new Knowledge Worker Age, we must build on and move beyond greatness.Accessing the higher levels of human genius and motivation in today's new reality requires a sea change of new thinking -- a new mind-set, a new skill-set, a new tool-set -- in short, a whole new habit.
We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: with ambition,drive, and talent, you can rise to the top of your chosenprofession regardless of where you started out. But with opportunity comes responsibility. Companies today aren'tmanaging their knowledge workers' careers. Instead, you must beyour own chief executive officer. That means it's up to you tocarve out your place in the world and know when to change course.And it's up to you to keep yourself engaged and productive during acareer that may span some 50 years. In Managing Oneself, Peter Drucker explains how to do it. Thekeys: Cultivate a deep understanding of yourself by identifyingyour most valuable strengths and most dangerous weaknesses.Articulate how you learn and work with others and what your mostdeeply held values are. Describe the type of work environment whereyou can make the greatest contribution. Only when you operate with a combination of your strengths andself-knowledge can you achieve true and lasting excellence
Bad pricing is a great way to destroy your company’s value, revenue, and profits。 With ten simple rules, this book shows you how to deliver both healthy profit margins and robust revenue growth while kicking the dreaded discounting habit。 The authors destroy the conventional wisdom that you have to trade margins for revenues and show you how to fully exploit the value your company offers customers。 This is a proven plan for increasing sales without sacrificing profits。 Face facts: Customers have never met a price they liked。 And they will use every trick in the book to get you to lower your prices and give up profits。 The typical business response is to discount, discount, discount—resulting in less revenue and lower profits。 In Pricing with Confidence, pricing gurus Reed Holden and Mark Burton offer a radically different solution—one that actually builds revenues and profits without lowering prices。 The key? Linking prices to the value delivered。 The real trick i
Why do good teams fail? Very often, argue Deborah Ancona and Henrik Bresman, it is because they are looking inward instead of outward. Based on years of research examining teams across many industries, Ancona and Bresman show that traditional team models are falling short, and that what's needed - and what works - is a new brand of team that emphasizes external outreach to stakeholders, extensive ties, expandable tiers, and flexible membership. The authors highlight that X-teams not only are able to adapt in ways that traditional teams aren't, but that they actually improve an organization's ability to produce creative ideas and execute them - increasing the entrepreneurial and innovative capacity within the firm. What's more, the new environment demands what the authors call "distributed leadership," and the book highlights how X-teams powerfully embody this idea.
An updated and revisedversionof the bestselling The LeadershipPipeline – the critical resource for how companies can growleadersfrom the inside. In business,leadership at every level is a requisite for companysurvival. Yet the leadership pipeline –the internal strategy togrowleaders – in many companies is dry or nonexistent. Drawing on theirexperiences at many Fortune 500 companies, the authors show howorganizations can develop leadership at every level by identifyingfuture leaders, assessing their corporate confidence, planningtheir development, and measuring their results. New to this edition is 65 pages of new material toupdate themodel, share new stories and add new advice based on the ten moreyears of experience. The authors have also added a "FrequentlyAsked Questions" section to the end of each chapter.
A funny, honest and foolproof guide to all women who really want to know what men think about love, sex and commitment from Steve Harvey, one of the most popular entertainers today.
Take the combined fortunes of Bill Gates, Tiger Woods and Roman Abramovich. Now imagine someone stealing that much money - and being hailed as a financial genius. That man is Bernard Madoff. Backed by governments and global banks, Madoff defrauded $65 billion from charities and individual investors including Stephen Spielberg. Finally turned in by his own sons, Madoff opened his door in his dressing gown to be arrested by the FBI. Eleven charges and eleven guilty verdicts later he swapped his penthouse for a prison cell. Only $1 billion was left. Madoff is the first definitive account of the rise and fall of the biggest fraudster ever. It's a story of greed, betrayal and lies, of remorseless risk-taking, family tragedy and financial disaster. Investigative reporter Erin Arvedlund was the first to expose Madoff back in 2001, but Wall Street and the world didn't listen. In this astonishing book, she answers the crucial unsolved questions: why and when did Madoff turn his business into a massive fraud? How did h
John Meriwether, a famously successful Wall Street trader,spent the 1980s as a partner at Salomon Brothers, establishing thebest--and the brainiest--bond arbitrage group in the world. Amysterious and shy midwesterner, he knitted together a group ofPh.D.-certified arbitrageurs who rewarded him with filial devotionand fabulous profits. Then, in 1991, in the wake of a scandalinvolving one of his traders, Meriwether abruptly resigned. For twoyears, his fiercely loyal team--convinced that the chief had beenunfairly victimized--plotted their boss's return. Then, in 1993,Meriwether made a historic offer. He gathered together his formerdisciples and a handful of supereconomists from academia andproposed that they become partners in a new hedge fund differentfrom any Wall Street had ever seen. And so Long-Term CapitalManagement was born. In a decade that had seen the longest and most rewarding bullmarket in history, hedge funds were the ne plus ultra ofinvestments: discreet, private clubs limited to those
Though this authoritative examination of today's static corporate management systems reads like a business school treatise, it isn't the same-old thing. Hamel, a well-known business thinker and author (Leading the Revolution), advocates that dogma be rooted out and a new future be imagined and invented. To aid managers and leaders on this mission, Hamel offers case studies and measured analysis of management innovators like Google and W.L. Gore (makers of Gore-Tex), then lists lessons that can be drawn from them. He doesn't gloss over how difficult it will be to reinvent management, comparing the new and needed shift in thinking to Darwin's abandoning creationist traditions and physicists who had to look beyond Newton's clockwork laws to discover quantum mechanics. But the steps needed to make such a profound shift aren't clearly outlined here either. The book serves primarily as an invitation to shed age-old systems and processes and think differently. There's little humor and few punchy catchphrases—the b
Would your emp;puees-if given the choice-ever want towork for you again?
In this instant New York Times Bestseller, Geoff Smart andRandy Street provide a simple, practical, and effective solution towhat The Economist calls “the single biggest problem in businesstoday”: unsuccessful hiring. The average hiring mistake costs acompany $1.5 million or more a year and countless wasted hours.This statistic becomes even more startling when you consider thatthe typical hiring success rate of managers is only 50percent. The silver lining is that “who” problems are easily preventable.Based on more than 1,300 hours of interviews with more than 20billionaires and 300 CEOs, Who presents Smart and Street’s A Methodfor Hiring. Refined through the largest research study of its kindever undertaken, the A Method stresses fundamental elements thatanyone can implement–and it has a 90 percent success rate. Whether you’re a member of a board of directors looking for a newCEO, the owner of a small business searching for the right peopleto make your company grow, or a pare
The financial crisis and ensuing recession permanently changedhow business is conducted. Executives and other decision makers,pressured to accomplish higher goals with lower budgets, aredemanding greater levels of accountability from their people. Andwhen it comes to investing in business processes, they wantquantifiable proof that any new initiative will contribute tosolving problems, serving customers, and improving thebusiness. The Real Value of Training gives you the tools not only to provethat your program will deliver solutions; it goes one step further,so you can explain exactly how much it will deliver. Presented bytraining ROI expert Ron Stone, The Real Value of Training offers an11-step process for qualitatively and quantitatively measuring thevalue of training. Stone's methodology brings ROI to a new level of scrutiny andcredibility by helping you successfully: Collect critical performance data Analyze results and adjust for causal influence and sustainedimpact Assign a monetary value to busin
You can't ask for more than efficient, effective operations.Or can you? Given today's business landscape--increasing customerdemand, global competition, lower trade barriers--being good isn'tenough. This groundbreaking guide provides the knowledge and toolsyou need to transform your organization from a well-run company toa relentlessly innovative company. Innovation expert JeffreyPhillips has helped businesses around the world achieve thedream--the implementation of innovation as a consistent businessdiscipline. In Relentless Innovation, he reveals his secrets forthe first time. Phillips argues that today's typical businessmodels actually impede innovation because they place so much focuson efficiency, cost cutting, and short-term gain. Does thisdescribe your business model? If it does, you need to revisit yourapproach and redefine your idea of what success actually is. Youmay find that your "business as usual" processes actively rejectinnovation efforts. Relentless Innovation has everything you needto