
  • 1星以上
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    • NEVER EAT ALONE(ISBN=9780385512053)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Keith Ferrazzi 著 /2005-02-01/ Random House US
    • YaYa CEO Ferrazzi works with "Inc." writer Raz to explain theguiding principles he has mastered over a lifetime of reaching outto explain what it takes to build the kind of lasting, mutuallybeneficial relationships that lead to professional and personalsuccess.

    • ¥112.5 折扣:5折
    • MH 36-HOUR COURSE ACCOUNTING(ISBN=9780071486033)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Robert L. Dixon 著 /2007-08-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Quickly get up-to-speed in all basic accounting principles andprocedures and apply that knowledge to real-world financialdecisions and requests The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Accounting Coursehas been the gold standard for anyone looking for a fast,no-nonsense primer in all the fundamentals of financial,managerial, and tax accounting concepts. Now thoroughly revised andupdated, the fourth edition features new coverage of thetechnological developments in the field, the recent sweeping taxreforms, and the latest Financial Accounting Standards Boardpronouncements. The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Accounting Course offerssuch up-to-date coverage as: Complete analysis of the currenttrends in computer hardware and accounting software Coverage ofcurrent tax issues, such as the revision of tax rate structure, newdeductions and credits for higher education costs, and taxation ofSocial Security benefits New test problems throughout to help yougauge your progress, as well as a final exam that can earn you aCertificate of Achieve

    • ¥118 折扣:6.9折
    • Alpha Teach Yourself Accounting in 24 Hours, 2nd Edition(ISB
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Carol Costa 著 /2006-06-01/ Penguin
    • Be a pro in no time … Ideal for bookkeepers, accounting clerks, and small businessowners, this practical guide goes beyond general accountingprinciples to teach readers how to prepare and manage theircompanies’ books. In this new edition, readers will find completelyrevised and updated information on handling sales and services, andupdated tax information reflecting changes in the tax code. ? Perfect for the many practicing accountants who are unlicensedbookkeepers, accounting clerks, and small business owners ? There are 3.1 million accountants, bookkeepers, and accountingclerks in the U.S. ? There are an estimated 23 million small business owners in theU.S., many of whom manage their own books

    • ¥82.6 折扣:6.5折
    • ROBERT E. LEE ON LEADERSHIP(ISBN=9780761525547)
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • H.W. Crocker III 著 /2000-08-01/ Random House US
    • Robert E. Lee was a leader for the ages. The man heralded byWinston Churchill as "one of the noblest Americans who ever lived"inspired an out-manned, out-gunned army to achieve greatness on thebattlefield. He was a brilliant strategist and a man of unyieldingcourage who, in the face of insurmountable odds, nearly changedforever the course of history. "A masterpiece—the best work of its kind I have ever read.Crocker's Lee is a Lee for all leaders to study; and to work, quitedeliberatelya, to emulate." — Major General Josiah Bunting III,superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute In this remarkable book, you'll learn the keys to Lee's greatnessas a man and a leader. You'll find a general whose standards forpersonal excellence was second to none, whose leadership wasfounded on the highest moral principles, and whose character wasmade of steel. You'll see how he remade a rag-tag bunch of men intoone of the most impressive fighting forces history has ever known.You'll also discover oth

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • BLACK SWAN, THE (EXP)(ISBN=9780812979183)
    •   ( 22 条评论 )
    • 纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布 (Nassim Nicholas Taleb) 著 /2008-02-01/ Random House US
    • A black swan is a highly improbable event with threeprincipal characteristics: It is unpredictable; it carries amassive impact; and, after the fact, we concoct an explanation thatmakes it appear less random, and more predictable, than it was. Theastonishing success of Google was a black swan; so was 9/11. ForNassim Nicholas Taleb, black swans underlie almost everything aboutour world, from the rise of religions to events in our own personallives. Why do we not acknowledge the phenomenon of black swans untilafter they occur? Part of the answer, according to Taleb, is thathumans are hardwired to learn specifics when they should be focusedon generalities. We concentrate on things we already know and timeand time again fail to take into consideration what we don’t know.We are, therefore, unable to truly estimate opportunities, toovulnerable to the impulse to simplify, narrate, and categorize, andnot open enough to rewarding those who can imagine the“impossible.” For years, Taleb has studie

    • ¥73 折扣:5折
    • Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success 英文原版
    •   ( 97 条评论 )
    • Adam Grant 著 /2014-01-01/ Orion
    • The motivations behind today's most successful leaders and entrepreneurs come to a simple yet decisive explanation: there are people who give, people who take, people who match, and people who fake. Our world is filled with these givers, takers, matchers and fakers. Amazingly, those who succeed (not only personally but for their clients and companies) don't take or match. They give. (Although they're not necessarily philanthropic.) GIVE AND TAKE presents the fascinating secrets to givers' success. The results are unequivocal: givers gain big. Jack Welch, Richard Branson, Jon Huntsman Sr. - all of them are givers. In a world in which so many takers such as Bernard Madoff and Raj Rajaratnam have ruined lives and reputations, this book will reassure readers that the real power lies in becoming a giver. Since the vast majority of people aren't born givers, Grant not only presents the case for why givers win, he also offers their hidden strategies for winning.

    • ¥50 折扣:6.5折
    • How to Do Business in China highlights 24 lessons that will
    •   ( 35 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2007-08-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Catapulted onto the world stage by a daring reform agenda, present-day China represents an experiment unique in human history. Its astonishing economic ascent and rapidly expanding consumer market has captured the global imagination. Bristling with amazing opportunities which may conceal considerable risks, engaging with China is inescapable for many firms. How to Do Business in China highlights 24 lessons that will facilitate your entry into China. Tips on avoiding common mishaps and enhancing your preparedness are outlined. This book provides valuable insights into:The nature of business environment、Strategic thinking、Negotiation、Cultural awareness、Anticipating problems、Understanding the bigger picture. This exhilarating and mostly untapped marketplace replete with idiosyncrasies is a dominant force shaping the 21st century. How to Do Business in China will sensitise you to the issues as it clearly depicts the challenges ahead. 作者简介: Nick Dallas, PHD, is a China watcher and we

    • ¥42.6 折扣:5.8折
    • FOOLED BY RANDOMNESS(ISBN=9781400067930)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Nassim Nicholas Taleb 著 /2008-10-01/ Random House US
    • Now in a striking new hardcover edition, Fooled by Randomnessis the word-of-mouth sensation that will change the way you thinkabout business and the world. Nassim Nicholas Taleb–veteran trader,renowned risk expert, polymathic scholar, erudite raconteur, andNew York Times bestselling author of The Black Swan–has written amodern classic that turns on its head what we believe about luckand skill. This book is about luck–or more precisely, about how we perceiveand deal with luck in life and business. Set against the backdropof the most conspicuous forum in which luck is mistaken forskill–the world of trading–Fooled by Randomness providescaptivating insight into one of the least understood factors in allour lives. Writing in an entertaining narrative style, the authortackles major intellectual issues related to the underestimation ofthe influence of happenstance on our lives. The book is populated with an array of characters, some of whomhave grasped, in their own way, the significance

    • ¥121 折扣:5折
    • AGENDA, THE(ISBN=9781400047734)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Michael Hammer 编 /2003-04-01/ Random House US
    • New rules for the new game: the ideas that every business needs to win in the customereconomy In The Agenda , Michael Hammer showscompanies how to prosper in today’s world of slow growth, fiercecompetition, and enormously powerful customers. The winners in thisextraordinarily difficult environment—companies like IBM, DukePower, Progressive Insurance, and GE—succeed through superioroperations. Their costs are lower and their quality higher thantheir competitors’; they get new products to market faster and theyprovide better customer service. How do they do it? Throughnear-fanatical attention to the basics of business, and by managingthese basics in new and creative ways. The Agenda teaches the ideas and techniques that anycompany—large or small, service ?rm or manufacturer—can use toout-execute and out-innovate its competitors. Businesses thatfollow these principles will grow by taking market share away fromthose that do not. While others decline, your company can thri

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Performance Appraisal Phrases(IS
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Peter Gray 著 /2006-03-01/ Penguin
    • Nobody likes performance appraisals. To make the most of them,though, managers and supervisors can take advantage of this guide,complete with the phrases and words they need to confidentlyconduct clear, objective performance reviews. Phrases are given forcommon behavior and skill categories as well as for commonfunctional areas—and they work, regardless of appraisal type.

    • ¥41.6 折扣:6.5折
    • CO-OPETITION(ISBN=9780385479509)
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • Adam M. Brandenburger 等编 /1997-12-01/ Random House US
    • Over the last few years, books on strategic alliances havebeen in vogue -- especially ones that claim that the new economyhas overturned many old rules about self-sufficiency andcompetition. That's because the new economy rewards speed andspecialization. Yet a more narrow focus on so-called corecompetencies creates gaps in your operation -- gaps that need to befilled by other organizations. Some books, most notably Co-opetition, have gone so far as torecommend cooperative relationships between traditional businessrivals. No doubt, there are some who will appreciate the logicbehind the theory but still balk at the actual practice -- as wellas those who simply prefer the tried and true crush-the-enemyapproach. But no matter where you stand on the cooperate-conquer continuum,two new books show you how to forge cooperative relationships withparties that have no interest in stealing market share -- nonprofitorganizations. Corporations can simultaneously enhance theirreputations and their bottom

    • ¥82 折扣:5折
    • The Art of Choosing(ISBN=9780446559447)
    •   ( 28 条评论 )
    • Sheena Iyengar 著 /2010-03-01/ Hachette
    • An Apple Store customer asks for the latest iPhone in blackbut suddenly changes to white when he sees others choosing it. Acitizen of a former communist country picks~ a drink at random;soda is soda, he says. A young man and woman decide tomarry--knowing that they'll meet for the first time on theirwedding day. In THE ART OF CHOOSING, Columbia University profes- sor SheenaIyengar, a leading expert on choice, asks fascinating questions:Are our choices innate or created by culture? Why do we sometimeschoose against our best interests? How much control do we reallyhave? What's the relationship between choice and freedom? Drawingon her award-winning, discipline: spanning research, thisremarkable book illuminates the joys and challenges ofchoosing--and shows us how we can choose better, one choice at atime.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • MBA in a Book(ISBN=9780446535434)
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • Leslie Pockell 著 /2009-03-01/ Hachette
    • MBA IN A BOOK offers the kind of information graduates of MBAprograms ought to have, but usually gain only after years ofhard-won experience. This volume contains essential advice aboutthe fundamentals of business, sales, and leadership from some ofhistory's most influential thinkers and doers: entepreneurs,executives, scholars, statesmen, and philosophers. The business principles section includes wisdom about thefundamentals of business practice and theory and important adviceon investment, leadership, management, marketing, and success. Thefollowing section includes observations and insights that offeruseful sales advice and ingenious techniques. Readers will discovergems of wisdom that address both the daily practicalities and thegrand ideals of leadership in the final section. Updated with a new introduction, this valuable collection willprovide readers with the keys to mastering timeless and essentialbusiness skills. MBA IN A BOOK will inspire, guide, and supportanyone interested in

    • ¥112.5 折扣:6.5折
    • 101 Things I Learned (TM) in Business School 9780446550284
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2013-12-01/ Hachette
    • 101 THINGS I LEARNED IN BUSINESS SCHOOL will cover a wide range of lessons that are basic enough for the novice business student as well as inspiring to the experienced practitioner. The unique packaging of this book will attract people of all ages who have always wondered whether business school would be a smart career choice for them. Judging by the growing number of people taking the GMATs (the entrance exam for business school) each year, clearly more people than ever are thinking about heading in this direction.Subjects include accounting, finance, marketing, management, leadership, human relations, and much more - in short,everything one would expect to encounter in business school.Illustrated in the same fungift book format as 101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL, this will be the perfect gift for a recent college or high school grad, or even for someone already well-versed in the business world.

    • ¥83.2 折扣:6.5折
    • Security Analysis And Business Valuation On Wall Street + Co
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Jeffrey C. Hooke ,(杰弗里·C·胡克) 著 /2010-05-01/ Wiley
    • An insider's look at security analysis and business valuation,as practiced by Wall Street, Corporate America, and internationalbusinesses Two major market crashes, numerous financial and accountingscandals, growth in private equity and hedge funds, Sarbanes Oxleyand related regulations, and international developments changedsecurity analysis and business valuation substantially over thelast fourteen years. These events necessitated a second edition ofthis modern classic, praised earlier by Barron's as a "welcomesuccessor to Graham and Dodd" and used in the global CFAexam. This authoritative book shows the rational, rigorous analysis isstill the most successful way to evaluate securities. It picks upwhere Graham and Dodd's bestselling Security Analysis - for decadesconsidered the definitive word on the subject - leaves off.Providing a practical viewpoint, Security Analysis on Wall Streetshows how the values of common stock are really determined intoday's marketplace. Incorporating dozens of

    • ¥565.8 折扣:6.9折
    • Trump The Art of the Deal 地产大亨特朗普:交易的艺术
    •   ( 65 条评论 )
    • Donald J. Trump, Tony Schwartz 著 /2004-12-01/ Random House US
    • This boastful, boyishly disarming, thoroughly engaging personal history offers an inside look at aspects of financing, development and construction in big-time New York real estate. "I don't do it for the money," maintains Trump, the son of a Queens realtor who, at age 27, bought and transfigured the colossal Hotel Commodore at Grand Central Terminal. Now 40, he has built, among other projects, and owns outright, Fifth Avenue's retail and residential Trump Tower (where he occupies a double-triplex suite); owns and operates Trump's Castle, a casino in Atlantic City; is arguably the most visible young man on Manhattan's celebrity circuit ("Governor Cuomo calls. . . . dinner at St. Patrick's Cathedral. . . . I call back Judith Krantz"); and is currently developing a controversial 100-acre West Side "Television City" project that is planned to include the world's tallest building. For those who would do likewise, Trump articulates his secrets for success: imagination, persistence, skill at "juggling provisional c

    • ¥39.6 折扣:6折
    • PIXAR TOUCH, THE(ISBN=9780307278296)
    •   ( 22 条评论 )
    • David A. Price 著 /2009-05-01/ Random House US
    • The Pixar Touch is a lively chronicle ofPixar Animation Studios' history and evolution, and the “fraternityof geeks” who shaped it. With the help of animating genius JohnLasseter and visionary businessman Steve Jobs, Pixar has become thegold standard of animated filmmaking, beginning with a shortspecial effects shot made at Lucasfilm in 1982 all the way upthrough the landmark films Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, and others. David A. Price goes behind the scenes of the corporatefeuds between Lasseter and his former champion, Jeffrey Katzenberg,as well as between Jobs and Michael Eisner. And finally he exploresPixar's complex relationship with the Walt Disney Company as ittransformed itself into the $7.4 billion jewel in the Disneycrown.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Judgment: How Winning Leaders Make Great Calls(ISBN=97815918
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Warren G. Bennis 等著 /2009-11-01/ Penguin
    • “With good judgment, little else matters. Without it, nothingelse matters.” Whether we’re talking about United States presidents, CEOs, MajorLeague coaches, or wartime generals, leaders are remembered fortheir best and worst judgment calls. In the face of ambiguity,uncertainty, and conflicting demands, the quality of a leader’sjudgment determines the fate of the entire organization. That’s whyjudgment is the essence of leadership. Yet despite its importance, judgment has always been a fairlymurky concept. The leadership literature has been conspicuouslyquiet on what, exactly, defines it. Does judgment differ fromcommon sense or gut instinct? Is it a product of luck? Of smarts?Or is there a process for making consistently good calls? Noel Tichy and Warren Bennis have each spent decades studying andteaching leadership and advising top CEOs such as Jack Welch andHoward Schultz. Now, in their first collaboration, they offer apowerful framework for making tough calls when the sta

    • ¥70.2 折扣:6.5折
    • The MBA Oath(ISBN=9781591843351)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Max AndersonPeter Escher 著 /2010-04-01/ Penguin
    • "As a manager, my purpose is to serve the greater goodby bringing people and resources together to create value that nosingle individual can create alone..." So begins the MBA Oath, conceived in early 2009 byMax Anderson, Peter Escher, and a team of Harvard Business Schoolstudents. They saw that in the wake of the financial crisis, theMadoff scandal, and other headlines, MBAs were being vilified.People were angry because business leaders, many of whom were MBAs,seemed not to care about anything beyond their own privateinterests. Many began to question the worth of business schools andthe MBA degree. The oath quickly spread beyond Harvard, becoming a worldwidemovement for a new generation of leaders who care about society aswell as the bottom line. Thousands of graduating MBAs have nowpledged to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity, just asmedical students swear by the Hippocratic oath before they canpractice. This book is the manifesto for the movement. It provides not only astrong case for wh

    • ¥127.2 折扣:6折