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    • 【中图原版现货】The New Global Universities:Reinventing Education in
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Bryan Penprase & Noah Pickus /2023-12-05/ 普林斯顿大学出版社
    • Reimagining higher education around the world: lessons from the creation of eight new colleges and universities in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and North America Higher education is perpetually in crisis, buffeted by increasing costs and a perceived lack of return on investment, campus culture that is criticized for stifling debate on controversial topics, and a growing sense that the liberal arts are outmoded and irrelevant. Some observers even put higher education on the brink of death. The New Global Universities offers a counterargument, telling the story of educational leaders who have chosen not to give up on higher education but to reimagine it. The book chronicles the development and launch of eight innovative colleges and universities in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and North America, describing the combination of intellectual courage, entrepreneurial audacity, and adaptive leadership needed to invent educational institutions today. The authors, both academic leaders who have been invol

    • ¥284 ¥305 折扣:9.3折
    • 【台版】经营者养成笔记 柳井正 商业周刊
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2017-05-04/ 出版社
    • 书号:9789869422611 书名:经营者养成笔记 作者:柳井正(Yanai Tadashi) 出版社:商业周刊 出版时间:2017/5/4 内容简介: 「只有渴望成长,并为此做好准备的人才有未来」——UNIQLO创办人.柳井正◆这是一本价值1.8兆日圆的笔记!柳井正邀请你来柳井正★日本十万本以上!他曾是位失败的经营者,经历过所有员工都辞职,只留下一人的窘境。在几度跌倒,缴交大量学费后,柳井正将经营实践中获得的体认,毫无保留倾囊相授,藉此引领比他更的人才,以他的失败为鉴,少走冤枉路,获得更大成就。真正的成功者,并非一般定义的精英,而是将自己的事业视为生命,为之奋斗的人。当你为人生及工作立下目标,就已经踏上经营者的道路了。柳井正将自身经验无私分享,就是希望你勇于,善用这本笔记,写下心得,完成一本属于你自己——独一无二的

    • ¥119 ¥140 折扣:8.5折