那些没有找到真正财富——存在的欢乐以及与它紧密联系在一起的深深的不可动摇的宁静——的人就是故事中的那个乞丐,即便已经拥有很多财富,但他们依然在四处找寻。他们不知道,自己不仅已经拥有了所有这些,还拥有了更为珍贵的东西,那就是——当下的力量。 阅读本书的过程是一个发现之旅。在作者这位心灵导师的引导下,你会惊讶地发现,自己一直都处在大脑或思维的控制之下,生活在对时间的永恒焦虑中。我们忘不掉过去,更担心未来。但实际上,我们只能活在当下,活在此时此刻,所有的一切都是在当下发生的,而过去和未来只是一个无意义的时间概念。通过向当下的臣服,我们才能找到真正的力量,找到获得平和与宁静的入口。 这不仅仅是一本书,在这本书中还有活生生的能量,当你读这本书时你可能会感受到这种能量。它有一种惊
Inspire Star Performance through Meaningful Conversations withYour Team. "If you want more top performers on your team, read thisbook!" (Jill Konrath, author of "SNAP Selling and Selling to BigCompanies"). The performance review is an important part of yourjob as a manager or coach. But it is only a part. In order todevelop team members effectively, you have to be proactive on adaily basis. This means having conversations - and not just aboutthe weather or the game last night. This title helps you to createongoing conversations throughout the year that focus on: developingteam members to a higher level of ability; triggering the insightand inspiration within your team members to grow in new ways;building the skills that will enable others to accomplish theirestablished goals; preparing yourself and others for theperformance review discussion; and, keeping people motivated andmoving forward toward the goals. "Conversations for Creating StarPerformers" is a vital tool for keeping team members motivated,e
In this title, Doc Searls maps out the implications of acustomer-driven business revolution that's flipping the paradigm ofsupply and demand, and putting consumers in charge. Who owns themarketplace? Is it business - or the customer? According to DocSearls, widely-read journalist and blogger and co-author of "TheCluetrain Manifesto", customers are on the verge of becoming trulyfree and independent actors in the marketplace with the power oftelling vendors what they want, how they want it, and where andwhen they should be able to get it. This imperative shift incustomer power will alter the balance of the market and usher inwhat Searls calls the "intention economy". In this book, Searlslays out a map for an economy driven by consumer intent, wherevendors can - and must - respond to the actual intentions ofcustomers, instead of simply vying for customer attention in hopesof selling them what they might want. In the intention economy,individual power increases, demand drives supply, and informationprecedes mone
Whether you?re an HR or OD professional or work in a trainingdepartment, learn to apply the principles of follow-throughmanagement within your organization in the new edition of thisbestselling resource. Incorporating new research on learning andlearning transfer, along with new case studies, interviews, andtools, this edition shares guidelines, proven in practice by manyFortune 500 companies, on how to design comprehensive learningexperiences in leadership and management, sales, quality,performance improvement, and professional certification. You?lldiscover the theories and principles underlying the approach, aswell as the practical methods, tools, and roadmaps for bridging the"knowing-doing" gap.
Three years after the events of The Golem's Eye, the youngmagician Nathaniel is an established member of the BritishGovernment. But he faces unprecedented problems: foreign wars aregoing badly and Britain's enemies are mounting attacks close toLondon. Increasingly distracted, he is treating Bartimaeus worsethan ever: the long-suffering djinni is growing weak from too muchtime in this world, and his patience is at an end. Meanwhile,undercover in London, Kitty has been stealthily completing herresearch into magic and Bartimaeus' past. She hopes to break theendless cycle of conflict between djinn and humans - but will shebe able to get anyone to listen? Before any of these problems canbe resolved, disaster strikes London from an unexpected source andthe destinies of Bartimaeus, Nathaniel, and Kitty are throwntogether once more. They have to face treacherous magicians, along-fermented conspiracy, and an enemy from 'The Other Place' thatthreatens London and the world. Worst of all, they must somehowcope wit
From the bestselling author of Financial Peace, this companionvolume to More Than Enough is a step-by-step guide to buildingwealth while strengthening your marriage and family. In Financial Peace, Dave Ramsey showed readers how to get out ofdebt. Now he uses the same blend of down-home wisdom and straighttalk to take readers to the next step: building wealth. But successmeans more than money--it means having a happy marriage and family.In How to Have More Than Enough, Dave Ramsey guides readers downthe path to true success. Rather than gimmicks or quick fixes, Ramsey's method forachieving financial and familial stability focuses on ten traitsessential to creating prosperity, teaching children about money,living debt-free, and achieving marital bliss when it comes tofinances. His easy-to-follow workbook illustrates each of thesetraits and allows readers to frequently assess their progress andhonestly evaluate their situation. How to Have More Than Enoughoffers readers and their spouses the c
Now available in paperback--the book that has, since 1992,become the primer for open-book management, a new method based onthe concept of democracy, the spirit of sports, and the reality ofnumbers. Includes a "user's guide" and a discussion guide createdespecially for this edition.
John Meriwether, a famously successful Wall Street trader,spent the 1980s as a partner at Salomon Brothers, establishing thebest--and the brainiest--bond arbitrage group in the world. Amysterious and shy midwesterner, he knitted together a group ofPh.D.-certified arbitrageurs who rewarded him with filial devotionand fabulous profits. Then, in 1991, in the wake of a scandalinvolving one of his traders, Meriwether abruptly resigned. For twoyears, his fiercely loyal team--convinced that the chief had beenunfairly victimized--plotted their boss's return. Then, in 1993,Meriwether made a historic offer. He gathered together his formerdisciples and a handful of supereconomists from academia andproposed that they become partners in a new hedge fund differentfrom any Wall Street had ever seen. And so Long-Term CapitalManagement was born. In a decade that had seen the longest and most rewarding bullmarket in history, hedge funds were the ne plus ultra ofinvestments: discreet, private clubs limited to those
Everyone in business wants to increase produc-tivity-moor output and less input,lower costs and higher profits.And noneedle's proven harder to budge than the one on the“productivity meter.” That's why jason Jason,coauthor of the worldwide bestseller It's NOt the Big That Eat the Small…It's the Fast That Eat the Slow,took on the assignment fo identify the world's most productive companies and find out exactly what makes them models of productivity. 作者简介: Jason Jennings,a consultant and author,has been named one of the world's top twenty-five keynote speakers.His previous book,on the world's fastest comapnies,achieved worldwide bestseller status and has been translated into twenty-three languages.When not traveling the globe on business assignments or adven-ture travel,he and his family live in Tiburon,California.
In this instant New York Times Bestseller, Geoff Smart andRandy Street provide a simple, practical, and effective solution towhat The Economist calls “the single biggest problem in businesstoday”: unsuccessful hiring. The average hiring mistake costs acompany $1.5 million or more a year and countless wasted hours.This statistic becomes even more startling when you consider thatthe typical hiring success rate of managers is only 50percent. The silver lining is that “who” problems are easily preventable.Based on more than 1,300 hours of interviews with more than 20billionaires and 300 CEOs, Who presents Smart and Street’s A Methodfor Hiring. Refined through the largest research study of its kindever undertaken, the A Method stresses fundamental elements thatanyone can implement–and it has a 90 percent success rate. Whether you’re a member of a board of directors looking for a newCEO, the owner of a small business searching for the right peopleto make your company grow, or a pare
You can't ask for more than efficient, effective operations.Or can you? Given today's business landscape--increasing customerdemand, global competition, lower trade barriers--being good isn'tenough. This groundbreaking guide provides the knowledge and toolsyou need to transform your organization from a well-run company toa relentlessly innovative company. Innovation expert JeffreyPhillips has helped businesses around the world achieve thedream--the implementation of innovation as a consistent businessdiscipline. In Relentless Innovation, he reveals his secrets forthe first time. Phillips argues that today's typical businessmodels actually impede innovation because they place so much focuson efficiency, cost cutting, and short-term gain. Does thisdescribe your business model? If it does, you need to revisit yourapproach and redefine your idea of what success actually is. Youmay find that your "business as usual" processes actively rejectinnovation efforts. Relentless Innovation has everything you needto
This transformational tool offers leaders a criticalresource for better understanding their organizations andthemselves, honing their skills to become accomplished long-rangeplanners and strategic thinkers. By working through the ParticipantWorkbook, leaders will gain the insight needed to plan for results,learn from customers and clients, and ascertain how to achieveextraordinary levels of performance. The ParticipantWorkbook draws on Peter F. Drucker's The Five Most ImportantQuestions and is grounded in his management philosophies thataddress the critical aspects that make organizations viable andvaluable entities. When leaders answer these questions thoughtfullyand address them with purpose, these questions take one down a pathto organizational transformation and enlightenment. By leveraging these essential questions, the ParticipantWorkbook challenges leaders to take a close look at the veryheart of their organization and what drives it, giving them a meansto assess: how to be and how t
In this absorbing tale, you watch the timeless principles ofservant leadership unfold through the story of John Daily, abusinessman whose outwardly successful life is spiraling out ofcontrol. He is failing miserably in each of his leadership roles asboss, husband, father, and coach. To get his life back on track, hereluctantly attends a weeklong leadership retreat at a remoteBenedictine monastery. To John's surprise, the monk leading the seminar is a formerbusiness executive and Wall Street legend. Taking John under hiswing, the monk guides him to a realization that is simple yetprofound: The true foundation of leadership is not power, butauthority, which is built upon relationships, love, service, andsacrifice. Along with John, you will learn that the principles in this bookare neither new nor complex. They don't demand special talents;they are simply based on strengthening the bonds of respect,responsibility, and caring with the people around you. Perhaps thisis why The Servant has touche
Chapter 1 is a summary of his first landmark book - "Competitive Strategy". So if you just want to buy one of his bestsellers, then buy "Competitive Advantage". The book's most important contribution is the concept of the VALUE CHAIN. Today, you won't find an MBA who doesn't know this idea. This book gives you all the details on the value chain. And it even tells you exactly how the value chain is translated into his two generic strategies: Cost Leadership and Differentiation. Most strategy books devote a separate chapter to this idea. If you want to get a more than a superficial understanding of the value chain, you simply have to read Porter's book. This book also gets to the core of how synergies are created and when diversification might work. Curiously, Porter chooses the term interrelationships for synergies (you know, a term for a nice idea that rarely occurred in practice...). Being a business development manager, I have strategic thinking as part of my key areas. This book is still a reference
Twenty-five years ago, Herb Kelleher reinvented air travelwhen he founded Southwest Airlines, where the planes are paintedlike killer whales, a typical company maxim is "Hire people with asense of humor," and in-flight meals are never served--just sixtymillion bags of peanuts a year. By sidestepping "reengineering,""total quality management," and other management philosophies andemploying its own brand of business success, Kelleher's airline hasturned a profit for twenty-four consecutive years and seen itsstock soar 300 percent since 1990. Today, Southwest is the safest airline in the world and ranksnumber one in the industry for service, on-time performance, andlowest employee turnover rate; and Fortune magazine has twiceranked Southwest one of the ten best companies to work for inAmerica. How do they do it? With unlimited access to the people and inside documents ofSouthwest Airlines, authors Kevin and Jackie Freiberg share thesecrets behind the greatest success story in commercial aviation.Read it and d
How did the 360 year old scissor company, Fiskars, double itsprofit in key markets just by realizing its customers alreadyformed a community of avid scrapbookers? How is Best Buy planningto dominate the market of sales of musical instruments? Byunderstanding the Brains on Fire model of tapping movements andstepping away from the old school marketing "campaign" mentality."Brains on Fire" offers original, practical and actionable stepsfor creating a word of mouth movement for corporations, products,services and organizations. It will take readers step-by-stepthrough the necessary actions they need to start a movement oftheir own. "Brains on Fire" describes 10 lessons to master andcreate a powerful, sustainable, word of mouth movement. Theselessons are: Movements are about the Passion Conversation. Not theProduct Conversation. Movements begin with the conversation.Movements have inspirational leadership. Movements have a barrierof entry. Movements empower people with knowledge. Movements haveshared ownership. M
Tips, techniques, and trends on harnessing dashboardtechnology to optimize business performance. In Performance Dashboards, Second Edition, author Wayne Eckersonexplains what dashboards are, where they can be used, and why theyare important to measuring and managing performance. As Director ofResearch for The Data Warehousing Institute, a worldwideassociation of business intelligence professionals, Eckersoninterviewed dozens of organizations that have built various typesof performance dashboards in different industries and lines ofbusiness. Their practical insights explore how you can effectivelyturbo-charge performance–management initiatives with dashboardtechnology. Includes all-new case studies, industry research, news chapterson "Architecting Performance Dashboards" and "Launching andManaging the Project" and updated information on designing KPIs,designing dashboard displays, integrating dashboards, and types ofdashboards. Provides a solid foundation for understanding per
Jim Camp, the world’s #1 negotiating coach, shows how torelease the emotional pressure that’s part of any negotiation byusing his proven system of safe, decision-based negotiation thatenables you to meet all your objectives without needless, wastedcompromises or giveaways. ? Out of the blue your best customer demands a huge discount—orelse he takes his business elsewhere. ? You think you finally have a buyer for your home, but then atthe last minute she demands that you pay for new landscaping of theyard—or no deal. There are plenty of other properties for sale, andshe says she’ll walk. ? Your son is having trouble in school, and you have to thinkabout how to deal with his “my way or the highway” teacher. When confronted with these—and innumerable other—day-to-daynegotiating challenges at work and in your personal life, mostpeople start to guess about how much they should give up incompromise to make the other side happy (“I’ll just meet themhalfw
A black swan is a highly improbable event with threeprincipal characteristics: It is unpredictable; it carries amassive impact; and, after the fact, we concoct an explanation thatmakes it appear less random, and more predictable, than it was. Theastonishing success of Google was a black swan; so was 9/11. ForNassim Nicholas Taleb, black swans underlie almost everything aboutour world, from the rise of religions to events in our own personallives. Why do we not acknowledge the phenomenon of black swans untilafter they occur? Part of the answer, according to Taleb, is thathumans are hardwired to learn specifics when they should be focusedon generalities. We concentrate on things we already know and timeand time again fail to take into consideration what we don’t know.We are, therefore, unable to truly estimate opportunities, toovulnerable to the impulse to simplify, narrate, and categorize, andnot open enough to rewarding those who can imagine the“impossible.” For years, Taleb has studie