Thoroughly revised for its second edition, this advancedtextbook provides an introduction to the basic methods ofcomputational physics, and an overview of progress in several areasof scientific computing by relying on free software available fromCERN. The book begins by dealing with basic computational tools androutines, covering approximating functions, differential equations,spectral analysis, and matrix operations. Important concepts areillustrated by relevant examples at each stage. The author alsodiscusses more advanced topics, such as molecular dynamics,modeling continuous systems, Monte Carlo methods, genetic algorithmand programming, and numerical renormalization. It includes manymore exercises. This can be used as a textbook for eitherundergraduate or first-year graduate courses on computationalphysics or scientific computation. It will also be a usefulreference for anyone involved in computational research.
是不是准备把你的静态:HTML页面上升到新高度,想要使用PHP和MySQL构建数据库驱动的网站?《Head First PHP MySQL(中文版)》正是你需要的实践指南,可以让你很快地建立并运行动态网站。你可以具体动手构建真实的应用,包括从一个视频游戏高分公告板到一个在线约会网站等大量应用。读完《Head First PHP MySQL(中文版)》,你将学会如何验证表单,使用会话ID和cookie、完成数据库查询和联接、处理文件I/O操作等。我们认为,你的时间如此宝贵,不应过多地浪费在与新概念的斗争中。通过使用认知科学和学习理论的近期新研究成果,你将享受一种多感官学习体验,《Head First PHP MySQL(中文版)》采用了一种专门为你的大脑而设的丰富格式娓娓道来,而不是长篇累牍地说教,让你昏昏欲睡。
This book introduces and illustrates modeling, sensing, and control methods for analyzing, designing, and developing spherical motors. It systematically presents modelsfor establishing the relationships among the magnetic fields position/orientation and force/torque, while also providing time-efficient solutions to assist researchers and engineers in studying and developing these motors. In order to take full advantage of spherical motors’ compact structure in practical applications, sensing and control methods that utilize their magnetic fields and eliminate the need to install external sensors for feedback are proposed. Further, the book investigates for the first time spherical motors’force/torque manipulation capability, and proposes algorithms enabling the ball-joint-like end-effector for haptic use based on these motors’hybrid position/force actuation modes. While systematically presenting approaches to their design, sensing and control, the book also provides many examples illustrating the implem
本书是作者40年临床和科研经验的总结,内容涵盖股骨头坏死的中医基础理论、诊断方法、治疗方法、康复方法以及护理方法等诸多方面。不仅探索了股骨头再造的一般规律,提出了“结构修复、气血自通”、“髋关节修复准则”、“应力-力电法则”等新理论、新观点,而且创新了临床治疗方法。全书22章,附有精美图片,是一部理论优选、学说新颖、实用性强的医学论著。 黄克勤,北京皇城股骨头坏死专科医院院长、北京皇城股骨头坏死研究所所长、吉林市股骨头坏死专科医院院长,兼任中国民间中医医药研究开发协会常务副会长,中国人才骨伤学会资历会长,中华骨科学会副会长,为中华中医药学会师承导师。
Computers are one of the most important tools available tophysicists, whether for calculating and displaying results,simulating experiments, or solving complex systems of equations.Introducing students to computational physics, this textbook showshow to use computers to solve mathematical problems in physics andteaches students about choosing different numerical approaches. Italso introduces students to many of the programs and packagesavailable. The book relies solely on free software: the operatingsystem chosen is Linux, which comes with an excellent C++ compiler,and the graphical interface is the ROOT package available for freefrom CERN. This up-to-date, broad scope textbook is suitable forundergraduates starting on computational physics courses. Itincludes exercises and many examples of programs. Online resourcesat www.cambridge.org/0521828627 feature additional referenceinformation, solutions, and updates on new techniques, software andhardware used in physics.
论文写作是科技工作者的必修课,是科技工作者进行科学技术研究的重要手段,伴随着科研工作的全过程。针对目前研究生论文写作难,发表慢、数量少、质量低的问题,提高他们的写作技能是必需的。 张小红、鄢子平编著的《测绘科技论文中英文写作》共分7章,第1章对测绘科技论文写作的重要性,测绘科技论文的特性和分类,以及科技论文作者应有的基本素养进行了概述;第2章分析了测绘科技文献在科学研究和论文写作中的重要性,并以WebofScience数据库为例分析了文献检索的思路与方法;第3章主要分析了科技论文写作前的选题和构思;第4章是本书的重点,主要讲述了科技论文结构及各部分的写作方法与技巧;第5章主要介绍了测绘科技论文写作中图、表、量和单位符号的使用方法和常见问题;第6章论述了论文写作方面的具体要求和逻辑表达方法;第7章主要介