Gather successful people from all walks of life-what wouldthey have in common? The way they think! Now you can think as theydo and revolutionize your work and life! A Wall Street Journal bestseller, HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLETHINKis the perfect, compact read for today's fast-paced world.America's leadership expert John C. Maxwell will teach you how tobe more creative and when to question popular thinking. You'lllearn how to capture the big picture while focusing your thinking.You'll find out how to tap into your creative potential, developshared ideas, and derive lessons from the past to better understandthe future. With these eleven keys to more effective thinking,you'll clearly see the path to personal success.
The devaluation of the American dollar, with the subsequentinflation, iseerily similar to the chaotic markets of the 1970s.The factors that createdthe stagflation and the gold and silverbull markets of the late seventiesand early eighties are back. AsYogi Berra said, "It's deja vu all overagain." Only this time,they're even more exaggerated-offeringonce-in-a-lifetimeopportunities for middle-class Americans, if they lookbeyond theWall Street stock-market propaganda. This book can helpyoupanic-proof your life and your finances, and reap huge profitswithrelatively small investments in gold, silver, certain ETFs,mutual funds,and mining stocks.How to Prosper During the Coming BadYears in the 21st Century is amust-have survival and moneymakingguide for people who want to profit fromthe rough economic seasthat are upon us-and come through with their shareof treasure.--This text refers to the Kindle Edition.
If starting a company is difficult, leading a company once thebusiness has caught fire is infinitely more so. Thousands ofstartups each year approach the dangerous transition that DougTatum calls No Man’s Land—when they are too big too be consideredsmall but still too small to be considered big. Tatum offers the navigational rules these companies need, andvaluable case studies of emerging growth businesses that succeededor failed during No Man’s Land.
The bestselling author of Reallionaire challenges commonmisconceptions about success and lays out the road map to a richerlife Raised in the impoverished south side of Chicago, Farrah Graydefied the odds and became a millionaire by age fourteen. He wasthe youngest person to have an office on Wall Street, and theyoungest to receive an honorary doctorate. Now, at 24, he is aninspiration to millions and the bestselling author of Reallionaire,#1 Essence Bestseller. In The Truth Shall Make You Rich, Gray shares the secret to hissuccess: an emphatic rejection of the seven fallacies most peoplebelieve about money and success: the Born Lucky Lie, the CelebrityLie, the Money Lie, the Debt Lie, the Google and Gates Lie, theWall Street Lie, and the Work-Hard Lie. By revealing the truthbehind the myths, Gray empowers readers to blaze their own pathsand make their own millions.
Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career atGeneral Electric, he led the company to year-after-year successaround the globe, in multiple markets, against brutdl competition.His honest, be-the-best style of management b ame the goldstandard in business, with his relentless focus on people,teamwork, and profits. And now he has written a book that clearlylays out the answers to the most difficult questions people faceboth on and offthe job. Winning is destined to become the bible ofbusiness for generations to come. Anyone who has a passion for success will find Welch'soptimistic, no excuses, getqt-done mind-set riveting. Packed withpersonal anecdotes and written in Jack's distinctive no b.s. voice,Winning offers deep insights, original thinking, and solutions tonuts-and-bolts problems that will change forever the way peoplethink about work. "There is a lifetime of wisdom about business, and life, packedinto Jack Welch's Winning. It is unquestionably the best managementbook to come along in
Drawing from the text of the Business Week bestseller TodayMatters, this condensed, revised edition boils down John C.Maxwell's 12 daily practices to their very essence, giving maximumimpact in minimal time. Presented in a quick-read format, thisversion is designed to be read cover to cover in one sitting ortaken in as brief lessons in a few spare minutes each day. Itcovers such topics as: -- Priorities -- Health -- Family -- Finances -- Values -- Growth Readers will learn how to make decisions on important matters andapply those decisions daily to put them on a path to moresuccessful, productive, and fulfilling lives.
Practical techniques show you how to form realistic ambitions,develop your skills, and achieve your objectives. Learn all you need to know to make the most of your potential atwork, from setting goals to developing the determination, energy,and skills required to achieve them. Achieving Excellence not onlyshows you how to network effectively and make the most of yourtime, but also provides practical techniques for improving yourmemory, sharpening mental agility, thinking creatively, andreducing stress. Power tips help you to overcome every obstacle inthe quest to fulfill your ambitions and achieve success in theworkplace. The Essential Manager have sold more than 1.9 millioncopies worldwide! Experienced and novice managers alike can benefitfrom these compact guides that slip easily into a briefcase or aportfolio. The topics are relevant to every work environment, fromlarge corporations to small businesses. Concise treatments ofdozens of business techniques, skills, methods, and problems arepresen
Michael Corbett appears regularly on national TV and printmedia and travels the country lecturing to crowds of 25,000 sharinghis expertise, having made millions buying and selling housesduring his twenty-plus years in the business. With personal tips,cost-effective techniques, and real estate insider secrets, Ready,Set, Sold! will teach readers how to: ? Add $10,000 to the value of their home in a singleweekend ? Avoid the twelve costliest and most common mistakes ? Dress and stage their home to make buyers swoon and bid overthe asking price ? Pay no taxes on the sale—without breaking the law ? Complete no-cost makeovers that supercharge their sellingprice ? Take advantage of the home-selling secrets that only realestate agents know ? Save thousands in commissions and closing costs With before and after photos, checklists, charts, and worksheets,Ready, Set, Sold! is the book that every home seller MUST readbefore putting their house up for sale!
Full of interactive questions and space for readers to provideanswers, as well as new material for readers to assess theircurrent type of thinking, this workbook guides readers in applyingthe lessons they learned from How Successful People Think or the book which it was derived from, Thinking For AChange . Each of the eleven chapters will focus on one type ofthinking, and contain a case study, critical thinking questions, ajournal section, and an action plan of steps to help the readercreate a personalized plan.
Every business needs a business plan,a plan to meet theexpected and unexpected opportunities and obstacles the futureholds. This book will help you take a long, hard look at eachelement of the plan and show you how to communicate the rightmessage to the right people to maximize the chances of getting yourbusiness venture launched.
A revolutionary guide to earning power and personal budgetingshows readers how to spend wisely, streamline their finances, anddevelop a budget that puts their money where they want it to go.Reprint.
You can go after the job you want...and get it! You can take the job you have...and improve it! You can take any situation you're in...and make it work for you! For over 50 years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. Now this phenomenal book has been revised and updated to help readers achieve their maximum potential in the complex and competitive 90s! Learn: The six ways to make people like you The twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking The nine ways to change people without arousing resentment and much, much
This boastful, boyishly disarming, thoroughly engaging personal history offers an inside look at aspects of financing, development and construction in big-time New York real estate. "I don't do it for the money," maintains Trump, the son of a Queens realtor who, at age 27, bought and transfigured the colossal Hotel Commodore at Grand Central Terminal. Now 40, he has built, among other projects, and owns outright, Fifth Avenue's retail and residential Trump Tower (where he occupies a double-triplex suite); owns and operates Trump's Castle, a casino in Atlantic City; is arguably the most visible young man on Manhattan's celebrity circuit ("Governor Cuomo calls. . . . dinner at St. Patrick's Cathedral. . . . I call back Judith Krantz"); and is currently developing a controversial 100-acre West Side "Television City" project that is planned to include the world's tallest building. For those who would do likewise, Trump articulates his secrets for success: imagination, persistence, skill at "juggling provisional c
In the business world, confrontations are inevitable --whether they're with your employees, peers, bosses, or evensuppliers and customers. Ignored or handled badly, confrontationscan damage workplace relationships and ruin careers. This volume helps you master the art of effectively managingdifficult interactions. You'll learn how to: Determine which confrontations are worth an investment of yourtime and energy Understand and manage the strong emotions that can arise duringconfrontations Design solutions that meet all stakeholders' needs Coach your direct reports to resolve confrontationsproductively
In this remarkable New York Times bestseller, Joel Osteenoffers unique insights and encouragement that will help readersovercome every obstacle in their lives.
So much to do, so little time, so best to start early. Full of things to make, achieve, learn (and some things you shouldn't learn) this is the perfect handbook for any child who wants to revel in being young and not-boring. Can you Make an origami crane? Lie convincingly? Operate as a spy? Parents may need these skills (not origami) to wrest their child's copy from them and indulge in all the fun they should have had.
"You want-you need-Alexandra Levit as your guide." -Daniel H.Pink, New York Times bestselling author of Drive There's been a major paradigm shift in business practices and theworkplace. Alexandra Levit tells readers what no longer holds truefor getting ahead today, and debunks business myths that are moredangerous and less viable than ever-given the current climate ofethical scrutiny and intense competition-including it's best toclimb the ladder as fast as possible, and that employers want youto be yourself. Levit offers something better in place of these myths: practicaladvice on what it really takes to succeed in this new values-drivenenvironment.
The author of Think and Grow Rich presents motivational andinspirational passages from his earlier works that show readers howto live their own lives, use their personal magnetism, achievepeace of mind, and more. 50,000 first printing.
Now in paperback: The New York Times bestselling author andstar of A E’s reality series Big Spender, Larry Winget, cleansup America’s personal finance crisis More than 40 percent of families today are feeling financialpressure: spending more than they earn, and worrying about retiringand being dependent on the government, family, or charity. LarryWinget knows. He grew up poor, then made and lost a fortune when abusiness in which he’d invested went bankrupt. But he worked hisway back from rock bottom to become a multimillionaire. In You’re Broke Because You Want to Be, Winget expands on theideas that have made his popular television show Big Spender a hitand offers straightforward talk about coming to grips with yourfinances, such as: ? Feel bad. Have remorse. You need to feel deep emotion to takeaction. So start crying and take responsibility. ? Figure out who you owe and how much you owe. It’ll be a scarynumber to face, but you need to know where you are and what youh
With corporate scandals dominating the headlines on aregular basis, business ethics are more important than ever. Thisamusing primer highlights everything an aspiring CEO should knowabout maintaining integrity in corporate America. You llfind: - Guidance on making fair and honest business decisions - A quiz to test your own ethics - Advice on promoting ethical behavior - Simple lessons for making your workplace a positiveenvironment - And much, much more. It's the perfect gift for office newbies, seasoned executives,and college graduates everywhere!
Every day on the job, you face common challenges. And you needimmediate solutions to those challenges. The Pocket Mentor Seriescan help. Each book in the series is packed with handy tools,self-tests, and real-life examples to help you identify yourstrengths and weaknesses and hone critical skills. Whether you'reat your desk, in a meeting, or on the road, these portable, conciseguides enable you to tackle the daily demands of your work withspeed, savvy, and effectiveness. The latest volume in the series: Setting Goals Setting goals is a key part of any manager's job. Through goalsetting, you define business outcomes that you and your team willaccomplish collectively and individually. Managed effectively, thegoal-setting process creates a long-term vision that motivates youand your employees to reach even the most challengingobjectives. Use this book to start setting goals more skillfully in yourgroup. You?ll find a wealth of suggestions to help you: -Define unit and individual go
An essential guide for any small group that must deliver teamperformance. With the demand for project-oriented work and faster, morenimble responses, successful small-group performance is morecrucial than ever. Katzenbach and Smith, authors of theinternational bestseller The Wisdom of Teams, have again joinedforces, revealing how to implement the disciplines, frameworks,tools, and techniques required for team- and small-groupperformance. Combining their insights and practical strategies,they offer concepts and pragmatic, doable exercises for teamleaders and team members to deliver results. Hot topics coveredinclude: why small-group performance demands expertise at twodisciplines, team level and leader level, instead of one; virtualteams; and global teams. This book combines practical exerciseswith cutting-edge insights, and both authors are authorities on thesubject. Attend a featured author workshop at the 13th InternationalConference on Work Teams: Collaborating for Competitive Advantage,Sept
Mega-bestselling author Ken Blanchard and celebrated businessleaders Don Hutson and Ethan Willis present an inspiring story thatreveals the secrets to becoming a successful entrepreneur. In THE ONE MINUTE ENTREPRENEUR, Ken Blanchard (coauthor of the #1bestselling business classic The One Minute Manager), Don Hutson,CEO of U.S. Learning, and Ethan Willis, CEO of Prosper Learning,tell the inspiring story of one man’s challenges in creating hisown business. Through a powerful and engaging narrative, weconfront many of the typical problems all entrepreneurs face instarting up their business, from finding new sources of revenue tosecuring the commitment of their people and the loyalty of theircustomers. More important, we learn the secrets to becoming asuccessful entrepreneur, including how to build a firm foundation,how to ensure a steady cash flow, and how to create legendaryservice. In addition, the book offers invaluable advice, deliveredthrough One Minute Insights, from such entrepreneurs and t
The bestselling success book of all time is updated and revised with contemporary ideas and examples. Think and Grow Rich has been called the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature." It was the first book to boldly ask, "What makes a winner?" The man who asked and listened for the answer, Napoleon Hill, is now counted in the top ranks of the world's winners himself. The most famous of all teachers of success spent "a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort" to produce the "Law of Success" philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized in this one. In the original Think and Grow Rich, published in 1937, Hill draws on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his principles. In the updated version, Arthur R. Pell, Ph.D., a nationally known author, lecturer, and consultant in human resources management and an expert in applying Hill's thought, deftly interweaves anecdo