    • 吾国与吾民中英双语全两册【正版图书 无忧售后】
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    • 林语堂著 /2017-06-01/ 湖南文艺出版社
    • 《吾国与吾民》My?Country?and?My?People又名《中国人》,是林语堂在西方文坛的成名作与代表作。该用坦率幽默的笔调、睿智通达的语言娓娓道出了中国人的道德、精神状态与向往,以及中国的社会、文艺与生活情趣。? ????该书将中国人的性格、心灵、理想、生活、政治、社会、艺术剖析得非常美妙,并与西方人的性格,理想、生活等做了相应的广泛深入的比较,在海内外引起轰动,美国许多知名人士推崇备至。被译成多种文字,在世界各国广泛流传。

    • ¥41.97 ¥260 折扣:1.6折
    • 【中图原版现货】The New Global Universities:Reinventing Education in
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    • Bryan Penprase & Noah Pickus /2023-12-05/ 普林斯顿大学出版社
    • Reimagining higher education around the world: lessons from the creation of eight new colleges and universities in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and North America Higher education is perpetually in crisis, buffeted by increasing costs and a perceived lack of return on investment, campus culture that is criticized for stifling debate on controversial topics, and a growing sense that the liberal arts are outmoded and irrelevant. Some observers even put higher education on the brink of death. The New Global Universities offers a counterargument, telling the story of educational leaders who have chosen not to give up on higher education but to reimagine it. The book chronicles the development and launch of eight innovative colleges and universities in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and North America, describing the combination of intellectual courage, entrepreneurial audacity, and adaptive leadership needed to invent educational institutions today. The authors, both academic leaders who have been invol

    • ¥284 ¥305 折扣:9.3折
    • 【正版】吾国与吾民中英双语上下全两册
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    • 林语堂著 /2017-06-01/ 湖南文艺出版社
    • 《吾国与吾民》My?Country?and?My?People又名《中国人》,是林语堂在西方文坛的成名作与代表作。该用坦率幽默的笔调、睿智通达的语言娓娓道出了中国人的道德、精神状态与向往,以及中国的社会、文艺与生活情趣。? ????该书将中国人的性格、心灵、理想、生活、政治、社会、艺术剖析得非常美妙,并与西方人的性格,理想、生活等做了相应的广泛深入的比较,在海内外引起轰动,美国许多知名人士推崇备至。被译成多种文字,在世界各国广泛流传。

    • ¥58.9 ¥83.36 折扣:7.1折
    • 汉语写作教程【正版图书 无忧售后】
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    • 雷逢春著 /2016-09-01/ 民族出版社
    • 《汉语写作教程》以训练学生写作能力为主,读写结合,实用性强,可操作性强,所讲写作知识都有方法可循、有例可依。选文贴近少数民族学生生活和实际运用,一部分例文是老师和学生的习作,符合民族学生的汉语实际水平。编写了丰富的书面表达训练内容,给学习者提供了丰富的练习机会,使学生通过实践掌握写作知识。教材力求分阶段、有计划地提高学习者的书面表达能力,巩固学生的汉语基础知识,以促进学习者汉语综合素质的全面提高。只要按要求训练,很快就能举一反三、触类旁通、培养能力。 ??《汉语写作教程》共三十八课,上编为应用文写作,下编为基础写作。秉持实用为主的原则,按由易到难的顺序编排,提供了足够数量的课堂练习和课外作业。并列出了生词表,加注了拼音,部分词语加注了藏文翻译,便于自主学习。

    • ¥20.56 ¥113.11 折扣:1.8折
    • 梁冬说庄子大宗师共下【正版图书 无忧售后】
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    • 梁冬著 /2018-09-01/ 广东人民出版社
    • 《庄子·内篇·大宗师》说什么?? 在这个善变的时代,我们应该如何做才不会时时感到焦虑?才能更好地提升自己而不被时代甩在后面?我们要不要做一个机会主义者呢?《大宗师》告诉我们:不管世界如何变,我们永远要关心不变的东西,要做非机会主义者,做非经验主义者、非规则主义者,尽量不要向已有的经验和规则学习。不要去追风口,不能看别人做了就跟着做,而要看时间和生命,做自己本身应该做的事情,这样才能变成时代真正的弄潮儿,永远立于不败之地。?

    • ¥22.43 ¥119.41 折扣:1.9折
    • 南来的挑战-梁国典文集-布面-【正版】
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    • 梁国典 /2017-06-01/ 中华书局
    • 《南来的挑战》是大众报业集团(大众日报社)社长梁国典从事新闻工作30年来的作品选集,精选了作者撰写的通讯和论文的代表作品。作者从记者干起,全身心投入新闻工作,紧跟时代发展潮流,采写和组织策划了孔繁森、李登海、朱彦夫、王乐义等重大典型人物报道,推出了如莱芜市乡镇简政放权、莱西市村级组织建设、文登农村精神文明建设、荣成市实践“三个代表”的经验以及海尔经验、“南巡第三春的汇报系列述评”等等重大经验性报道,挖掘重大典型、新闻事件、英模人物身上的时代价值,捕捉新闻背后的丰盈内涵,多篇作品获得中国新闻奖。实践证明,这些通讯报道的典型,经住了时间的检验,到现在仍具有典型意义,是做好新时期典型宣传的生动教材。作者走上管理岗位后,注重加强对新闻实践的总结提升,撰写了大量业务论文,内容涉及采编业

    • ¥22.2 ¥119.99 折扣:1.9折
    • 【中图原版现货】隐私与权力:跨大西洋的自由与安全之争 Of Privacy and Power
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    • /2021-03-02/ 普林斯顿大学出版社
    • How disputes over privacy and security have shaped the relationship between the European Union and the United States and what this means for the future We live in an interconnected world, where security problems like terrorism are spilling across borders, and globalized data networks and e-commerce platforms are reshaping the world economy. This means that states’ jurisdictions and rule systems clash. How have they negotiated their differences over freedom and security? Of Privacy and Power investigates how the European Union and United States, the two major regulatory systems in world politics, have regulated privacy and security, and how their agreements and disputes have reshaped the transatlantic relationship. The transatlantic struggle over freedom and security has usually been depicted as a clash between a peace-loving European Union and a belligerent United States. Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman demonstrate how this misses the point. The real dispute was between two transnational

    • ¥166.5 ¥185 折扣:9折
    • 【中图原版现货】革命诗人 约翰-弥尔顿的形成 Poet of Revolution
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    • /2024-03-01/ 普林斯顿大学出版社
    • A groundbreaking biography of Milton’s formative years that provides a new account of the poet’s political radicalization John Milton (1608–1674) has a unique claim on literary and intellectual history as the author of both Paradise Lost , the greatest narrative poem in English, and prose defences of the execution of Charles I that influenced the French and American revolutions. Tracing Milton’s literary, intellectual, and political development with unprecedented depth and understanding, Poet of Revolution is an unmatched biographical account of the formation of the mind that would go on to create Paradise Lost ―but would first justify the killing of a king. Biographers of Milton have always struggled to explain how the young poet became a notorious defender of regicide and other radical ideas such as freedom of the press, religious toleration, and republicanism. In this groundbreaking intellectual biography of Milton’s formative years, Nicholas McDowell draws on recent arc

    • ¥202.5 ¥225 折扣:9折
    • 【中图原版现货】组织的力量 组织理论的新方法 The Power of Organizations
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    • /2024-03-01/ 普林斯顿大学出版社
    • How organizations developed in history, how they operate, and how research on them has evolved Organizations are all around us: government agencies, multinational corporations, social-movement organizations, religious congregations, scientific bodies, sports teams, and more. Immensely powerful, they shape all social, economic, political, and cultural life, and are critical for the planning and coordination of every activity from manufacturing cardboard boxes to synthesizing new drugs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To understand our world, we must understand organizations. The Power of Organizations defines the features of organizations, examines how they operate, traces their rise over the course of a millennium, and explains how research on organizations has evolved from the mid-nineteenth century to today. Heather Haveman shows how almost all contemporary research on organizations fits into three general perspectives: demographic, relational, and cultural. She offers constructive c

    • ¥253.8 ¥282 折扣:9折
    • 【中图原版现货】犹太人解放: 跨越五个世纪的历史 Jewish Emancipation
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    • /2024-03-01/ 普林斯顿大学出版社
    • The first comprehensive history of how Jews became citizens in the modern world For all their unquestionable importance, the Holocaust and the founding of the State of Israel now loom so large in modern Jewish history that we have mostly lost sight of the fact that they are only part of―and indeed reactions to―the central event of that history: emancipation. In this book, David Sorkin seeks to reorient Jewish history by offering the first comprehensive account in any language of the process by which Jews became citizens with civil and political rights in the modern world. Ranging from the mid-sixteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first, Jewish Emancipation tells the ongoing story of how Jews have gained, kept, lost, and recovered rights in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, the United States, and Israel. Emancipation, Sorkin shows, was not a one-time or linear event that began with the Enlightenment or French Revolution and culminated with Jews' acquisition of rights in Ce

    • ¥231.3 ¥257 折扣:9折
    • 生物医药大时代【正版图书 无忧售后】
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    • 胡明东 /2019-06-01/ 社会科学文献出版社
    • 生物技术的第三次革命浪潮,促进生物医药快速发展,生物医药进入大时代。我国生物医药产业处于战略机遇期,大有可为但是任重道远。 ??对标领先企业,创新药新贵、仿制药领头羊、国际化武田、美国药品流通巨头等十多家企业案例,构成博大宽广的微观视角。在成功经验和失败教训的基础上,国内企业找准定位优化路径。资本与生物医药产业深度融合,热潮之后正在回归本原。 ??生物医药已成为许多省市的战略新兴产业。江苏、上海、山东等领先区域的改革发展,某种程度上代表中国生物医药产业的未来。 ??本书适合生物医药产业各层级的决策者,生物医药区域发展的管理者、各类医药企业的经营者和管理者,高等院校和科研机构的专家学者,以及关注医药产业的投资研究等社会各界人士均具有一定的参考价值。

    • ¥115.07 ¥366.26 折扣:3.1折
    • 【中图原版现货】欢迎来到宇宙 袖珍之旅 A Brief Welcome to the Universe
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    • /2024-03-01/ 普林斯顿大学出版社
    • A pocket-style edition based on the New York Times bestseller A Brief Welcome to the Universe offers a breathtaking tour of the cosmos, from planets, stars, and galaxies to black holes and time loops. Bestselling authors and acclaimed astrophysicists Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michael A. Strauss, and J. Richard Gott take readers on an unforgettable journey of exploration to reveal how our universe actually works. Propelling you from our home solar system to the outermost frontiers of space, this book builds your cosmic insight and perspective through a marvelously entertaining narrative. How do stars live and die? What are the prospects of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? How did the universe begin? Why is it expanding and accelerating? Is our universe alone or part of an infinite multiverse? Exploring these and many other questions, this pocket-friendly book is your passport into the wonders of our evolving cosmos.

    • ¥108.9 ¥121 折扣:9折
    • 【中图原版现货】为生命定价: 加强社会安全的路标 Pricing Lives
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    • /2020-10-06/ 普林斯顿大学出版社
    • How society’s undervaluing of life puts all of us at risk―and the groundbreaking economic measure that can fix it Like it or not, sometimes we need to put a monetary value on people's lives. In the past, government agencies used the financial "cost of death" to monetize the mortality risks of regulatory policies, but this method vastly undervalued life. Pricing Lives tells the story of how the government came to adopt an altogether different approach--the value of a statistical life, or VSL―and persuasively shows how its more widespread use could create a safer and more equitable society for everyone. In the 1980s, W. Kip Viscusi used the method to demonstrate that the benefits of requiring businesses to label hazardous chemicals immensely outweighed the costs. VSL is the risk-reward trade-off that people make about their health when considering risky job choices. With it, Viscusi calculated how much more money workers would demand to take on hazardous jobs, boosting calculated benefit

    • ¥202.5 ¥225 折扣:9折
    • 杜威儿童与课程研究【正版】
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    • 蒋雅俊著 /2017-12-01/ 福建人民出版社
    • 《杜威研究》包括解读、译文和原版英文三个部分,在上帮助教育工作者从哲学层面理解儿童与课程的关系。解读的文本《儿童与课程》是杜威写于1902年的一篇教育论文。该文阐述了儿童与课程的关系、教育对儿童的指导、经验的逻辑方面与心理方面的关系、教材的心理化等课程论的基本问题。尽管篇幅短小,译成中文亦不过万余字,却是杜威教育思想体系的重要环节。

    • ¥22.2 ¥119.99 折扣:1.9折