The Pixar Touch is a lively chronicle ofPixar Animation Studios' history and evolution, and the “fraternityof geeks” who shaped it. With the help of animating genius JohnLasseter and visionary businessman Steve Jobs, Pixar has become thegold standard of animated filmmaking, beginning with a shortspecial effects shot made at Lucasfilm in 1982 all the way upthrough the landmark films Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, and others. David A. Price goes behind the scenes of the corporatefeuds between Lasseter and his former champion, Jeffrey Katzenberg,as well as between Jobs and Michael Eisner. And finally he exploresPixar's complex relationship with the Walt Disney Company as ittransformed itself into the $7.4 billion jewel in the Disneycrown.
What is that makes urban myths so persistent but many everydaytruths so eminently forgettable? How do newspapers set aboutensuring that their headlines make you want to read on? And why dowe remember complicated stories but not complicated facts? In thecourse of over ten years of study, Chip and Dan Heath haveestablished what it is that determines whether particular ideas orstories stick in our minds or not, and "Made to Stick" is thefascinating outcome of their painstaking research.Packed full ofcase histories and thought-provoking anecdotes, it shows, amongother things, how one Australian scientist convinced the world he'ddiscovered the cause of stomach ulcers by drinking a glass filledwith bacteria, how a gifted sports reporter got people to watch afootball match by showing them the outside of the stadium, and howhigh-concept pitches such as 'Jaws on a spaceship' ("Alien") and'Die Hard on a bus' ("Speed") convince movie executives to investvast sums of money in a project on the basis of almost noinformati
In THE FINANCIALCRISIS INQUIRY REPORT,the facts about thefinancial and economic crises that engulf the world will speak forthemselves. Formed in May 2009, the Financial Crisis InquiryComission (FCIC) is a panel of ten commissioners chosen by the U.S.Congress to explain what happened , why it happened, and what couldhave been done to prevent it. On December 15th, 2010, thecommission will release their official report to the President,Congress , and the World. 金融危机调查报告将合盘托出席卷全球的金融与经济危机的来龙去脉及真相,并让事实来说话。2009年5月由十名专家组成金融危机调查委员会授命于国会,专门负责调查金融危机成因,进而总结教训、提出改进建议。他们就20多项议题展开了重点调查。2010年12月15日美国金融危机调查委员会将向美国总统,美国国会和全世界公布其终的调查结果,并授权美国小布朗出版公司授权以图书的形式向全球发行其官方调查报告。
Andrew Grove is President of Intel, America's leadingmanufacturer of computer chips. However, the management techniqueshe unveils in this bestselling and user-friendly guide are equallyapplicable for sales managers, accountants, consultants, eventeachers--anyone whose job entails getting a group of people toproduce something of value.
Since the publication of its first English translation in1974, The Book of Five Rings has become an underground classic inthe American business community, where it is studied as a text onJapanese management techniques. Here are timeless principles ofcraft, skill, timing, and spirit from a great samurai warrior--plusbackground on Zen, Bushido, Heiho, and Musashi's life. Twocolor.
在线阅读本书 Under Andy Grove’s leadership,Intel has become the worlds largestchip maker and one of the most admired companies in the world.Inonly the Paranoid Survive, Grove reveals his strategy of focusingon a new way of measuring the nightmare moment every leaderdreads——when massive change occurs and a company must,yirtuallyovernight adapt or fall by the wayside.Grove calls such a moment aStrategic Inflection Point,which can be set off by almostanything:mega-competition, a change in regulations, or a seeminglymodest change in technology. When a Strategic Inflection Pointhits, the ordinary rules of business go out the window. Yetman-aged right, a Strategic Inflection Point can be and opportunityto win in the marketplace and emerge stronger than ever. Groveunderscores his message by examining his own record of success andfailure, including how he navigated the events of the Pentium flaw,which threatened Intel's reputation in 1994, and how he has dealtwith the explosions in growt
If you're ever favored enough to catch a few minutes of a corporate CEO's time, and feel bold enough to ask what their job entails, chances are you'll hear something lofty about developing strategy, empowering employees, seeing the big picture. But if you ask to see their calendar for the past month, you'll probably find they've spent very little, if any, time doing those things. The look-at-last-month's-calendar trick was devised by Donald Laurie, a Boston-based management consultant, to help top executives figure out how best to lead their companies. Laurie sees a leader as the person who climbs out on the balcony and sees the company from above, the one who sees how all the parts connect to make a smoothly running machine. At the same time, if the leader stays up on that balcony for too much of the day, he or she can't hear the grumbling below. And what's being grumbled about is often the information that could save the CEO's job. As an example of this, Laurie relates the story of Xerox Corp. when it
Go from being a good manager to an extraordinary leader. If you read nothing else on leadership, read these 10 articles.We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articleson leadership and selected the most important ones to help youmaximize your own and your organization's performance. HBR's 10 Must Reads On Leadership will inspire you to: - Motivate others to excel - Build your team's self-confidence in others - Provoke positive change - Set direction - Encourage smart risk-taking - Manage with tough empathy - Credit others for your success - Increase self-awareness - Draw strength from adversity
Strengths Based Selling explains talent and how toidentify and maximize it, and then covers the basic steps of theselling process, including prospecting/cold calling, assessingopportunity, identifying solutions, building advocacy, negotiating,closing, and servicing/retaining/growing. Thus, the reader can takethe web-based Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment (access codeincluded), discover his or her own unique strengths, learn to applythem to sales, and formulate strategies to triangulate individualtalent and job role.
Corporate candy giants Milton Hershey and Forrest Mars builtbusiness empires out of one of the world's most magical,sought-after substances: chocolate. In The Emperors of Chocolate,Jo?l Glenn Brenner--the first person to ever gain access to thehighly secretive companies of Hershey and Mars--spins a uniquestory that takes us inside a world as mysterious as Willy Wonka'sChocolate Factory. Packed with flavorful stories and outrageouscharacters that give the true scoop on this real-life candyland,The Emperors of Chocolate is a delectable read for business buffsand chocoholics alike. Start reading and you'll soon be hungry formore.
Moscow-born Sergey Brin and Midwest-born Larry Page droppedout of graduate school at Stanford University to, in their ownwords, "change the world" through a powerful search engine thatwould organize every bit of information on the Web for free. TheGoogle Story takes you deep inside the company's wild ride from anidea that struggled for funding in 1998 to a firm that rakes inbillions in profits, making Brin and Page the wealthiest young menin America. Based on scrupulous research and extraordinary accessto Google, this fast-moving narrative reveals how an unorthodoxmanagement style and culture of innovation enabled a search engineto shake up Madison Avenue and Wall Street, scoop up YouTube, andbattle Microsoft at every turn. Not afraid of controversy, Googleis expanding in Communist China and quietly working on a searchablegenetic database, initiatives that test the founders' guidingmantra: DON'T BE EVIL.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter on the answer to the global crisis ofbusiness and American-style capitalism. Out of the ashes of conventional business models arises a set ofcompanies using their power not only for profits and sustainablegrowth but also social good. If you think business corporations are doomed to be lumbering,bloated, and corrupt, think again. Based on an extraordinary three-year investigation, interviewingmore than 350 key people at major companies around the world,Rosabeth Moss Kanter provides encouraging and astounding evidencethat this assumption is completely outdated. The businesses thatare agile, keeping ahead of the curve in terms of market changesand customer needs, are the businesses that are also progressive,socially responsible human communities. Take IBM. When the tsunami and earthquake struck Asia, IBM didn’tjust cut a check for relief funds and call it a day. The companyused its technological expertise and skilled people to create whatgovernment and relief agencies could not: infor
The authors present important research showing thatcorporatist institutions generate smaller non-competitive wagedifferentials than a decentralized system. A theoreticalexplanation is developed based on the hold-up problem ininvestments, arguing that corporatist institutions solve theproblem by specifying ex ante nominal contracts that remove thenecessity of ex post bargaining over the surplus of an employmentrelationship. The authors also argue that such institutions allowsufficient flexibility to accommodate aggregate shocks, even moreso than decentralized systems. Corporatism or Competition? is thefirst book to bring together the mass of research on comparativewage differences, wage movements and employment behaviour indifferent countries with different institutional frameworks, in anorganized and coherent fashion.
The Accidental Millionaire is the memoir of Gary Fong, would-be slacker who revolutionized wedding photography, inventor of popular photography aids, entrepreneur, contrarian, bon vivant and a man who really, really didn't want to become a doctor. A first-generation Chinese-American, Gary was raised in one of Los Angeles' least-desirable neighborhoods and was forced to deal―in his own quirky and often very funny way―with the burdens of poverty, crime and his parents' relentless aspirations. These issues almost overwhelmed him until he had a dramatic epiphany. Spotting a bumper sticker that read "Since I gave up hope, I feel much better," Gary promptly did just that. He stopped trying and started succeeding. At turns hilarious, insightful and instructive, The Accidental Millionaire is Horatio Alger-meets-David Sedaris. Turning the traditional self-help principles upside down, The Accidental Millionaire disdains the goal-oriented approaches of traditional self-help philosophies. Sometimes not k
Reading this book will make you less sure of yourself—andthat’s a good thing. In The Invisible Gorilla, Christopher Chabrisand Daniel Simons, creators of one of psychology’s most famousexperiments, use remarkable stories and counterintuitive scientificfindings to demonstrate an important truth: Our minds don’t workthe way we think they do. We think we see ourselves and the worldas they really are, but we’re actually missing a whole lot. Chabris and Simons combine the work of other researchers withtheir own findings on attention, perception, memory, and reasoningto reveal how faulty intuitions often get us into trouble. In theprocess, they explain: ? Why a company would spend billions to launch a product that itsown analysts know will fail ? How a police officer could run right past a brutal assaultwithout seeing it ? Why award-winning movies are full of editing mistakes ? What criminals have in common with chess masters ? Why measles and other c
From an award-winning New York Times reporter comes the full, mind-boggling story of the lies, crimes, and ineptitude behind the Enron scandal that imperiled a presidency, destroyed a marketplace, and changed Washington and Wall Street forever.
For more than fifteen years, Robin Sharma has been quietly sharing with Fortune 500 companies and many of the super-rich a success formula that has made him one of the most sought-after leadership advisers in the world. Now, for the first time, Sharma makes his proprietary process available to you, so that you can get to your absolute best while helping your organization break through to a dramatically new level of winning in these wildly uncertain times.
THE REMARKABLE AND INSPIRING TRUE STORY OF ONE GUY WHOTRANSFORMED HIS UNCERTAINTY ABOUT THE FUTURE INTO ACTION A year and a half after he graduated from college, Sean Aikenfound himself struggling to answer the question “What should I dowith my life?” His mother suggested teaching. His older sister toldhim to apply for an entry-level corporate position. His fathersaid, “It doesn’t matter what you do, just make sure it’s somethingyou’re passionate about.” Taking his father’s advice to heart, Seancreated the One-Week Job Project and launched himself on an epicjourney to find his passion. His goal: to work fifty-two jobs infifty-two weeks. After the launch of his website,, the offers beganpouring in. Sean’s first gig was—literally—jumping off a bridge, asa bungee operator in British Columbia. From there he traveledacross Canada and the United States, reinventing himself as afirefighter, an aquarium host, a radio DJ, a martial artsinstructor, an NHL mascot,
Because starting a small business is not only a huge financialrisk but also a complete lifestyle change, anyone who wants to behis or her own boss needs to approach entrepreneurship thoughtfullyand with careful planning. That’s why there is no better resourcethan The Wall Street Journal Complete Small Business Guidebook, apractical guide for turning your entrepreneurial dreams into asuccessful company, from America’s most trusted source of financialadvice. It answers would-be business owners’ biggest question—howdo I fund my venture?—then explains the mechanics of building,running and growing a profitable business. You’ll learn: ? How to write a winning business plan ? Secrets to finding extra money during the lean years andbeyond ? Ways to keep your stress in check while maintaining a work/lifebalance ? How to manage your time, including taking vacations anddealing with sick days ? Strategies for keeping your business running smoothly—frominvesting in technology to hiring the right peop
You've looked at dozens of books that promise to help you geta job. This book is different. This book is written by an executivewhose business is teaching managers how to interview jobcandidates. He knows what they're looking for--and how you cansuccessfully prepare for landing that job you really want. Through interactive and easy-to-follow exercises, Landing the JobYou Want equips you to make your next job interview one of the mostpositive experiences of your life. Whether you're a recent collegegrad searching for a first job, a corporate veteran looking forthat big promotion, an at-home mom starting a new career, or anexperienced worker looking to move in a totally new direction, youwill walk into interviews prepared and confident because you knowhow to: Identify the skills most important for a job decide whether a jobis right for you present your skills with maximum impact respond todifficult questions perform well in simulations and tests handle anill-prepared interviewer close an inte
We find ourselves engaged in various kinds of negotiationsevery day, from trying to land a new account or win a promotion atwork, to buying a house or a car, or bargaining down a cell phonebill, or settling a dispute with a friend or spouse. In thisgroundbreaking book, negotiation expert Ed Brodow shows us how tosettle conflicts amicably to reach a win-win solution everytime. Using the no-nonsense, results-oriented boot camp approach,Brodow drills readers on the basic skills needed to master the artof negotiation. After completing Brodow’s basic training program,you will have learned how to: · Conquer your fear of confrontation and overcome the negativebehaviors that hold you back · Identify and develop your personal negotiation style · Assess the other side’s strengths and weaknesses · Get the other side to make concessions without giving up any ofyour goals · Master the art of listening to understand the other side’sposition and strengthen your own