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    • 鬼吹灯2:龙岭迷窟【正版】
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    • 天下霸唱著 /2019-07-01/ 湖南文艺出版社
    • 全书以一本家传的秘书残卷为引,讲述胡八一、Shirley?杨、王胖子三人为解开部族消失的千古之谜,解读天下大山大川的脉搏,寻找一处处失落在大地深处的龙楼宝殿的故事。在他们的追寻下,历史的神秘面纱一层层被揭开……? 胡八一和胖子两人的后背上都长了一个眼球形印记,远在美国的Shirley?杨也有此异状。考古专家孙教授见到印记惊恐万分,只道:天机不可泄露。?

    • ¥12.2 ¥77.99 折扣:1.6折
    • 羊脂球 译林出版社
    •   ( 56 条评论 )
    • (法)莫泊桑 /2019-04-01/ 译林出版社
    • 本书精选法国著名作家莫泊桑的39篇中短篇小说,有《羊脂球》《我的叔叔于勒》《项链》等不朽名篇,内容丰富多彩,结构巧妙动人。

    • ¥18.6 ¥38 折扣:4.9折
    • 我明白你会来,所以我等【正版】
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    • 沈从文著 /2015-11-01/ 江苏文艺出版社
    • 这是我一直都不懂的故事,也是我一直都不懂的世界。作者笔下的茶峒山城,只是一个边境小城,在故事里却仿佛真正成了一个被时间遗忘的安静角落。不管别处的人们如何不幸挣扎,生死存亡的恐慌感都似乎永远弥漫不到这里。热闹充满生气的小地方,妇人聚集的吊脚楼,负责摆渡的老船夫。在那里就连世俗为不齿的妓女,“也永远那么浑厚”。她们可以为了生计接待四川商人,也可以把所有的眼泪快乐牢牢地系在归期不定的水手身上,有着古代女子“拼将一生休,尽君一日欢”的勇气和无悔。 沈从文尽其所能地把这个世界展现在世人面前。然而,世界上本没有真正的“世外桃源”,即使是湘西这么一个纯朴、灵动的地域,依旧不能把握自己命运的不尽人意:爷爷的逝去,翠翠和傩送未果的爱情。翠翠的母亲如此,翠翠亦如此,在湘西小城、酉水岸边茶峒里

    • ¥9.71 ¥65.56 折扣:1.5折
    • 亚特兰蒂斯3:美丽新世界【放心购买】
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    • A.G.里德尔著;邢立达译;何锐译 /2014-12-01/ 四川文艺出版社
    • 七万年前,原始人类在濒临灭绝的严峻情况下勉强幸存,七万年后,拥有先进文明与高端科技的人类又再一次面临灭绝危机……瘟疫虽然有了最终的解药,伊麻里组织却依旧进逼着全世界,阿瑞斯更是引爆了遍布在南极洲周围的水雷,融化的古代冰层形成一场大洪水,迅速侵袭世界各地。此时,凯特跟大卫收到一组来自外层空间的加密信号,他们知道这段信号是阻止伊麻里的关键,必须尽快解开密码,于是,一行人穿过传送门来到了亚特兰蒂斯的烽火系统……随着亚特兰蒂斯记忆拼图的逐渐完成,人类世界起源的面纱即将揭开,过去与现在相互角力,的结局,人类将何去何从?

    • ¥41.85 ¥91.9 折扣:4.6折
    • 礼拜五或太平洋上的灵薄狱,(法)米歇尔·图尔尼埃,上海译文出版社【正版现货】
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    • (法)米歇尔·图尔尼埃 /2011-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 米歇尔·图尔尼埃(1924-),法国当代文学大师,当代著名的新寓言派文学的主将。他不仅是才华横溢的小说家,而且是睿智深刻的哲学家。西方批评界对他的小说以及融汇在小说中的现代哲学思想推崇备至,评价极高,认为他以自己独特的风格为法国小说开创了新局面。《礼拜五或太平洋上的灵薄狱》是他的代表作之一,发表当年即获法兰西学院文学大奖。 《礼拜五或太平洋上的灵薄狱》是一篇“现代文明衰亡记”的寓言,它戏仿笛福的名著《鲁滨孙漂流记》的题材,在主题上却反其道而行之。鲁滨孙孤独一人被弃荒岛后,按西方文明社会的模式将荒岛治理得井井有条。礼拜五来到荒岛后,非但没有被驯化为鲁滨孙的奴隶,反而以其自然的天性将文明的迹象破坏得一干二净,同时也慢慢影响了鲁滨孙,使这个西方文明的代表逐步抛弃了原有的文化传统,变成了一个能

    • ¥68.6 ¥295 折扣:2.3折
    • Blindness(ISBN=9780151002511)
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    • Jose Saramago 著 /2011-11-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • A city is hit by an epidemic of "white blindness" which sparesno one. Authorities confine the blind to an empty mental hospital,but there the criminal element holds everyone captive, stealingfood rations and raping women. There is one eyewitness to thisnightmare who guides seven strangers-among them a boy with nomother, a girl with dark glasses, a dog of tears-through the barrenstreets, and the procession becomes as uncanny as the surroundingsare harrowing. A magnificent parable of loss and disorientation anda vivid evocation of the horrors of the twentieth century,Blindness has swept the reading public with its powerful portrayalof man's worst appetites and weaknesses-and man's ultimatelyexhilarating spirit. The stunningly powerful novel of man's will tosurvive against all odds, by the winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize forLiterature

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    • INTENSITY(ISBN=9780553582918) 英文原版
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    • Dean Koontz 著 /2000-10-01/ Random House US
    • Past midnight, Chyna Shepherd, twenty- six, gazed out a moonlitwindow, unable to sleep on her first night in the Napa Valley homeof her best friend's family. Instinct proves reliable. A murderoussociopath, Edgler Forman Vess, has entered the house, intent onkilling everyone inside. A self-proclaimed "homicidal adventure,"Vess lives only to satisfy all appetites as they arise, to immensehimself in sensation, to live without fear, remorse or limits, tolive with intensity. Chyna is trapped in his deadly orbit. Chyna is a survivor, toughened by a lifelong struggle for safetyand self-respect. Now she will be tested as never before. At firsther sole aim is to get out alive-until, by chance, she learns theidentity of Vess's next intended victim, a faraway innocent onlyshe can save. Driven by a newly discovered thirst for meaningbeyond mere self-preservation, Chyna musters every inner resourceshe has to save an endangered girl—as moment by moment, theterrifying threat Edgler Foreman Vess intensifies.

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    • Heart of Darkness黑暗之心
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    • Joseph Conrad 著 /2008-08-01/ Penguin
    • Two of Conrad’s BEST-KNOWN works—in a single volume In this pair of literary voyages into the inner self, Joseph Conrad has written two of the most chilling, disturbing, and noteworthy pieces of fiction of the twentieth century.

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    • Strangers in Death(ISBN=9780425222898) 英文原版
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    • J.D. Robb 著 /2008-08-01/ Penguin
    • In bestseller Robb's slick 26th not-so-near-future crimethriller to feature Lt. Eve Dallas (after 2007's Creation inDeath ), the New York City homicide cop investigates the murderof business tycoon Thomas Anders, whose strangled body isdiscovered tied to his bed, apparently the victim of a kinky sexencounter gone bad. Aided by her mysterious husband, Roarke, andlong-time sidekick Det. Delia Peabody, Eve doggedly questionsAnders's widow, Ava, and his nephew, Benedict Forrest, number twoat the victim's corporation, Anders Worldwide. Both Ava andBenedict have alibis that put them far from the crime scene at thetime of Anders's death. While the guilty party soon becomes obviousand the gimmick used by the culprit clear to anyone familiar with Strangers on a Train , Robb's strong, hard-nosed heroine onceagain generates the kind of heat that keeps fans turning the pages. (Feb.) Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of ReedElsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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    • FRANKENSTEIN:PRODIGAL (ISBN=9780553587883)
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    • Dean KoontzKevin J. Anderson 著 /2005-01-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion About Dean Koontz's Frankenstein Dean Koontz's Frankenstein is the collective title of a series ofnovels co-written by Dean Koontz. Though technically of the mysteryor thriller genres, the novels also feature the trappings ofhorror, fantasy, and science fiction. From the celebrated imagination of Dean Koontz comes a powerfulreworking of one of the classic stories of all time. If you thinkyou know the story, you know only half the truth. Get ready for themystery, the myth, the terror, and the magic of… Dean Koontz's Prodigal Son Every city has secrets. But none as terrible as this. His name isDeucalion, a tattooed man of mysterious origin, asleight-of-reality artist who’s traveled the centuries with asecret worse than death. He arrives as a serial killer stalks thestreets, a killer who carefully selects his victims for thehumanity that is missing in himself. Detective Carson O’Connor iscool, cynical, and every bit as tough as she looks

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    • TICK TOCK(ISBN=9780553582925)
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    • Dean Koontz 著 /2000-10-01/ Random House US
    • Tommy Phan is a successful detective novelist living theAmerican Dream in southern California. One evening he comes home tofind a small rag doll on his doorstep. It's a simple doll, coveredentirely in white cloth, with crossed black stitches for the eyesand mouth, and another pair forming an X over the heart. Curious,he brings it inside. That night Tommy hears an odd popping soundand looks up to see the stitches breaking over the doll's heart.And in minutes the fabric of Tommy Phan's reality will be tornapart. Something terrifying emerges from the pristine white cloth,something that will follow Tommy wherever he goes. Something thathe can't destroy. It wants Tommy's life, and he doesn't know why.He has only one ally, a beautiful, strangely intuitive waitress hemeets by chance--or by a design far beyond his comprehension. Hehas too many questions, no answers, and very little time. Becausethe vicious and demonically clever doll has left this warning onTommy's computer screen: "The deadline is dawn."Tickt

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    • BEST SHORT STORIES OF O. HENRY(ISBN=9780679601227)
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    • O. Henry 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • The more than 600 stories written by O. Henry provided anembarrassment of riches for the compilers of this volume. The finalselection of the thirty-eight stories in this collection offers forthe reader's delight those tales honored almost unanimously byanthologists and those that represent, in variety and balance, thebest work of America's favorite storyteller. They are tales in hismost mellow, humorous, and ironic moods. They give the full rangeand flavor of the man born William Sydney Porter but knownthroughout the world as O. Henry, one of the great masters of theshort story.

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    • DUNE: HOUSE CORRINO(ISBN=9780553580334) 英文原版
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    • Kevin J. Anderson 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • The triumphant conclusion to the blockbuster trilogy that madescience fiction history In Dune: House Corrino Brian Herbert andKevin J. Anderson bring us the magnificent final chapter in theunforgettable saga begun in Dune: House Atreides and continued inDune: House Harkonnen. Here nobles and commoners, soldiers andslaves, wives and courtesans shape the amazing destiny of atumultuous universe. An epic saga of love and war, crime andpolitics, religion and revolution, this magnificent novel is afitting conclusion to a great science fiction trilogy ... and aninvaluable addition to the thrilling world of Frank Herbert'simmortal Dune. Dune: House Corrino Fearful of losing his precarioushold on the Golden Lion Throne, Shaddam IV, Emperor of a MillionWorlds, has devised a radical scheme to develop an alternative tomelange, the addictive spice that binds the Imperium together andthat can be found only on the desert world of Dune. In subterraneanlabs on the machine planet Ix, cruel Tleilaxu overlords use slavesa

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    • Suite 606(ISBN=9780425224441) 英文原版
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    • J.D. Robb 著 /2008-11-01/ Penguin
    • #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR Nora Roberts writing asJ.D. Robb headlines a hot new anthology of paranormalromance. FEATURING A NEW EVE DALLAS NOVELLA. J.D. Robb plunges Lieutenant Eve Dallas into the violentaftermath of a ritualistic murder. Mary Blayney, investigates a deception that has kept two loversapart for years. Ruth Ryan Langan brings a lost man out of a storm to face abreathtaking twist of fate. And Mary Kay McComas follows a mother, her son, and a wizard lostthrough the threads of time.

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    • FEAR NOTHING(ISBN=9780553579758)
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    • Dean Koontz 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Christopher Snow is the best-known resident of 12,000-strongMoonlight Bay, California. This is because 28-year-old Chris hasxeroderma pigmentosum (XP)--a light-sensitivity so severe that hecannot leave his house in daylight, cannot enter a normally-litroom, cannot sit at a computer. Chris's natural element is thenight, and his parents, both academics, chose to live in MoonlightBay because in a small town Chris can make the nightscape hisown--roaming freely through the town on his bike, surfing in themoonlight, exploring while most people sleep. But Chris's brilliantmother, a scientist, was killed in a car accident 2 years ago, andas the book opens his father, Steven Snow, is dying of cancer;Chris's protected life is about to change forever. We meet Chris ashe is carefully preparing himself to go out in the late-afternoonsun to visit the hospital. In his last moments of life his fathertells Chris he is "sorry" and that Chris should "fearnothing"--cryptic words that Chris cannot really relate to. StevenS

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    • TO THE FAR BLUE MOUNTAINS(ISBN=9780553276886) 英文原版
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    • Louis L Amour 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • In To the Far Blue Mountains," " Louis L'Amour weaves theunforgettable tale of a man who, after returning to his homeland,discovers that finding his way back to America may be impossible.Barnabas Sackett was leaving England to find his fortune in the NewWorld. But as he settled his affairs, he learned that a Royalwarrant had been sworn out against him, and that men were searchingfor him in every port. At issue were some rare gold coins Sackettsold to finance his trip to the Americas--coins believed to be partof a great treasure lost by King John years before. Believing thatSackett possesses the rest of the treasure, the Queen will stop atnothing to find him. If caught, not only will his dream of a lifein American be lost, he will be tortured and put to death on thegallows.

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    • Arnold Steinhardt 编 /2008-09-01/ Houghton Mifflin
    • A rapturous, witty, and passionate memoir ... Violin Dreams isnot only the story of a man becoming an artist, its a history oftwentieth-century music. John Guare, Tony Awardwinning playwrightArnold Steinhardt, for more than forty years an internationalsoloist and the first violinist of the Guarneri String Quartet,brings warmth, wit, and fascinating insider details to the story ofhis lifelong obsession with the violin, that most seductive andstunningly beautiful instrument. His story is rich with vividscenes: the terror inflicted by his early violin teachers, thesensual pleasure involved in the pursuit of the perfect violin, thecharged atmosphere of high-level competitions. Steinhardt describesBachs Chaconne as the holy grail for the solo violin, and heilluminates, from the perspective of an ardent owner of a greatStorioni violin, the history and mysteries of the renowned Italianviolinmakers. Violin Dreams includes a remarkable CD recording ofSteinhardt performing Bachs Partita in D Minor as a young vio

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    • STILL WATERS(ISBN=9780553292725) 英文原版
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    • Tami Hoag 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • The deepest waters hide the darkest secrets.... When the body ofa murdered man literally falls at Elizabeth Stuart's feet, she'sable to wash away the blood--but not the terror. Unwelcomenewcomers to Still Creek, Minnesota, she and her troubled teenageson are treated with suspicion by the locals, including thesheriff. Yet nothing will stop her from digging beneath the town'splacid surface for the truth--except the killer. Running from amessy divorce, Elizabeth believed buying a small-town newspaperoffered a fresh start for herself and her son. But idyllic StillCreek, nestled in the heart of lush Amish farmlands, hides secretsdangerous enough to push someone to commit murder. Now Elizabethmust risk everything to save herself and her son, and to unmask thekiller...before the current of evil flowing through Still Creekdrags her under. When Elizabeth Stuart searched for a quiet,peaceful home for herself and her son, Still Creek seemed perfect.Nestled in the heart of lush Amish farmlands, this small, idyllicMinnes

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