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    • 成功的领悟Reading Comprehension Success: In 20 Minutes a Day
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Elizabeth Chesla 著 /1998-12-01/
    • Good reading isn’t just about knowing the words. It’s about being able to understand what is being read and putting it to use. This fully updated edition of Reading Comprehension Success in 20 Minutes a Day guides the reader throughout the specific techniques of reading comprehension—from extracting the main ideas to "reading between the lines"—in an easy 20-step program. Each step takes just twenty minutes a day. This book is for anyone preparing to take a job-related exam that tests for reading comprehension skills. Included is a "Before and After" score-yourself test, to diagnose strengths and weaknesses and chart your progress.

    • ¥19.8 折扣:4.5折
    • 安利直销革命Amway
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Wilbur Cross 著 /2001-02-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Not just a business, but an opportunity for personal success and achievement, Amway has spread the old-fashioned American dream across the globe-from South America to the Pacific Rim. This definitive history of Amway delves deep into the heart and soul of the organization. It is an inspirational, motivational chronicle of the company as a whole-its ideology, goals, beliefs, ethics, and sense of values-filled with uplifting stories of people around the world whose lives have been totally transformed by the Amway philosophy.

    • ¥14.1 折扣:8.8折
    • 比较教育的学科发展与研究方法
    •   ( 48 条评论 )
    • 陈时见徐辉 主编 /2006-10-01/ 商务印书馆
    • 本书是比较教育研究丛书之一,是一部关于比较教育的理论研究专著。全书分为比较教育的学科发展和比较教育的研究方法两个部分,收入了众多关于比较教育方面颇有见地的研究性论文,适合教育研究人员参考学习。

    • ¥15 折扣:7.9折