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    • 高绩效教练原书第5版【正版】
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    • [英]约翰.惠特默 /2018-12-01/ 机械工业出版社
    • 一本提升团队绩效和领导力水平,激活组织的宝典!世界上最常用的教练模型——GROW模型的联合创始人惠特默爵士作品的全本。你的收获,会是你投入的800%。 《高绩效教练》第5版有以下三大特点: ,权威性 约翰·惠特默爵士是教练领域的先行者,本书是全球销量排名的教练书籍,长期被国际教练界誉为“教练领域的圣经”和标准,是全球数万教练和百万领导者的参考书。惠特默爵士开创性地提出了GROW模型,成为教练领域的奠基性模型,今天的很多教练模型,都源于GROW模型。GROW模型就是埃隆·马斯克倡导的教练领域的“性原理”。在流派纷纭的教练界,本书可谓“正本清源、大道至简”。 第二,系统性 本书第1版出版于20多年前,定义了教练职业,建立了教练职业的基本原则,分析了一个人改变的本质和作为教练的领导者的角色,系统阐述了教练的价值、教练的

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    • 安利直销革命Amway
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    • Wilbur Cross 著 /2001-02-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Not just a business, but an opportunity for personal success and achievement, Amway has spread the old-fashioned American dream across the globe-from South America to the Pacific Rim. This definitive history of Amway delves deep into the heart and soul of the organization. It is an inspirational, motivational chronicle of the company as a whole-its ideology, goals, beliefs, ethics, and sense of values-filled with uplifting stories of people around the world whose lives have been totally transformed by the Amway philosophy.

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    • J. Bonasia 著 /2000-12-01/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • In this book you'll learn the answers to these questions and much more. American Politics in the20th Century is the perfect book for anyone interested in the political history of the United States. You'll read about the formation of the "Bull Moose" Party right through to the formation of the Reform Party. You'll also read about the struggles by women and African-Americans to gain equal voting rights, in addition to the various scandals that threatened and destroyed political careers and presidential administrations. Along the way you'll meet dozens of political bosses, politicians, lobbyists, speechwriters, spin doctors, pollsters, campaign strategists and other political movers and shakers. It's remarkable to look back over the past century and examine how politics has evolved, as well as how it has stayed the same. The struggle for control is constant, while the rules and means of gaining control have been periodically changed in response to public demands. Each book in the 20th Century Series cont

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    • 比较教育的学科发展与研究方法
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    • 陈时见徐辉 主编 /2006-10-01/ 商务印书馆
    • 本书是比较教育研究丛书之一,是一部关于比较教育的理论研究专著。全书分为比较教育的学科发展和比较教育的研究方法两个部分,收入了众多关于比较教育方面颇有见地的研究性论文,适合教育研究人员参考学习。

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    • LAURIE, DONALD L. 著 /2001-08-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • If you're ever favored enough to catch a few minutes of a corporate CEO's time, and feel bold enough to ask what their job entails, chances are you'll hear something lofty about developing strategy, empowering employees, seeing the big picture. But if you ask to see their calendar for the past month, you'll probably find they've spent very little, if any, time doing those things. The look-at-last-month's-calendar trick was devised by Donald Laurie, a Boston-based management consultant, to help top executives figure out how best to lead their companies. Laurie sees a leader as the person who climbs out on the balcony and sees the company from above, the one who sees how all the parts connect to make a smoothly running machine. At the same time, if the leader stays up on that balcony for too much of the day, he or she can't hear the grumbling below. And what's being grumbled about is often the information that could save the CEO's job. As an example of this, Laurie relates the story of Xerox Corp. when it

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    • Tom Gorman 著 /1996-12-01/ Scribner
    • Gorman presents a detailed explanation of how to manage your career in a way that will work for you in the 1990s--in a world with dramatic structural change in most corporations, a new social contract between employer and employee, and different skills and attitudes required for most jobs. Multipreneuring is a label for success in modern business today, which requires individuals to be able to organize resources, manage their careers, and assume sensible risks in the same way that a business enterprise is run. With the goal of helping the readers develop a portable, self-contained professional identity, the author offers them guidelines to gain insight into who they are professionally and, with that insight, to learn how to become multipreneurs. Criteria for a multipreneur include independence from a single employer, ability to learn and apply many skills, flexibility and adaptability, and being proactive in terms of starting a project and seeing it through. This thought-provoking book cautions readers that i

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    • 生而为女人的1003件重要的事1003 Great Things about Being a Women
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    • Lisa Birnbach 著 /2005-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • It's great to be a woman . . . most of the time. Lisa Birnbach, Ann Hodgman, and Patty Marx have come up with 1,003 hilarious reasons why it's great all of the time. Pantyhose, high heels, lipstick, maxi pads, chocolate-all things feminine are covered. These three witty and wise women have delivered yet another hysterical list of 1,003 great things. Each writer has a unique (and much appreciated) take on being a modern-day woman. After all, today's females need to be tough, talented multitaskers with an amazing sense of humor-and that's just to compete with the males in grade school!

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    • 成功的领悟Reading Comprehension Success: In 20 Minutes a Day
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    • Elizabeth Chesla 著 /1998-12-01/
    • Good reading isn’t just about knowing the words. It’s about being able to understand what is being read and putting it to use. This fully updated edition of Reading Comprehension Success in 20 Minutes a Day guides the reader throughout the specific techniques of reading comprehension—from extracting the main ideas to "reading between the lines"—in an easy 20-step program. Each step takes just twenty minutes a day. This book is for anyone preparing to take a job-related exam that tests for reading comprehension skills. Included is a "Before and After" score-yourself test, to diagnose strengths and weaknesses and chart your progress.

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    • Kooler Design Studio 著 /2005-06-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Email a digital card? Not while we still have a creative bone in our body and Stamper's Warehouse has the skill and know-how to pack into this book. For a gift card that's as much a work of art as it is a greeting, Hidden Secrets shows the way. Multimedia, exotic fibers, secret pockets, hand-tinting-learn how to use these materials, techniques, and more to make cards that will be treasured for decades (and never discarded!).

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    • 本社 编 /2006-01-01/ Parragon
    • Stabilizing your spine through training your core muscles is a great step toward a healthier lifestyle. This book will supply you with all the information you need to get you arted,including an introduction to core stability, easy-to-follow exercises, and sample workouts to keep you challenged as you improve.

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