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    • 房地产销售百万年薪不是梦
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    • 徽湖 等编著 /2011-05-01/ 机械工业出版社
    • 成为出色的销售人员,实现百万年薪的梦想,是每一个从事房地产销售人员的梦想。阅读完《房地产销售:百万年薪不是梦》后,将使你的梦想成为可能。全书共九章,章房地产知识全掌握让你从一名销售的门外汉,成为销售人员,第二章塑造自我、第三章认识产品和第四章认识客户让你从一名销售人员成为合格销售人员,第五章销售人员十大必杀技、第六章编制一套十全十美“销讲词”和第七章做好售后服务让你从一名合格的销售人员成为销售人员,第八章刁难问题如何对答如流以及第九章舒缓压力让你完成从到的过程。《房地产销售:百万年薪不是梦》立足房地产销售市场,以理论知识为基础,以技能训练为重点,结合职业标准实施,给广大房地产销售人员提供一条提高销售技巧,实现梦想的捷径。书中的销讲词和刁难问题的对答是你们在房地产销售中每天都会

    • ¥20 ¥41 折扣:4.9折
    • 房地产销售百万年薪不是梦 徽湖 等编著 机械工业出版社【达额立减】
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    • 徽湖 等编著 /2011-05-01/ 机械工业出版社
    • 成为出色的销售人员,实现百万年薪的梦想,是每一个从事房地产销售人员的梦想。阅读完《房地产销售:百万年薪不是梦》后,将使你的梦想成为可能。全书共九章,章房地产知识全掌握让你从一名销售的门外汉,成为销售人员,第二章塑造自我、第三章认识产品和第四章认识客户让你从一名销售人员成为合格销售人员,第五章销售人员十大必杀技、第六章编制一套十全十美“销讲词”和第七章做好售后服务让你从一名合格的销售人员成为销售人员,第八章刁难问题如何对答如流以及第九章舒缓压力让你完成从到的过程。《房地产销售:百万年薪不是梦》立足房地产销售市场,以理论知识为基础,以技能训练为重点,结合职业标准实施,给广大房地产销售人员提供一条提高销售技巧,实现梦想的捷径。书中的销讲词和刁难问题的对答是你们在房地产销售中每天都会

    • ¥23.64 ¥57.28 折扣:4.1折
    • 用流程解放管理者2:中小企业规范化管理【可开电子发票】
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 张国祥著 /2013-09-01/ 电子工业出版社
    • 规范化管理不再是大企业的专利,随着市场环境的不断变化,规范化管理的思路也被广大中小企业接受。?张国祥老师经过多年的规范化管理培训实践,分别从战略管理、员工管理、流程管理、生产管理、营销管理的角度,对企业规范化管理进行了系统的阐述,并介绍了大量的实用工具,为中小企业的规范化管理提供了清晰的思路,值得广大中小企业借鉴。

    • ¥29 ¥64 折扣:4.5折
    • 领导的实际工作:来自管理前沿的报告The Real Work Of Leaders: A Report from the
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    • LAURIE, DONALD L. 著 /2001-08-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • If you're ever favored enough to catch a few minutes of a corporate CEO's time, and feel bold enough to ask what their job entails, chances are you'll hear something lofty about developing strategy, empowering employees, seeing the big picture. But if you ask to see their calendar for the past month, you'll probably find they've spent very little, if any, time doing those things. The look-at-last-month's-calendar trick was devised by Donald Laurie, a Boston-based management consultant, to help top executives figure out how best to lead their companies. Laurie sees a leader as the person who climbs out on the balcony and sees the company from above, the one who sees how all the parts connect to make a smoothly running machine. At the same time, if the leader stays up on that balcony for too much of the day, he or she can't hear the grumbling below. And what's being grumbled about is often the information that could save the CEO's job. As an example of this, Laurie relates the story of Xerox Corp. when it

    • ¥27 折扣:4.5折
    • 房地产销售百万年薪不是梦
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 徽湖 等编著 /2011-05-01/ 机械工业出版社
    • 成为出色的销售人员,实现百万年薪的梦想,是每一个从事房地产销售人员的梦想。阅读完《房地产销售:百万年薪不是梦》后,将使你的梦想成为可能。全书共九章,章房地产知识全掌握让你从一名销售的门外汉,成为销售人员,第二章塑造自我、第三章认识产品和第四章认识客户让你从一名销售人员成为合格销售人员,第五章销售人员十大必杀技、第六章编制一套十全十美“销讲词”和第七章做好售后服务让你从一名合格的销售人员成为销售人员,第八章刁难问题如何对答如流以及第九章舒缓压力让你完成从到的过程。《房地产销售:百万年薪不是梦》立足房地产销售市场,以理论知识为基础,以技能训练为重点,结合职业标准实施,给广大房地产销售人员提供一条提高销售技巧,实现梦想的捷径。书中的销讲词和刁难问题的对答是你们在房地产销售中每天都会

    • ¥22.5 ¥46 折扣:4.9折
    • 男同事的心思:与男人共事的女士指南The Male Mind At Work: A Woman’s Guide to W
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    • Deborah Swiss 著 /2001-03-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • What could have been a breakthrough book for working women who want to hone their skills for success turns out to be little more than a lackluster attempt to interpret and explain men's attitudes toward women in the workplace, one that won't generate much word of mouth despite its compelling subject. Swiss (Women and the Work/Family Dilemma; Women Breaking Through) interviewed 52 successful men in a range of professions and influential positions to elicit candid opinions about their experiences with female colleagues. Most of this group assembled by Swiss, a management consultant on gender equity, are singularly unenlightened men who focus on women's lack of confidence and reluctance to take risks or make mistakes, and who emphasize the importance of competitive sports in making team players; these men also clearly feel (and resent) the need to be careful in their language and behavior. Although she does a fine job extracting and cogently organizing the essence of their thinking, the results will dishearten m

    • ¥27 折扣:4.5折