In 1984, The LittleKingdom told the story of Apple's first decade alongside thehistories of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Now Moritz revisits hisclassic biography in light of what Apple has become, offering forthe first time in paperback the only from the ground up account ofApple's early years.
This easy-to-use handbook features a battery of tests whichassesses logical, numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning powers,as well as technological and clerical skills. Completely revised,updated, and expanded, the guide takes into account personality,motivation, and individual interests, and matches the resultsagainst an extensive index of over 400 careers.
Business revolves around making decisions, often riskydecisions, usually with incomplete information and too often inless time than we need. Executives at every level, in everyindustry, are confronted with information overload, less leeway formistakes, and a business environment that changes rapidly. In lightof this increased pressure and volatility, the old-fashioned waysof making decisions–depending on intuition, common sense, andspecialized expertise–are simply no longer sufficient. Distillingover thirty years of groundbreaking research, WinningDecisions , written by two seasoned business advisers and worldleaders in behavioral decision studies, is a comprehensive,one-of-a-kind guide to the proven methods of making criticalbusiness decisions confidently, quickly–and correctly. Decision-making is a business skill which managers often take forgranted in themselves and others–but it's not as easy as some mightthink. The authors, whose expertise has been sought out by over ahundred companies, includi
《的战争:波音与空客的全球竞争内幕》内容简介:10000公里的航程足以覆盖世界上有人居住的所有地方,但是在民用航空领域,还没有一个飞行器拥有如此惊人的续航能力——无论是波音还是空客。尽管如此,在可以预计的未来,只要乘飞机旅行,你十有八九只能选择这两家公司的产品,但是,你知道那些带你飞翔的“大家伙”有怎样的出身与来历吗? 越来越多的人需要飞往更遥远的地方,航空制造商需要回答,究竟是要承载更多的乘客,还是要飞得更远?这永远都是一个难以破解的悖论。可是,哪怕在这一问题上微小的进展也足以让竞争对手多一分忌惮。在这项全球为复杂的商战中,两家公司都竭尽全力企图将对手抛开,尽管事实是各自的市场份额越来越接近50%。 20年弹指一挥间,波音与空客的竞争刚刚上演了序曲。回顾短暂的过去,航空制造业的竞
From an award-winning New York Times reporter comes the full, mind-boggling story of the lies, crimes, and ineptitude behind the Enron scandal that imperiled a presidency, destroyed a marketplace, and changed Washington and Wall Street forever.
From one of America's foremost economic and political thinkerscomes a vital analysis of our new hypercompetitive andturbo-charged global economy and the effect it is having onAmerican democracy. With his customary wit and insight, Reich showshow widening inequality of income and wealth, heightened jobinsecurity, and corporate corruption are merely the logical resultsof a system in which politicians are more beholden to the influenceof business lobbyists than to the voters who elected them. Powerful andthought-provoking, Supercapitalism argues that a clearseparation of politics and capitalism will foster an enviroment inwhich both business and government thrive, by putting capitalism inthe service of democracy, and not the other way around.
Technological advances and the global marketplace are changingthe way we live and work. Doing the work you love is the critical factor to personal fulfillment and economic success. Noone understands this more than Laurence G. Boldt, whose Zen andthe Art of Making a Living helped many carve out new andrewarding career paths. But how do you find the courage to startthe search for a new career? And how do you tap into your own bestresources to discover what you want to do and what you’re good at?This remarkable guide offers simple yet profound strategies to helpyou answer those questions by focusing on four key elements to besought in any life’s work: Integrity, Service, Enjoyment, andExcellence. Boldt has reduced the quest for meaningful work to itsessence and will lead you to an understanding of what you could andshould be doing with your life.
The Pixar Touch is a lively chronicle ofPixar Animation Studios' history and evolution, and the “fraternityof geeks” who shaped it. With the help of animating genius JohnLasseter and visionary businessman Steve Jobs, Pixar has become thegold standard of animated filmmaking, beginning with a shortspecial effects shot made at Lucasfilm in 1982 all the way upthrough the landmark films Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, and others. David A. Price goes behind the scenes of the corporatefeuds between Lasseter and his former champion, Jeffrey Katzenberg,as well as between Jobs and Michael Eisner. And finally he exploresPixar's complex relationship with the Walt Disney Company as ittransformed itself into the $7.4 billion jewel in the Disneycrown.
A compelling vision. Bold leadership. Decisive action.Unfortunately, these prerequisites of success are almost always theingredients of failure, too. In fact, most managers seeking tomaximize their chances for glory are often unwittingly settingthemselves up for ruin. The sad truth is that most companies haveleft their futures almost entirely to chance, and don’t evenrealize it. The reason? Managers feel they must make choices withfar-reaching consequences today, but must base those choices onassumptions about a future they cannot predict. It is thiscollision between commitment and uncertainty that creates THESTRATEGY PARADOX. This paradox sets up a ubiquitous but little-understood tradeoff.Because managers feel they must base their strategies onassumptions about an unknown future, the more ambitious of themhope their guesses will be right – or that they can somehow adaptto the turbulence that will arise. In fact, only a small number oflucky daredevils prosper, while many more unfortunate, bu
那些没有找到真正财富——存在的欢乐以及与它紧密联系在一起的深深的不可动摇的宁静——的人就是故事中的那个乞丐,即便已经拥有很多财富,但他们依然在四处找寻。他们不知道,自己不仅已经拥有了所有这些,还拥有了更为珍贵的东西,那就是——当下的力量。 阅读本书的过程是一个发现之旅。在作者这位心灵导师的引导下,你会惊讶地发现,自己一直都处在大脑或思维的控制之下,生活在对时间的永恒焦虑中。我们忘不掉过去,更担心未来。但实际上,我们只能活在当下,活在此时此刻,所有的一切都是在当下发生的,而过去和未来只是一个无意义的时间概念。通过向当下的臣服,我们才能找到真正的力量,找到获得平和与宁静的入口。 这不仅仅是一本书,在这本书中还有活生生的能量,当你读这本书时你可能会感受到这种能量。它有一种惊
The legitimate use of force is generally presumed to be therealm of the state. However, the flourishing role of the privatesector in security over the last twenty years has brought this intoquestion. In this book Deborah Avant examines the privatization ofsecurity and its impact on the control of force. She describes thegrowth of private security companies, explains how the industryworks, and describes its range of customers – including states,non-government organisations and commercial transnationalcorporations. She charts the inevitable trade-offs that the marketfor force imposes on the states, firms and people wishing tocontrol it, suggests a new way to think about the control of force,and offers a model of institutional analysis that draws on botheconomic and sociological reasoning. The book contains case studiesdrawn from the US and Europe as well as Africa and the MiddleEast.
Tom Hopkins carries the standard as a master sales trainer andis recognized as the world’s leading authority on sellingtechniques and salesmanship. Over 3,000,000 people on five continents have attended Tom’shigh-energy live seminars. Tom personally conducts 75 seminars eachyear traveling throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, NewZealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and the Philippines. Tom Hopkins is a distinguished charter member of the NationalSpeakers Association and was among the first to receive itsprestigious Council of Peers Award for Excellence. Tom’s talent ofteaching in a creative and entertaining style has brought him atremendous following, as well as constant demand for appearances atregional and national conventions each year. Tom Hopkins has been the subject of countless articles inpublications such as U.S. News and World Report, The New YorkTimes, The Los Angeles Times, Personal Selling Power, Peoplemagazine, Selling magazine, Entrepreneur magazine, and TheWashington Post.
For centuries, it has been assumed that there are vast limitsto human capacity. Now, although a host of scientific discoveriesprove this wrong, a mindset of limits persists, blocking us fromour greatest possibilities and leaving us feeling bombarded bystress, change, and uncertainty. No matter how hard we work, nomatter how much we give, we're still not getting what we hoped for.There is another way. Dr. Robert Cooper, a neuroscience pioneer and leadership advisor,urges us to take a radically different view of human capacity. Weare mostly unused potential, he says, employing less than 10percent of our brilliance or hidden talents. In easy-to-followsteps, he explains how to develop and apply the art and science ofyour hidden capacity. The art is the motivation and inspiration coming from thewonderful stories that are the heart of The Other 90%. Dr. Cooperdraws on his wide-ranging insights and experiences to show how it'spossible to make a difference in yourself and others. However, ins
An Apple Store customer asks for the latest iPhone in blackbut suddenly changes to white when he sees others choosing it. Acitizen of a former communist country picks~ a drink at random;soda is soda, he says. A young man and woman decide tomarry--knowing that they'll meet for the first time on theirwedding day. In THE ART OF CHOOSING, Columbia University profes- sor SheenaIyengar, a leading expert on choice, asks fascinating questions:Are our choices innate or created by culture? Why do we sometimeschoose against our best interests? How much control do we reallyhave? What's the relationship between choice and freedom? Drawingon her award-winning, discipline: spanning research, thisremarkable book illuminates the joys and challenges ofchoosing--and shows us how we can choose better, one choice at atime.
It’s not good enough to want it. You’ve got to know how to get it. Real estate titan, bestselling author, and TV star Donald J. Trump is the man to teach you the billionaire mind-set–how to think about money, career skills, and life. Here is crucial advice on investing in real estate from the expert, everything from dealing with brokers to renovating to assessing the value of property, buying and selling, and securing a mortgage. Trump will show you how to cut costs, decide how much risk to assume in your investments, and divide up your portfolio. He’ll also teach you how to impress anyone, how to correct or criticize someone effectively, and how to know if your friends are loyal–everything you need to know to get ahead. And once you’ve earned your money, you’ve got to learn to spend it well. Trump presents his consumer guide to the best things in life, from wine to golf clubs to engagement rings. Check out the billionaire lifestyle–how they shop and what they buy. Even if you’re not s
The companion to the blockbuster bestseller, Getting Things Done . Since its publication in 2001, Getting ThingsDone has become, as Time magazine put it, "the definingself-help business book" of the decade. Having inspired millions ofreaders around the world, it clearly spoke to an urgent need in anincreasingly time-pressured society. Now, in the highly anticipatedsequel Making It All Work , Allen unlocks the full power ofhis methods across the entire span of life and work. WhileGetting Things Done functioned as an essential tool kit, Making It All Work is an invaluable road map, providing bothbearings to help you determine where you are in life and directionson how to get to where you want to go.
“I’ve got the name for our publishing operation. We justsaid we were going to publish a few books on the side at random.Let’s call it Random House.” So recounts Bennett Cerf in thiswonderfully amusing memoir of the making of a great publishinghouse. An incomparable raconteur, possessed of an irrepressible witand an abiding love of books and authors, Cerf brilliantly evokesthe heady days of Random House’s first decades. Part of the vanguard of young New York publishers whorevolutionized the book business in the 1920s and ’30s, Cerf helpedusher in publishing’s golden age. Cerf was a true personality,whose other pursuits (columnist, anthologist, author, lecturer,radio host, collector of jokes and anecdotes, perennial judge ofthe Miss America pageant, and panelist on What’s My Line? )helped shape his reputation as a man of boundless energy andenthusiasm and brought unprecedented attention to his company andto his authors. At once a rare behind-the-scenes account of bookpublishing and
B2B presents the first definitive blueprint for creating a profitable business-to-business e-commerce strategy. Showcasing successful initiatives designed by industry leaders such as Cisco Systems and Dell Computer, as well as lesser-known trailblazers such as VerticalNet and, Michael Cunningham clearly identifies the key issues in assessing opportunities, building technological and organizational capabilities, and designing a successful business-to-business strategy using the full power of the Internet.
MAKE RICK PITINO YOUR PERSONAL COACH AND ACHIEVE MORE THAN YOUEVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE. For Rick Pitino, the first coach to bring teams from threedifferent schools to the Final Four, success isn’t aboutshortcuts. Pitino’s secret–and the reason he has become botha great coach and one of the most sought-after motivationalspeakers in the nation–is his strategy of overachievement. Now, in Success Is a Choice, he takes the same proven methods thathave earned him and his teams legendary status and gives you aten-step plan of attack that will help you become a winner atanything you set your mind to:
From two leaders in executive education at Harvard BusinessSchool, here are the mental habits and proven strategies you needto achieve outstanding results in any negotiation. Whether you’ve “seen it all” or are just starting out,Negotiation Genius will dramatically improve your negotiatingskills and confidence. Drawing on decades of behavioral researchplus the experience of thousands of business clients, the authorstake the mystery out of preparing for and executingnegotiations—whether they involve multimillion-dollar deals orimproving your next salary offer. What sets negotiation geniuses apart? They are the men andwomen who know how to: ?Identify negotiation opportunities where others see noroom for discussion ?Discover the truth even when the other side wants toconceal it ?Negotiate successfully from a position of weakness ?Defuse threats, ultimatums, lies, and other hardballtactics ?Overcome resistance and “sell” proposals using proveninfluence tactics
In a book that looks at the power of collaboration, the authorsdefine eight archetypes of leaders and followers and then explainhow readers can take 60 different cases of successful collectivebehavior and apply them to their own organizations.