孩子从6个月至2岁时,是秩序感为强烈的时期,一直会延续到5岁左右。孩子发展秩序的敏感期中,应给予适当的引导与培养,可以帮助孩子建立秩序感,以便于在3岁以后更好地适应新环境,为进入幼儿园做准备。 《准备好了吗?》是由日本绘本画家江头路子专门为1~4岁幼儿准备的互动游戏绘本。全系列共3册,讲述了小花收信件、准备上学、帮忙做家务的过家家游戏。 其中《准备好了吗?》讲述的是孩子每天早上,从起床到上幼儿园的这段时间要准备做什么:起床 上厕所 换衣服 吃饭 洗脸 刷牙 整理书包,;《信来了吗?》讲述了孩子们之间的游戏邀请与回应;《要帮忙吗?》讲述的是孩子通过游戏的方式,有步骤地帮忙做家务的故事:选菜 洗菜 煮饭 端上桌子 吃饭 收拾桌子。 有趣的过家家游戏,一问一答的阅读方式,切合了1-4岁幼儿的认知特点,通
生动的图片详细地图解了小便的步骤,帮助宝宝学会自己上厕所。 理论依据:学习上厕所是一个复杂的、需要耐心的过程。父母应该容忍宝宝在学习过程中诸如尿裤子、尿到便盆外等问题,而将重点放在鼓励宝宝取得的每一点小小的进步上。对于2岁半的宝宝,书里的插图充满着信息,宝宝会花大量的时间看图片,并且提出各种有关的问题。无字书可以让宝宝自己独立阅读,发现画面的信息,进出一个宝宝自己的个性化故事。 阅读方法:1.让宝宝带领着您一起去发现书中图片的大量细节,并鼓励宝宝讲出自己的故事。 2.鼓励宝宝像抱抱熊一样,自己上卫生间小便。
"The Complete Book of Breastfeeding" is a recognized classicin its field. Now it's been completely revised and updated in a newfourth edition-non-doctrinaire, informative, and friendly, it isthe most accessible and authoritative book, as much requiredreading for expecting and new mothers as a pregnancy guide and babyname book. All healthy mothers should consider breastfeeding forthe first year of a baby's life, according to the American Academyof Pediatrics, and this is the book that will help women give theirbabies the healthiest start possible. Written by Sally Wendkos Oldsand a new co-author, Laura Marks, M.D., "The Complete Book ofBreastfeeding, Fourth Edition" offers a comprehensive introductionto breastfeeding-how to get ready before the baby arrives; how toinvolve fathers and siblings; and the best diet and foods for mom.There are sections on dealing with problems at the hospital;extensive information on exclusive pumping (EPing); the bestsystems for giving supplementary bottles to a breastfed b
Announcing the prequel! From Heidi Murkoff, author of theworld's bestselling pregnancy and parenting books, comes themust-have guide every expectant couple needs before they evenconceive - the first step in What to Expect: What to Expect BeforeYou're Expecting. Medical groups now recommend that all hopeful parents plan forbaby-making at least three months before they begin trying. And whobetter to guide want-to-be mums and dads step-by-step through thepreconception (and conception) process than Heidi Murkoff? It's all here. Everything couples need to know before sperm and eggmeet. Packed with the same kind of reassuring, empathic andpractical information and advice that readers have come to expectfrom What to Expect, only sooner. Which baby-friendly foods toorder up (say yes to yams) and which fertility-busters to avoid(see you later, saturated fat); lifestyle adjustments that you'llwant to make (cut back on cocktails and caffeine) and those you canprobably skip (that switch to boxer shorts). How to pinpoint