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    • Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives 深夜加油站
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    • Dan Millman 著 /2009-11-01/ Publishers Group West
    • Way of the Peaceful Warrior has become one of the most beloved spiritual sagas of our time. Shared among friends and families, this multimillion-copy word-of-mouth bestseller has been translated into more than twenty languages and has inspired men and women of all ages worldwide. Despite his success, college student and world-champion athlete Dan Millman is haunted by a feeling that something is missing from his life. Awakened one night by dark dreams, he wanders into an all-night gas station. There he meets an old man named Socrates, and his world is changed forever. Guided by this eccentric old warrior and drawn to an elusive young woman named Joy, Dan begins a spiritual odyssey into realms of light and shadow, romance and mystery. His journey ultimately leads him toward a final confrontation that will deliver or destroy him. This classic tale, told with heart and humor, speaks to the peaceful warrior in each of us. Countless readers have been moved to laughter, tears, and moments of illumination as the

    • ¥160.2 折扣:7.9折
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    • Roger Dawson 著 /2011-12-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Let's face it: very few people have studied how to solveproblems. Problems knock us down like a tsunami and we don't knowwhat to do about it. We lie awake at night worrying about it andspend our days stressing out over a situation that only seems toget worse. It doesn't have to be that way. Roger Dawson has taught hundreds ofthousands of people has to negotiate, persuade, and make decisions,with his lectures, audio programs and books, and now he has turnedhis attention to something that everyone needs: a way to solvelife's problems.

    • ¥95.2 折扣:6.9折
    • TOYOTA WAY 丰田之道:丰田汽车案例----精益制造的14项管理原则
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    • Jeffrey Liker 著 /2003-10-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • In factories around the world, Toyota consistently makes the highest-quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer, while using fewer man-hours, less on-hand inventory, and half the floor space of its competitors. The Toyota Way is the first book for a general audience that explains the management principles and business philosophy behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability. Complete with profiles of organizations that have successfully adopted Toyota's principles, this book shows managers in every industry how to improve business processes by: Eliminating wasted time and resources; Building quality into workplace systems; Finding low-cost but reliable alternatives to expensive new technology; Producing in small quantities; Turning every employee into a qualitycontrol inspector.

    • ¥227.9 折扣:8.8折
    • 丰田汽车:精益模式的实践TOYOTA WAY FIELDBOOK
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    • Jeffrey Liker 著 /2005-09-01/ Warner Books
    • The Toyota Way Fieldbook is a companion to the international bestseller The Toyota Way. The Toyota Way Fieldbook builds on the philosophical aspects of Toyota's operating systems by detailing the concepts and providing practical examples for application that leaders need to bring Toyota's success-proven practices to life in any organization. The Toyota Way Fieldbook will help other companies learn from Toyota and develop systems that fit their unique cultures.

    • ¥201.5 折扣:7.9折
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    • Bill Brooks 著 /2007-10-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Prospecting for new customers is a key part of everysalesperson's job-and perhaps the most challenging part. Yourleads, your approach, your timing, everything needs to be perfect.That's why you need Perfect Phrases for Lead Generation by renownedsales guru Bill Brooks. He's assembled a winning collection ofproven sales strategies for the 21st century-each linked withappropriate phrases for every customer scenario. Using his surefireselection of targeted phrases, you'll learn how to: Identify the 25 types of clients-and customize your words to winthem over Master the 10 principles of direct prospecting-using the rightphrases to turn cold calls into cash Expand your customer base-and grow your sales-faster, bigger, andbetter Filled with hundreds of ready-to-use phrases, specific salespitches, new communication tools, and other networking secrets,this invaluable handbook puts all the tricks of trade at yourfingertips. 作者简介: Bill Brooks is CEO of The Brooks Group, on

    • ¥59.3 折扣:6.9折
    • 领导策略:新官上任的第一个90天 FIRST 90 DAYS
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    • Michael Watkins 著 /2003-09-01/ Harvard Business School Press
    • Whether challenged with taking on a startup, turning a business around, or inheriting a high-performing unit, a new leader's success or failure is determined within the first 90 days on the job. In this hands-on guide, Michael Watkins, a noted expert on leadership transitions, offers proven strategies for moving successfully into a new role at any point in one's career. The First 90 Days provides a framework for transition acceleration that will help leaders diagnose their situations, craft winning transition strategies, and take charge quickly. Practical examples illustrate how to learn about new organizations, build teams, create coalitions, secure early wins, and lay the foundation for longer-term success. In addition, Watkins provides strategies for avoiding the most common pitfalls new leaders encounter, and shows how individuals can protect themselves-emotionally as well as professionally-during what is often an intense and vulnerable period. Concise and actionable, this is the surviv

    • ¥178.7 折扣:6.9折
    • The One Page Project Manager: Communicate And Manage Any Pro
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    • Clark A. Campbell克拉克·A·坎贝尔) 著 /2006-11-01/ Wiley
    • The One–Page Project Manager shows you how to boil down any project into a simple, one–page document that can be used to communicate all essential details to upper management, other departments, suppliers, and audiences. This practical guide will save time and effort, helping you identify the vital parts of a project and communicate those parts and duties to other team members.

    • ¥118.7 折扣:6.9折
    • The 8th Habit From Effectiveness to Greatness 第八个习惯:从优秀到卓越 9
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    • Stephen R. Covey 著 /2005-11-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • The world has changed dramatically since the classic, internationally bestselling The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was published, influencing tens of millions. The challenges and complexity we all face in our relationships, families, professional lives and communities are of an entirely new order of magnitude. In order to thrive, innovate, excel and lead in what Covey calls the new Knowledge Worker Age, we must build on and move beyond effectiveness...to greatness.Accessing the higher levels of human genius and motivation in today's new reality requires a sea change of new thinking -- a new mind-set, a new skill-set, a new tool-set -- in short, a whole new habit.

    • ¥88.5 折扣:7.5折
    • Managing Oneself
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    • Peter Ferdinand Drucker彼得·费迪南德·德鲁克) 著 /2007-12-01/ Perseus
    • We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: with ambition,drive, and talent, you can rise to the top of your chosenprofession regardless of where you started out. But with opportunity comes responsibility. Companies today aren'tmanaging their knowledge workers' careers. Instead, you must beyour own chief executive officer. That means it's up to you tocarve out your place in the world and know when to change course.And it's up to you to keep yourself engaged and productive during acareer that may span some 50 years. In Managing Oneself, Peter Drucker explains how to do it. Thekeys: Cultivate a deep understanding of yourself by identifyingyour most valuable strengths and most dangerous weaknesses.Articulate how you learn and work with others and what your mostdeeply held values are. Describe the type of work environment whereyou can make the greatest contribution. Only when you operate with a combination of your strengths andself-knowledge can you achieve true and lasting excellence

    • ¥50.1 折扣:6.5折
    • X-teams: How to Build Teams That Lead, Innovate and Succeed
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    • Deborah AnconaHenrik Bresman 著 /2007-06-01/ 暂无出版社信息
    • Why do good teams fail? Very often, argue Deborah Ancona and Henrik Bresman, it is because they are looking inward instead of outward. Based on years of research examining teams across many industries, Ancona and Bresman show that traditional team models are falling short, and that what's needed - and what works - is a new brand of team that emphasizes external outreach to stakeholders, extensive ties, expandable tiers, and flexible membership. The authors highlight that X-teams not only are able to adapt in ways that traditional teams aren't, but that they actually improve an organization's ability to produce creative ideas and execute them - increasing the entrepreneurial and innovative capacity within the firm. What's more, the new environment demands what the authors call "distributed leadership," and the book highlights how X-teams powerfully embody this idea.

    • ¥219.8 折扣:7.5折
    • The Leadership Pipeline: How To Build The Leadership-Powered
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    • James Noel 著 /2010-12-01/ Wiley
    • An updated and revisedversionof the bestselling The LeadershipPipeline – the critical resource for how companies can growleadersfrom the inside. In business,leadership at every level is a requisite for companysurvival. Yet the leadership pipeline –the internal strategy togrowleaders – in many companies is dry or nonexistent. Drawing on theirexperiences at many Fortune 500 companies, the authors show howorganizations can develop leadership at every level by identifyingfuture leaders, assessing their corporate confidence, planningtheir development, and measuring their results. New to this edition is 65 pages of new material toupdate themodel, share new stories and add new advice based on the ten moreyears of experience. The authors have also added a "FrequentlyAsked Questions" section to the end of each chapter.

    • ¥204.6 折扣:7.9折
    • Madoff: The Man Who Stole $65 Billion 麦道夫:盗走650亿美金的人
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    • Erin Arvedlund 著 /2009-09-01/ Penguin
    • Take the combined fortunes of Bill Gates, Tiger Woods and Roman Abramovich. Now imagine someone stealing that much money - and being hailed as a financial genius. That man is Bernard Madoff. Backed by governments and global banks, Madoff defrauded $65 billion from charities and individual investors including Stephen Spielberg. Finally turned in by his own sons, Madoff opened his door in his dressing gown to be arrested by the FBI. Eleven charges and eleven guilty verdicts later he swapped his penthouse for a prison cell. Only $1 billion was left. Madoff is the first definitive account of the rise and fall of the biggest fraudster ever. It's a story of greed, betrayal and lies, of remorseless risk-taking, family tragedy and financial disaster. Investigative reporter Erin Arvedlund was the first to expose Madoff back in 2001, but Wall Street and the world didn't listen. In this astonishing book, she answers the crucial unsolved questions: why and when did Madoff turn his business into a massive fraud? How did h

    • ¥88 折扣:8.8折
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    • Gary HamelBill Breen 著 /2007-01-01/ Warner Books
    • Though this authoritative examination of today's static corporate management systems reads like a business school treatise, it isn't the same-old thing. Hamel, a well-known business thinker and author (Leading the Revolution), advocates that dogma be rooted out and a new future be imagined and invented. To aid managers and leaders on this mission, Hamel offers case studies and measured analysis of management innovators like Google and W.L. Gore (makers of Gore-Tex), then lists lessons that can be drawn from them. He doesn't gloss over how difficult it will be to reinvent management, comparing the new and needed shift in thinking to Darwin's abandoning creationist traditions and physicists who had to look beyond Newton's clockwork laws to discover quantum mechanics. But the steps needed to make such a profound shift aren't clearly outlined here either. The book serves primarily as an invitation to shed age-old systems and processes and think differently. There's little humor and few punchy catchphrases—the b

    • ¥180.9 折扣:7.9折
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    • Ron Stone 著 /2011-05-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • The financial crisis and ensuing recession permanently changedhow business is conducted. Executives and other decision makers,pressured to accomplish higher goals with lower budgets, aredemanding greater levels of accountability from their people. Andwhen it comes to investing in business processes, they wantquantifiable proof that any new initiative will contribute tosolving problems, serving customers, and improving thebusiness. The Real Value of Training gives you the tools not only to provethat your program will deliver solutions; it goes one step further,so you can explain exactly how much it will deliver. Presented bytraining ROI expert Ron Stone, The Real Value of Training offers an11-step process for qualitatively and quantitatively measuring thevalue of training. Stone's methodology brings ROI to a new level of scrutiny andcredibility by helping you successfully: Collect critical performance data Analyze results and adjust for causal influence and sustainedimpact Assign a monetary value to busin

    • ¥338.9 折扣:7.9折
    • Management Rewired(ISBN=9781591843375)
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    • Charles S. Jacobs 著 /2010-04-01/ Penguin
    • How brain science is transforming the way we manage Why is it so hard for managers to get the results they want?According to the latest brain science, it's because most of whatthey do produces the opposite of what they expect. Appeals toreason fall short, for our decisions are made emotionally, andlogic is at best an after-the-fact justification for what we'vealready determined to do. That's just one of the many amazing discoveries that explain whymanagement is so challenging. but as Charles Jacobs explains, oncewe understand the lessons of neuroscience, we're able to createmore powerful strategies, inspire people to maximize theirpotential, and overcome the biggest hurdle to improving businessperformance-making change stick.

    • ¥66.3 折扣:6.5折
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    • Michael Dobson 著 /2010-07-01/
    • The seven essential tools for keeping projects on time andunder budget You're executing risk management, leadership, and planning--allhallmarks of outstanding project management. And yet you're stillhaving trouble keeping your projects on schedule. Creative Project Management adds two new elements to the mix:creativity and innovation. Internationally renowned project management consultants MichaelDobson and Ted Leemann combine traditional project managementskills, such as risk evaluation, decision-making, and humandynamics, with outside-the-box thinking and business creativity.They provide seven new tools and approaches you can apply to anyproject. The methods discussed inside Creative Project Management show youhow to: Realistically imagine the outcome of your decisions Work with--and around--the realities and constraints that affectyour decisions Read and predict trends Manage the long- and short-term ramifications of yourdecisions Evaluate the im

    • ¥123.2 折扣:8.8折
    • 走进法学院(策略指南)Get Into Law School : A Strategic Approach
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    • Kaplan 著 /2003-12-01/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • Choosing and getting into the right school is crucial to getting the most out of your law school years -- and your career as a lawyer. Kaplan has assembled an invaluable collection of expert advice in this practical guide to getting into law school. This excellent resource includes: Advice from admissions officers on writing persuasive personal statements, obtaining the best recommendations, preparing your application, and more. Expert guidance on choosing the best options for financing law school, including tips for financing law school, including tips on financial aid borrowing, and managing expenses. Specialized information for every student, information for every student, including minorities, women, gays and lesbians, the disabled, and others. Kaplan has helped more the 3 million people achieve their educational and career goals, With 185 centers and more the 1200 classroom locations throughout the United States and abroad, Kaplan provides a full range of services, including test pre

    • ¥48.4 折扣:8.8折
    • Microtrends(ISBN=9780446536431)
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    • Mark Penn 著 /2009-06-01/ Hachette
    • Mark Penn argues that the biggest trends in America are theMicrotrends, the smaller trends that go unnoticed or ignored. Onemillion people can create new market for a business, spark a socialmovement, or effect political change. In 1996, a microtrendidentified by Penn ("soccer moms") was crucial in re-electingPresident Clinton. With years of experience as one of world's mosthighly regarded pollsters, Mark Penn identifies the new microtrendssweeping the world: *Single women by choice: More often than ever before, they aren'twaiting for Mr. Right. They are raising children by themselves andbuying their own homes. *Splitters: A growing number of middle-class residents areshuttling between two homes, creating new communities and dynamicsin the real estate market. *Sun Haters: Environmentalists, skin cancer survivors, andparents concerned about the impact the sun is having on ourhealth. *Philo-semites: A growing number of people want to date Jewishmen and women. *Classical Musi

    • ¥44.9 折扣:6.5折
    • 管理学 Management
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    • Peter F. Drucker 著 /2007-11-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Management is an organized body of knowledge. "This book," in Peter Drucker'swords, "tries to equip the manager with the understanding, the thinking, the knowledge and the skills for today'sand also tomorrow's jobs." This management classic has been developed and tested during more than thirty years of teaching management in universities, in executive programs and seminars and through the author's close work with managers as a consultant for large and small businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools. Drucker discusses the tools and techniques of successful management practice that have been proven effective, and he makes them meaningful and easily accessible.

    • ¥146.2 折扣:7.9折
    • 奔驰的历史:ultimate history of Mircedes Benz
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    • Trevor Legate 著 /2008-01-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • Fully illustrated and highly detailed, The Ultimate History of Mercedes-Benz reveals the fascinating story of one of the world's most prestigious and desirable marques. Here are the stories behind all of the great cars the earliest engine-powered Motorwagens, the record-breaking Blitzen Benz, the famous Silver Arrows racing cars, the instantlyecognizable 300SL Gullwig model, the elegant sedans and sports cars of the late twentieth century, the tiny Smart city car, the fabulous Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, and many more.

    • ¥90.1 折扣:7.9折
    • Profit Mapping: A Tool for Aligning Operations with Future P
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    • Anil Menawat 编 /2006-06-01/
    • A wise manager knows that success only comes with operational excellence that is properly aligned with strategy. The challenge is knowing what actions to take and when to take them-navigating without knowing the impact of your actions on the bottom line is a risk you can't afford to take. Profit Mapping delivers a forward-looking management decision tool that allows you to proactively navigate business strategy and execution. The authors' exclusive ProFITMAP method is a navigation system for operations that has been used successfully with leading businesses such as Ford Motor Company and General Motors. It enables you to test the impact of any number of factors on operational execution-from product demand and mix changes to process and technology changes to resource limitations-prior to taking any action. ProFIT-MAP helps you make informed process and product decisions and reach your operational and product objectives by answering the following questions: Can it be done? Is it possible? If not, then wha

    • ¥256.5 折扣:7.5折
    • Drucker On Leadership: New Lessons From The Father of Modern
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    • William A. Cohen 著 /2009-11-01/ Wiley
    • A fresh look at vital lessons from "The Father of ModernManagement"-exploring Peter Drucker's teachings on leadership As weapproach what would have been his 100th birthday, the late PeterDrucker's management principles continue to be studied and appliedby managers all over the world. Though many seek his lessons on thecentral element of management-leadership-he in fact wroterelatively little under this actual subject heading. Now, for thefirst time, William A. Cohen, a former student of Drucker's and aleadership expert and author in his own right, brings togetherDrucker's reflections on leadership, culled from his 40 books andhundreds of articles. Explaining why there is so little know aboutDrucker's ideas on leadership, this book is a must-read forstudents and fans alike looking to lead better in today'sworld.

    • ¥191.2 折扣:7.9折
    • 记忆力的革命 Memory Power
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    • Scott Hagwood 著 /2007-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Ever forget where you put your car keys? Or forget a name five seconds after meeting someone? Forgetting is normal but not inevitable. Now, Scott Hagwood's Memory Power provides the solution. His amazingly easy-to-master guide shows you how to develop a great memory, no matter how weak you think yours is. Scott was just an average guy with a below-average memory who nevertheless went on to become a four-time National Memory Champion.

    • ¥70.4 折扣:8.8折
    • 21世纪领导力-六西格玛(签名珍藏本)The six sigma leader by Pete Pande
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    • Peter S. Pande 著 /2006-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Through impressive results, Six Sigma has proven to hundreds of organizations around the globe that settling for “good enough” won't work. Now Peter S. Pande, foremost expert on change leadership and coauthor of the bestselling The Six Sigma Way, challenges leaders to seek a new standard of leadership excllence and apply principles inspired by Six Sigma to take their companies to a new level. The Six Sigma Leader defines successful leadership in the 21st Century. With illustrative examples and proven strategies such as “The 10 Second Rule” (taking that extra time to make sure you're asking the right questions to get the information you need), the book offers techniques that link leadership improvement to real business results, and explores Six Sigma Leadership: the core principles of Six Sigma leadership and the 21st-century challenges of balance and flexibility Change and Constancy: the role of change in leadership and how to achieve greater return on your change portfolio

    • ¥167.5 折扣:7.9折